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Chapter 2- Art trip

Amiee's P.O.V

I thought I would be excited today since its the art trip, but early mornings and back breaking bus rides aren't exactly my thing. I'm currently on a bus with Eleanor asleep on my legs and attempting to use my bag as a pillow against the cold bus window; and of course that one kid who just spends his time kicking the chair in front, is sat behind me. Oh the mother fucking joy.

If the teachers knew what I was thinking right now they'd probably give me a huge talk about being positive and looking on the brightside. All I can say to that is 'No can do bitch'. As you can tell I absolutely love the teachers at school. Note sarcasm; I swear it's my second language.

Suddenly the bus hits a bump that shakes the vehicle, waking Eleanor in the making. She groans and sits up shielding her eyes with one hand and rubbing her back with the other.

"Uhh my back kills." She complains, stretching and yawning in attempt to slowly wake herself properly.

"No wonder. I highly doubt that that was the comfiest of positions to sleep in." I state. Eleanor shuffles around trying to get comfy in her seat, almost punching my in the face while doing so. I huff and she rolls her eyes and apologizes.

Soon people start becoming restless and extremely bored (if they weren't already), and the popular groups of people begin messing around and playing truth or dare and stuff like that. Those of us who would rather not lose their virginity on a bus, sit quietly sleeping, listening to music or just simply staring out of the window into space.

I take a look around the bus my eyes passing over Jade and Veronica, then the popular kids, before finally resting on the real reason I was sat in a back breaking chair on a rusty bus that is falling to pieces. Christian Mora.

I don't know what it is that makes him stand out so much. Maybe it's the way his cheekbones stand perfectly on his face. Or the way strands of his silky raven hair would fall in his eyes while the rest stays spiked to perfection.Sure his friends, Andy, Ashley, Jake and Jinxx were good looking guys, but none of them stood out like he did.

Suddenly I snap out of my thoughts realizing that I've been staring at Christian for an excessive amount of time. My eyes widen when Ashley points in my direction and they all turn to face me. I quickly turn back around and Eleanor gives me a 'WTF' look.

"Are they still looking?" I whisper to her. She turns her body to face me.

"Who?" Her eyebrows are crinkled and her face is slightly scrunched up in confusion.

"Um, 5 gorgeous guys that look like they just fell from heaven." I say in a 'I can't believe you don't know that' way. Eleanor whips her head around to face them before turning to face me, grinning like cheshire cat.

"They're still looking." She says chewing her lip excitedly.

"Then why are you smiling?!" I question confused by her behaviour. She sighs and laughs lightly.

"Because that means that they're interested." She explains. I roll my eyes at her.

"No it doesn-" I'm cut of by a deep voice that I recognise is none other than Andy Biersack's.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt you, um do you mind if me and my friends move over here? Those popular kids are really annoying." He questions. All I can do is stare, I've never been good meeting new people and it was sure showing now.

"Sure feel free. I feel sorry for you sat so close to them dicks and sluts." Eleanor replies. Andy laughs lightly at her comment, then motions for his friends to come over. I give Eleanor a 'holy shit I think I'm gonna die' look which makes her laugh.

Andy stands up to let the person in the seat behind me move and Andy's friends to sit there. I turn my head slightly more and fell my heart jump out of my chest. I look at Eleanor who is giving me childish 'ooh your crush is behind you' faces. I kick her shin making shout out in pain.

"Hey girls what ya doing?" Veronica asks turning around in her seat, followed by Jade. Their faces slowly morph into a excited face when they see who is sat behind us.

"So ladies. Um how ya doing?" Andy asks. Without thinking I reply, turning in my seat to face the aisle of the bus.

"About as good as you can be sat on a bus thats falling to pieces, whilst your arse is going dead and your back is breaking from the seat, AND there's a bunch annoying idiots messing around behind you." Andy and Christian laugh lightly at my response. I swear I just died of cuteness overload.

"I'll take that as a could be better then. I'm Andy." Andy holds his hand out to us. Eleanor Shakes it, then me, then Jade and Veronica.

"Eleanor." Eleanor says smiling.

"Veronica and this is Jade." V introduces smiling widely. Jade simply say hi.

"Christian." A husky voice speaks from beside me. I turn my head to face the beautiful man. "And you are?" He questions smiling softly at me.

"U-uh, Amiee." I stutter. Ugh fuck me and my stupid stuttering.

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." He responds making my cheeks flush a bright ferocious red. Suddenly the bus stops and my body jerks sideways. Luckily I am able to stop myself from falling into the seats in front.

"Attention students. We have reached our destination. Please can you grab all your belongings and exit the bus and wait for your next orders." The teacher, Mr Lee, orders.

"It's too bad we didn't get much time to talk." Christian says before standing and exiting the bus. Me and the girls follow behind after Andy and Ashley.


So yeah a few people have seemed to like the first chapter so here's a second. Thanks for reading, hopefully you liked it :) Sorry if there's any mistakes


i love it so much XD
Omg update pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase
I can't wait to find out what happens :)
This story is awesome! I cant wait to read more, update soon! Its really good :3
Lost_it-All Lost_it-All