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Land Of F.E.A.R

Lesson Learned

I am the chosen,
Wretched and Divine
I am the unspoken,
The one they left behind

The sky around the Jones house was just growing light-it was a Saturday morning and everyone was snuggled in their beds nice and tightly. The Wild Ones had been gone from their home for over a week, but Persephone Jones still felt their presence all around-especially Andy’s. More and more she found herself thinking about his offer-wondering if she should leave Wickenburg behind and try to find the Wild Ones and their Legion of the Black in the Desolate Desert. Sometimes she would sit at her window, the curtains pulled open slightly and Perry would stare off into the desert, trying to find any little sign of life out there.

There was nothing except the shadows of the Guards as they walked the streets and a few times Perry had had to duck down and try to keep from site. Now she was snuggled in Reese’s arms, his light snoring in her ear a soft hum and Perry smiled in her sleep-she was happy being with Reese. He protected her, kept her company and the most important thing of all-he understood her. No one else in the house understood Perry-they thought she was irresponsible and couldn’t be counted on. Her mother and sister were often found together and while Perry and her father had once been close, he was so stressed out these days that he kept to himself.

Even though all was peaceful and quiet in the Jones House, the sun was beginning to come up and with that Guards were lurking around every corner. They were slowly making their way down the dirt covered streets, stopping at every door and knocking until there was an answer. The only house that remained silent was the Jones House, but that was only short lived. The people lining the streets, their sleepy faces taking everything in, watched as the black robed Guards lined the streets and one lone Guard, his horns shattering the peaceful sky line, walked up to the front door and pounded on it fiercely. Inside Perry and Reese both jumped themselves awake, looking around and deep down Perry knew that nothing good could come from this.

“Reese?! What was that?” Perry asked as the bed cloths fell from her body and she began to look around wildly. Reese was sitting up in bed, his green eyes wide with fear and they both jumped as another knock sounded against the wood of the door.

“I-I don’t know.” He said and Perry could feel him shaking beside her. They were both terrified and they jumped as the attic door popped open and Maggie was standing in the doorway, tears streaming down her face.

“Mags?! What’s going on?!” Perry was up and out of the bed, running to her sister and the two girls collapsed against one another. Perry was holding her younger sister up and the girl was sobbing so hard that she could barely get the words out of her mouth.

“They-th…they’re here. The Guards are here and they’re searching houses.” Maggie had stopped crying just enough to get her words out and Perry felt her stomach clench. Someone had seen the guys leaving their house last week-that had to be it.

“O-okay. Reese, stay here, I’m sure this is just some drill.” Perry had a happy tone to her voice, but Maggie was just shaking her head. She looked at the couple before her, sadness in her eyes as she took in a deep breath.

“They said that everyone has to come out-everyone Persephone. They’re going to search the houses and if they find anyone hiding in them then the family will be taken and the house will be torched…with the hidden people still in it.” Maggie gulped and Perry looked over her shoulder at Reese. This was it-they knew he couldn’t hide forever.

“Alright-let’s go then.” Reese said, his voice strong as he took her hand and soon enough Persephone felt herself being pulled out of the attic.

The house was completely silent and she knew that her mother and father were outside-the front door was wide open and as Persephone finished walking down the stairs and followed Reese out in to the chill morning air, she felt terrified. All of their neighbors-ones who she hadn’t seen in forever-were all standing out in the street, some of them holding one another as the Guards paced back and forth. Persephone noticed that her mother and father were standing at the end of their driveway, his arms around her shoulders and her mother was crying softly. They were the last ones outside and once the three of them took their places near her mother and father, Perry noticed that everyone had grown silent.

The Guards were all walking towards them and as one passed, Perry could clearly see the long golden staff held in his black gloved hands. The end of it looked like a big sun with lots of spires coming off and in between were two thick bars. The Guards were dressed as they always were-long flowing black robes that were being dragged through the sand, their hands covered in thick black gloves and their faces and heads were hidden behind devilish looking masks that had great horns on the very top. They were terrifying and as Perry watched them walk back and forth, she felt in her heart that something terrible was about to happen.

“It has been brought to our attention that one of you has been hiding something from us-an illegal person of interest. This person should have been handed over to the Guards immediately and yet here he is-standing before me…healthy and alive.” One of the Guards-probably a Head Guard-had stopped right in front of Reese and Persephone, who had their arms wrapped around one another.

“It-it’s not their fault…” Reese said but he grew silent as the Guard kept walking, he large hands held behind his back.

“Silence! It has also been reported to us that the Wild Ones have been in Wickenburg and that they were seen coming and going from this home.” Perry noticed the Guard was now pointing towards her house and she found herself holding her breath.

“Who owns this house?!” The Guard shouted out in to the crowd and Perry just shut her eyes as she heard a shuffling from behind her and knew that her father was stepping forward.

“I do-James Kevin Jones. Number 01082013.” Her father spoke out and Perry felt the tears begin to fall down her cheeks. She kept her eyes closed, mostly because she didn’t want to think about what could possibly happen next.

“Very well. James Jones-do you admit to harboring a wanted man by the name of Reese Anthony Frazer? Number 07202010?” The Guard asked and Persephone couldn’t help but cry as she opened her eyes and looked around.

Her father was standing in front of them, his arms at his sides and Persephone could see that he was shaking. His hair was messy and she could see the wrinkles in his cloths from sleeping in them all night, but her father never wavered. He continued to stand there and Perry had to hold in the gasp as a hand reached out, grabbing him roughly as he was brought out into the middle of the street. Her mother was crying, sobbing, along with Maggie and Perry felt frightened as Reese tried to move away from her, but she held him in place.

If he went out there, then he would be taken as well and Perry couldn’t lose her father and her love in one single day. Her father was now being pushed to the ground, his hands behind his back and Perry felt her mother come up beside her, holding on to her as she sobbed. Persephone was crying, but she couldn’t show how scared she was-that was what they wanted…it’s what F.E.A.R fed on the most. Finally her father had been brought to his feet and now he was facing his family once again. He mouthed something to her mother, something Perry could barely make out, but it only made her cry even harder. Reese was shaking in anger beside her and as the Guard holding her father spoke out, Perry knew she couldn’t hold Reese back much longer.

“James Kevin Jones-you are being charged with treason against the Regent F.E.A.R. How do you plead?” The Guard asked and Perry felt her mother fall to her knees beside her, Maggie going with her as their father looked right at them and smiled softly.

“Guilty.” He said, his face stern as he locked eyes with Persephone. Their blue eyes met and Perry had to hold everything in to keep from running towards her father.

“Guilty! You will be taken to Head Quarters and punished as the Chancellor sees fit. Now-all of you…back in to your homes!” The Guard barked at them and Perry saw several people jump. Without even thinking about it, Perry let go of Reese’s hand and she cried out as he ran forward.

“No! No you can’t take him!” He was shouting as her father was being taken away and as Perry moved to run after him, she found herself being held back. Maggie had grabbed her legs and Perry was stuck standing by and watching everything unfold before her eyes.

“I will deal with you in a minute son-stand down.” The Guard who had sentenced her father had whipped around and Perry thought for a second that Reese was going to stop in his tracks. She was sadly mistaken and everyone gasped as he reached out, grabbed the Guard by the arm and tugged.

“I will not! He did nothing wrong! I’m the one you want!” The boy shouted and Perry could see her father staring Reese down, shaking his head slowly but it was too late. Soon enough the Guards who had been flanking the streets were coming for him and Reese just stood there, a sneer on his perfect lips.

“You know what-you’re right!” The Guard laughed as Reese was pushed down until his knees were against the hard pavement and Perry felt herself ready to collapse. Her mother and sister had both been able to stand and now as she watched the love of her life being punished, Persephone felt faint.

“Ladies and gentlemen-I would like for you to meet Reese Anthony Frazer! His father-Robert Dennis Frazer is now dead, due to his illegal activities with helping the Wild Ones and their pathetic Legion of the Black!” The Guard had picked Reese up by the back of his hair and was holding him up for everyone to see. Perry felt like she was going to pass out, but Maggie was somehow keeping her upright.

“Yes! Yes my father did help the Wild Ones and he would do it again…so would I! I do not fear you-you have no power over me anymore! I am a free man and your laws mean nothing to me!” Reese shouted out in to the crowd and the Guards all moved forward slightly. Perry begged silently for Reese to just shut up, but she knew it was too late.

“Our laws mean nothing?!” The Guard was now screaming, looking around wildly and Perry gasped as Reese was thrown to the ground, his pale face landing in the dirt and he could barely seem to lift his head up.

“Good people of Wickenburg! I am begging you-do not believe anything this traitor has to say! We are here to protect you and we mean you no harm! But! Should any of you even so much as think about going against us…well then this too shall be your fate!” The Guard screamed at them all and Perry screamed as he pulled out a small black object and pointed it to Reese’s head.

Long. Live. F.E.A.R!” The Guard shouted and then there were two gunshots shattering the utter silence and Persephone screamed as Reese’s body twitched on the ground and then he grew deathly still.

Marguerite and her mother were both holding Perry up as she watched her father being dragged off to the desert, his hands still clasped behind his back. The terrifying thing was to watch Reese’s lifeless body being dragged right behind him, his messy blonde hair growing dirtier and dirtier as it was dragged through the dirt.

This was the end of everything for her and Persephone knew…she would not survive the heartbreak.


Wait...what just happened? What's going to happen? Is this the catalyst for Perry leaving? Or will she stay and wallow in her sorrows? I guess F.E.A.R. isn't the peaceful governing body that they claim to be.


PS. I have a new collection of songfics out and would love it if you guys would give the first chapter a look, maybe review, vote and subscribe<3
Sing And Celebrate Your Life


Love the story Brandie! ;)

Andy'sSoul Andy'sSoul

OH MY GOD I LOVED THE ENDING lolzz I thought andy died and I may have shed a tear or 5 lolzz but this was an amazing story honestly you are an incredible writer :D

DarkAngel2013 DarkAngel2013


Good thought, but it won't happen. Andy lost his true love and Perry lost her's-they're just friends.

Broken Wing Broken Wing

@Andy Baby ;-;

I was hoping some people would react to that because that's exactly why I did it *evil grin*

Broken Wing Broken Wing


No slaying is needed haha

Broken Wing Broken Wing