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Another Ferguson

UGH!! I Have to Go to the Hospital NOW?!!!

Jinxx POV:
Ashley groans from the other room ans I can hear CC telling him to be quiet. I roll over and grimace in pain. My head is pounding and I stumble up into the kitchen to find some painkillers. I hear some crashing before I enter the kitchen and hear Andy curse under his breathe as I stumble into the room. The rest of the guys are sitting around the room in various states of hangovers.
*****TIME SKIP*****
By the time lunch rolls around we're pretty much okay but every once in awhile my head pounds. We head outside the bus to get some air and I hear Ashley curse out loud.
"HOLY SH*T what happened to her?!" Ashley yells alerting the rest of us. We head outside to investigate and the moment I see her I know for a fact that this girl is my sister. Last night I wasn't sure because of the darkness but now without a doubt she is my sister. She has the same nose, mouth, eyes, and face. I push through the small crowd of celebrities that are beginning to gather. Rushing forward I fall to my knees and grab her shoulders.
""DELUXE!! DELUXE!!! ELENA!! Come on wake up..." I yell at her. Slowly, I see her eyes open and look up at me. I can see a flash of recognition in her eyes and before I know it, she has wrapped her arms around me in a hug. Awkwardly, I wrap her arms around her as well as my band mates exchange confused glances. When they motion for me to talk to her, I shake my head and mouth a no because I know that Deluxe will simply want me to hold her and talking will agitate her, especially in this state. i can faintly hear someone call an ambulance and before I know it sirens are blasting around us. Suddenly, Deluxe pulls away and coughs into her hands. My eyes widen as a I see blood stain her pale hands.
"Oh my god!" I yell and grab her hands to examine the blood. But she pulls away and scoots away. Some emergency nurses grab her and I mentally slap them because I know that she will resist and fight them. As if proving I am correct, Deluxe whips around and hits one of them in the face. He stumbles back with his nose clutched in his hands as other nurses surge forward to calm her. They don't understand that she will just become more agitated. As more nurses grab hold of her she thrashes and kicks.
"Stop!" I yell, "You're only making it worse!" I shove nurses out of the way and grab hold of her arm. She calms at my touch and before I can stop him, a nurse rushes forward and sticks a tranquilizer in her arm. She drops into my arms. The nurses lift her onto a stretcher while others pull restraining straps around her body. The nurses beckon me to come forward into the truck with them. The rest of the band follows and reluctantly, the nurses let them into the truck with me. Sitting down in one of the plastic chairs that line the small open space beside the stretcher, I grasp her hand and watch her chest rise and fall with her breathing.
Deluxe POV:
When I wake up, there are flashing lights and my head hurts like hell. I can hear someone's familiar voice calling my name.
"DELUXE!! DELUXE!!! ELENA!! Come on wake up..." a familiar voice says as someone shakes me. I wrench open my eyes and see blurry figures surrounding me. I blink a couple times as sunlight flashes down at me. As the blurry figure begins to come into focus, the face of Jinxx comes into view. With a gasp I wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel him wrap his arms around me as well and I clutch him closer. Then the pain begins to spread from the gash on my arm.
With a gasp I cough into my hands as I pulled away from Jinxx. As I look down at my hands, the bright flash of crimson staining my hands catches my eye.
"Oh god!" Jinxx yells and grabs me by my hands. I pull my hands away and a couple emergency nurses grab hold of me. In a panic, I spin around and hit one of them in the face. As instinct takes over my already panicked state, the real me shrinks back into my shell as the fighting me emerges to defend me. I continue resisting until Jinxx gets close enough to calm me down. As Jinxx hugs me I begin to calm down and there is a prick in my arm before the world turns black.
Jinxx POV:
The screaming of sirens is abruptly turned off as we pull into the parking lot by the hospital. They throw open the doors to the truck and begin to wheel the stretcher out. The rest of us follow as we rush through the halls to a room. There are doctors shouting that she had lost a lot of blood and other nonsense. Wheeling down into a room we are ushered out of the room for a moment. After the panicking has calmed down, we are let back inside.
I can hear the steady beep of the heart monitor and I pull up a chair next to the bed. The rest of the band left for now to get some food but I want to be here when Deluxe wakes up. Seeing her so weak after she was presumed dead 10 years ago breaks my heart. There is an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose while special antibiotics are hooked up to help her. I remember now how Mother and I would help her through her asthma attacks. She has lost a lot of blood and 2 of her ribs are cracked as well as a sprained ankle. The gash on her arm is infected and is wrapped in bandages for now.
Her eyes slowly begin to flutter open. She groans and tries to move her arm. My eyes flick over to where the emergency tranquilizing button is, but then I avert my gaze back to her.
"How are you feeling?" I ask carefully placing my hand on her forehead to check her temperature.
"Honestly, like the devil just whacked me in the face," Deluxe replies bluntly.
"You know I'll have to tell the rest of the band right?" I ask her cautiously. The moment I say that I see her eyes flash as she realizes she's in the hospital. Her gaze travels to the tubes in her arms and she begins to reach for them. I grab her arm and tell her,
"It's for your own good okay?" She looks up at me and nods slightly as she sinks back into the pillows.
"Yeah, you can tell them," her soft voice says roughly. I've missed the sound of her voice.
"Mother! She's having an attack again!" I scream. Deluxe is on the ground gasping with her hands gripping the carpet. Mother rushes in with a wet rag in hand.
"Shh, shh honey it's okay," my mother soothes while I hug my little sister. She is so weak when she has these attacks and it makes my heartbreak to see her suffering with no way I can help. I am sad that later she will be heading out with Mother to see a concert. We didn't have enough for all of us and I gave up my turn for Deluxe. I pat her back as she coughs and splutters.
After a couple minutes Deluxe leans against the table. She walks over to the door with Mother and Mother kisses me on the head telling me that they will be home by 6:00. I nod and hug them both.

*****Time skip******
I stumbled back into the wall as the realization of what the cops had just said sunk in. My beautiful Mother and adorable sister are dead. With a silent cry, I slide down to the ground. I push everyone away and hide in my room. I hear people shout after me and call out but I ignore them as I curl up in the bathroom that connects my room to my sister's. Peering through the small keyhole to my sister's room I feel a pang of sadness. She really is gone.
<<em>End of Flashback>
Deluxe closes her eyes again and I pat her arm as I stand up. I walk over to the door only to have it opened before I touch the handle. The rest of the guys spill into the room each holding a bag of food.
"Here," Jake says handing me a bag of food. Behind them I can see the doctor following with an exasperated expression on his face. Andy's gaze follows mine and he chuckles.
"Yeah, I'm not sure he approves of our fashion," Andy says with a grin and I crack a smile myself. The doctor quickly storms into the room.
"You know that you can't be here all at once!!" he yells and CC rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. The doctor begins to lightly push the rest of the band out until a voice stops him.
"They can stay, Doc," Deluxe says quietly from the bed without opening her eyes. Reluctantly, the doctor agrees and walks over to her. He looks her over and then nods at her in satisfaction while he shoots a disgusted glare at the clothes and jewelry that the band is wearing. CC laughs openly and I grin myself. With everyone in the hospital prim and proper I would guess they disaprove of our fashion sense. With a sigh, I look back to the band.
"Well we have something to tell you-" I begin before Ashley interrupts me.
"Who is we?" He questions as everyone takes a seat on the cheap plastic chairs. I gesture to myself and Deluxe who is now sitting up in a pile of pillows. From the corner of my eye, I can see her playing with the spider bites on her lip that Mother had gotten her for her tenth birthday. Everyone nods and I continue.
"Well...you all know how my mom and my sister died when I was 20 in a car crash, right?" everyone nods and I continue, "Well my sister...she isn't dead."



yes, please update