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What's Your Favorite Type Of FanFiction?

As you know, there are different types of FanFiction out there. What type is your favorite? If you need help, here are some examples.

Fantasy- This usually includes the characters having to do with something like witches, vampires, or something like that.
BxB/GxG- This is where it is either a lesbian or gay love story.
Horror- It could have something to do with a murder scene.
Drama- There is a lot of on and off stuff.

There are many more, but I couldn't possibly name them all. Post your favorite below and an explanation.

Andy'sSoul Andy'sSoul

My favorite is between fantasy, drama and Horror.. :D

Andy'sGirl_BVB Andy'sGirl_BVB

My Fantasy is Horror because i love the sight of blood and Vampires it excites me to see blood and goar.... :D

Arya Dezaray Arya Dezaray

My favorite is probably the type that I write which would be romance/drama BxOFC since (sorry but) I cannot stand slash of any kind. I do think fantasy is interesting, especially if it's written well and it's got a unique plot and not something generic like vampires or werewolves. I have read some erotic stories in my search of fan fictions and I find that the ones are extremely well written are the best ones. They don't have to be graphic/pornographic to be good. I find that the sluttier your erotic story is, the grosser it is. It's gotta be written well, otherwise, I can't read it.