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Land Of F.E.A.R


Another prison flight, another perfect sky I damaged

Persephone laid awake in her bed for most of the night-the screams and shouts coming from next door weren’t helping matters and to be honest they were terrifying. As soon as she had noticed the shaggy haired boy in the window Perry instantly knew that it was Reese Frazer and that he and his family were in trouble. She remembered Reese instantly-he had been the boy she had been playing with that very last day of freedom…the day F.E.A.R took over their world.

She and Reese were always playing with one another since they were the same age and he had something of a crush on her. He was always teasing her, throwing dried mud balls at her and just picking and picking at her. But they both shared something now, even though neither one of them had spoken in years.

They both remembered what the world had been like before F.E.A.R…they both knew what it had been like to be free.

The screaming had finally stopped, but Perry just stayed in her bed, watching as the shadows danced across her ceiling and she sucked in a breath as the shadows grew and shrank with the movement of the clouds in the sky. She didn’t dare move and as soon as she had seen Reese in his window with that sign, Perry had rushed back in through her window with her heart pounding a mile a minute. Quickly she closed the window, locking it behind her as she jumped in to her bed and got underneath the covers. She hoped she hadn’t been seen by anyone other than Reese-it was bad enough that a Guard had seen her looking out her window…it would be even worse if they had seen her actually sitting outside.

Everything had stayed quiet, until finally the screaming started next door and Perry felt the tears come to her eyes as she laid in her bed and just listened.

The Frazers were a large family with five kids-Reese was the oldest of them all and Perry knew of an older sister named Meg, but she really knew nothing of the younger three. She only knew Reese and Meg because they would play together, but after being kept inside for fourteen years, Perry had no idea what any of them looked like. Reese looked kind of cute, but Perry couldn’t think of that right now. As she laid there, Persephone could hear Mrs. Frazer sobbing, begging, and pleading, but she had also heard screaming and Perry knew it was coming from Meg and the younger kids.

Finally as everything grew silent for a few seconds, Perry felt her curiosity get the best of her and she crawled out of bed, staying low to the floor as she moved to her window. She slowly pushed back her grey curtains and the first thing she saw was that the moon in the sky was full-a huge marble in an even bigger dark blue bathtub and Perry longed to sit outside her window and feel the breeze dance across her face. It never made sense to her why they couldn’t go outside-it wouldn’t hurt anything. As Perry let her eyes trail down from the moon and they landed off towards the street, she saw something that made her sick to her stomach…something she would never forget for as long as she lived.

Walking off in to the distance were a group of ten Guards, which wasn’t abnormal as they roamed the streets through the night until dawn finally appeared. Perry could tell they were Guards, even in the darkness, because of their long horns that curled towards the sky and the tall staffs that they carried in their black gloved hands. The site of them always made Perry mad-she hated those stupid Guards, but that’s not what was making her feel sick in that moment.

No-the site of five people, what looked to be two women and three smaller children holding their hands were being dragged by the group of Guards out towards the vast desert. The moon was bright enough for Perry to be able to tell that Reese wasn’t among his family and she was now wondering why they would leave him behind. Men were precious to F.E.A.R-even ones like Reese who misbehaved. Suddenly it hit Perry why Reese would be left behind…he was dead.

Perry felt like crying as she watched the group disappear west in to the desert, but she held it in-she couldn’t cry over people who she hardly knew. Perry looked out over the neighborhood-no one else had seemed to notice what was going on, there were only four other houses that had occupants right now and they were all sleeping, safe in their beds. As Perry kept her eyes on the street, she noticed that someone was stumbling around outside and she could barely hear a moaning noise coming from right below her window. Ducking back inside, Perry slid down the wall right below her window with her eyes shut tight, but then she snapped them open as she suddenly remembered…she had left her curtains open.

Fuck-if one of the Guards passed by and saw her curtains open her family would be next, but could she close them quick enough so that the person outside wouldn’t see her? As quick as she could Perry stood up and placed her hands on either one of the curtains-she hated the scratchy grey fabric. Everything in her life was grey-regulation grey and it made her sigh heavily. Why couldn’t they have colored things? What did it matter?

Perry only inhaled deeply and then moved to close the curtains, but before she could do so she noticed that someone was right below her window and they heard her call out something. She couldn’t hear and so with a quick look around to make sure no Guards had walked past, Perry cracked her window open and stuck her head out.

“Persephone?!” Someone-a boy- called out to her and Perry’s blue eyes only grew wide as she looked down and finally was able to make out who it was. Reese was alive, probably just barely, and he was standing right outside her bedroom window.

“Reese? Ar-are you okay?” She called down to the boy beneath her window. Perry was trying to keep her voice down and as calm as possible, but it was proving to be harder than she thought.

“I-I’m pretty beat up-can you help me?” He asked loudly and Perry bit down on her lower lip and closed her eyes. If she helped him there was a good chance that they could be seen and then her family would be next. But she also knew that if she didn’t help Reese that he could die-either from his wounds or he could be found by some Guards and killed.

“Can you climb up? There’s a drain pipe to your right that leads to the small roof right outside my window.” She called down to him and Perry stood there in silence as the boy began to climb towards her. She wanted to help Reese, but letting him in the house, let alone through the front door, was a huge risk for Persephone and her family.

“I’ll be right up!” He called to her and Perry only sighed, her bangs puffing out from her face as she moved away from the window and sat on her bed. The sheets were scratchy against her legs and Perry looked around her room sadly-it was so plain. She had some color from the posters and scarves, but still her sheets, curtains and clothes were all the same shade of grey.

Suddenly Perry found herself blushing as she realized that she had never had a boy in her room before. In fact she hadn’t been around a boy, besides her father, since she was five years old and playing outside.

Perry listened as the silence was filled with the harsh sounds of Reese groaning and grunting as he slowly made his way up the drain pipe. She knew he was hurt-how bad she wasn’t sure-but Perry couldn’t help but sigh in relief as finally a set of cut riddled hands gripped her windowsill. Perry reached out, moving from her bed, and took one of his hands in her own as she tried to help pull him inside as quickly as possible. Finally they had managed to get Reese inside and he was now standing before her and Perry couldn’t help but blush.

Reese was tall-about a foot taller than her-and Perry blushed even more as her blue eyes met green ones in the near darkness. His shaggy blonde hair was in his face and Perry realized that the light was dimming-F.E.A.R must be testing their power supply again. Perry moved, dropping his hand as she headed over to the window to shut everything so that they couldn’t be seen. As she moved around, closing the curtains, Perry could hear Reese’s ragged breath and before coming back to stand in front of him she moved to a nearby desk and flipped the light on. What she saw when she looked up at Reese made Perry gasp and hold her hands up to her face.

One of his gorgeous green eyes was beginning to swell, his lip was cut up in one corner and bleeding slightly and Perry could see that one of his cheekbones had a nasty bruise forming and it looked a little out of shape. They clearly beat the shit out of him and Perry was now at a loss for words. How could they do this? F.E.A.R-while controlling-always said that they were there to protect. This didn’t look like protecting-this looked like a bunch of grown men attacking a teenager for defending his family. Perry said nothing as she pushed Reese down to her small bed and then rushed from the room silently.

Perry knew her parents and Mags were sound asleep-bed time was ten sharp and the hall clock outside of the bathroom had just struck one am before Reese had come in to her room. Perry moved around the house, jumping as shadows danced across the hall floor and she was careful to avoid the second step before the landing because it squeaked and she didn’t want to make any noise. Quickly she was able to get the first aid kit from beneath the sink-leftover from her mother’s days as a nurse-and flee back up to her room. Reese was still sitting on her bed, looking around at her walls silently and Perry only smiled as she shut and locked her door before standing before the injured boy.

“I saw them take your mom and siblings…why did they leave you behind?” Perry asked as she reached out a hand and brushed a cloth against his bloody lip. Reese said nothing at first-he only hissed and closed his eyes, his blonde hair falling in his face and Perry just wanted to reach out and brush it behind his ears.

“They thought I was dead and I went ahead and let them think that. They took my mom and sisters and I know my dad is probably dead by this point…the bastards.” He sounded so sad and yet there was bitterness behind his voice. Perry stayed silent as she worked and soon enough she had him bandaged up as best as she could-her mother would probably redo everything in the morning.

“Do you know why they came?” Perry asked as she sat down on the bed beside Reese and looked at him. Without even thinking Reese moved his hand and soon enough Perry’s small hand was in one of his large ones and resting on the bed between them.

“Probably because my dad was giving supplies to the Legion of the Black.” Reese said as he looked over at her and their eyes locked. His eyes reminded Perry of the grass that used to cover their front yard…it was now dead and covered in dirt and sand. Perry thought over his words and she felt lost-she had no idea what he was talking about.

“Who?” She asked and Reese only smiled at her, his teeth bright white against the dim lighting in the room.

“The Legion of the Black-The Wild Ones? Any of this ringing a bell?” He asked and there was a hint of laughter in his voice. Perry smiled softly as she looked down and noticed that his grey pants and shirt were ripped. With four children the Frazer Family was obviously given a lot less and Reese probably had his dad’s hand-me-downs by now.

“No idea…” She said and Reese only smiled more as he reached out one finger towards her face. Perry held her breath-what was he doing? Soon he enough he had one of her red ringlet curls around his finger and they were both smiling at one another.

“Well you should know who they are Perry…” Reese was mocking her and Perry only sighed as she looked at him and he just shook his head.

“Well I don’t…so tell me.” She said and suddenly Reese got very serious.

“You should know them because your cousin Jinxx is one of the leaders of the Legion of the Black…a Wild One…a rebel fighter…” Reese said finally and in that moment Perry felt like all of the air had left her lungs.

What on Earth was going on?


Legion of the Black? Wild Ones? What on earth is Reese talking about? Are you guys liking this so far? Is it making sense? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or pm me.



Love the story Brandie! ;)

Andy'sSoul Andy'sSoul

OH MY GOD I LOVED THE ENDING lolzz I thought andy died and I may have shed a tear or 5 lolzz but this was an amazing story honestly you are an incredible writer :D

DarkAngel2013 DarkAngel2013


Good thought, but it won't happen. Andy lost his true love and Perry lost her's-they're just friends.

Broken Wing Broken Wing

@Andy Baby ;-;

I was hoping some people would react to that because that's exactly why I did it *evil grin*

Broken Wing Broken Wing


No slaying is needed haha

Broken Wing Broken Wing