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The Wrong Side Of Heaven

Fallen Angel

My name is Andrew Biersack. Im 15 and a 10th grader in high school. most people call me Andy, Im bullied to the point i wish i could disapear, but there is one thing that is keeping me alive. Ashley, my step brother. His mother found me when i was all alone. Im living with Ash and his mom. I giggled to myself thinking of the nick name i gave Ashley. He said he hates his name, so i call him Ash. ‘ANDY!’ Ash shouted and i imeditetly snapped out of my thoughts. ‘Hey wake up, i know its early and its the first day of school, but we’re ganna be late.’
‘okay, okay. Im coming.’ going back to my thoughts. I dreaded going to school, i knew this year would be bad too. I huried getting dressed, putting on a thin layer of eyeliner and wearing some black ripped skinny jeans and a misfits shirt. Ash yelled at me again telling me to hurry it up. ‘IM COMING!’ I said slightly pissed that he wouldn’t stop bugging me. Like i cared if i was late for school, i didn’t even want to go anyway. I ran down the stairs knowing Ash would scold me if he was late. Wow i thought to myself. He’s so perfect. I found myself getting red. ‘Whats the matter Andy?’ ‘N-Nothing!’ He looked at me akwardly and laughed. ‘Well we better get going Ash, your ganna make us be late!’ I said teasingly and he smiled at me a chuckled. He’s so cute when he smiles. Wait! What was i thinking?! He’s my brother.. ‘Andy the bus is here!’ Ash called out to me and i ran up to him. I don’t see why we have to ride the bus. We could just walk. Ash got in front of me and lead us to a seat that was empty so i could sit by him. ‘Hey! Look its the emo fags!’ I knew who it was by just the voice of him. It was Deric. Why did he have to fail? Just to make me misrable? Ash didnt really pay attention beacuse he was listening to music. Ash doesn’t know about Deric, and i hope to keep it that way. The bus stopped and me and Ash was the last ones off. Deric stayed behind just to make fun of me, he smacked me in the head. It hadn’t hurt. He’s put me into more pain than that. Luckly Ash was stairing out the window, examining the new high schoolers. We made our way off of the bus, and walked in the school, but what i didn’t realize is that a new hell was waiting for me.


Hey! sorry i had to upload it again cuz i deleted it by accident XD


So i only just found this story, read it all and would love to read more. So if you can please update XD
this story is awesome and i would really like to keep reading it

Ninja.Kitty.26 Ninja.Kitty.26

You should update.... Slender man might turn around and grab you.

BVB bitch BVB bitch

Damn...I'm addicted to this! can't wait for the next update.

Havic Fortuna Havic Fortuna

Bitch please you think slendy can help you? *channels inner Jeff the Killer then steps to the side revealing Jeff himself, we take hands, smile wide and say 'go to sleep..'* haha x3 seriously though great chapter I loved it

foreverawildone foreverawildone

Wow love this can't wait for the next chapter :

foreverawildone foreverawildone