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We Will Be Unbroken

Call me, maybe?

With everything happening with Ashley, Marilyn was stressed and overwhelmed. Not only was Ashley stealing her pain killers but she found out that he had some serious feelings for her.

"He claimed it was just a phase." CC said.

"Kissing me and then stealing drugs because he kissed me is not a phase. It's a problem. He's going to get hooked on those real fast. I did." Marilyn said, walking over to stand in front of CC's bunk where he was.

"I guess. God, Marilyn, you have guys practically throwing themselves at you!"

"I can't help it that I'm just so irresistible!" Marilyn joked.

"Seriously, though. First Andy, then Ronnie and now Ashley. I wish I had girls falling all over my like that."

"Oh, trust me, you don't."

CC looked confused.

"At the end of the day, you have to decide which guy is best for you and know that you're going to break a few hearts."

"Well, being the heart breaker seems like it would be a lot better than getting your heart broken. I've dealt with that plenty of times... And anyway, aren't you back with Andy now?"

"I never said that. Just because we're being civil with each other doesn't mean we're back together."

"Oh, well that's not what he thinks. He's been going around telling everyone that you guys are back together."

"Seriously? What the fu-"

Marilyn's phone started ringing.


It was Ronnie.

"Hey, what are you up to?"

"Stressing out."

"Aw, why?"

"I'd...I'd rather not talk about it here. I'll tell you later."

"Well, how about you come over to my bus for a couple hours and you can tell me?"

"Right now?"

"Duh, yes now."

"I don't need your sass, mister."

Ronnie laughed. "Oh, soorry."

"Alright, I'll be right over."

"Andy?" CC guessed.

"No, Ronnie."

"Ooh! Marilyn and Ronnie sitting in a tree. K-I-S-"

Marilyn took a pillow off the couch and threw it at him.


Marilyn smirked. "Oh, I wanted to ask you, how's things with Andrea?"

"Good. We're hanging out in a little bit."


Marilyn turned to leave. She had just reached the bus door and when she heard CC yell.

"Oh, yes! I just sent the best text ever!"

Marilyn giggled as she walked outside into the parking lot and headed in the direction of Ronnie's bus. As she approached, she heard music pumping and recognized the tune. She opened the door of the bus and walked on to find Ronnie and Jacky singing along.

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy! But here's my number! So call me, maybe!

When Ronnie saw Marilyn standing there, he rushed over and turned the stereo off while Jacky, clearly oblivious to the fact that there was no music, kept jumping around and singing.

It's hard to look right at you baby! But here's my number, so call me, maybe!

"Um... Jacky..."

"Huh? Oh... Hi, Marilyn..."

"Wow, big tatted up rock stars like yourselves, dancing to that song? What's next? What makes you beautiful by One Direction?"

"Oh, shut up..." Ronnie said. "I like the song... Didn't you see my tweet?"

"Oh, that. Yeah, I did see that actually. So, is that why you called me over? So we could have a big dance party?"

Ronnie laughed. "No, actually. I got you something."


"You know how the boys and I got those 'Falling In Reverse' vests that the lovely Jacky happens to be modeling right now?"

Jacky struck a pose and then walked down the hallway like a runway model. They all laughed as Ronnie continued.

"Well, here. I got you this."

He handed her a jean vest just like Jacky's.

"Look at the back."

She turned it over and saw the same wolf as the band's vests but instead of her's saying 'Falling In Reverse' it said 'FIR Girl'.

"Oh, my god. Ronnie... I..."

"Do you like it?"

"Of course I do! You really didn't have to do this for me."

"I wanted to."

They sat down on the couch.

"And you know what else I want to do?"



Ronnie gently pressed his lips against hers and he felt her smile into the kiss.

"It's not cheating now, is it." He mumbled against her lips.

Marilyn sighed and pulled away. "I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship, Ronnie."

"Then let's just hook up."

"That's kind of risky, isn't it?"

"Not if we end up together."

Marilyn thought for a minute. She really did like Ronnie and it would be a good way to set Andy straight.

"Alright." She agreed.

Ronnie leaned in again but Marilyn put her hand on his face and pushed him away. Ronnie pouted and Marilyn laughed at his facial expression.

"Before we do this, I want you to tell me something."


"Tell me about your past."


oh so there wasnt a trilagy okay i couldnt find one and i thought there woulsd be one its fine just a thoughtn

Um, I mean, I never did write a third installment of this and it's like close to 2 years old now. If a lot of people want more, I suppose I could right a third part to it.

thatscalledyes thatscalledyes

what no trilagy?

I loved this story!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
BVB_Lover1324 BVB_Lover1324
Loved it :) why not make another sequal or something xd
xEmmaBVBx xEmmaBVBx