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The Cost Of Winning

Do Something For Me ?


I wake up with the feeling that I'm being watched , so I open my eyes and find Brenna standing next to the bed , with her face only a couple of inches from mine . "You is woked now , Mommy ?" , she asks .

"Yes , sweetie , I'm awake . Did you need something ?"

"Daddy ams gonna makes beffast , and him want me to ast yous if yous wants he to come and gives yous some helps before him do it ?"

I sit up , and pull myself out of bed , and I'm relieved to find out that I can actually move reasonably well today . It's kind of odd to think that I feel better right now than I did the entire time I was out of the hospital after the first surgery . "No , Smidge , I think I'm good . Why don't you go tell Daddy that I'm going to go to the bathroom , and I'll be out for breakfast in a couple of minutes ."

"No , Mommy . Me waits for yous , and we cans walks togedders . Then you don'ts falls down some more ." , she says , crossing her arms over her chest and sticking out her chin .

I go to the bathroom , and then clean up and brush my teeth , before I come back out to see Bren with her elbows on the mattress , propping her chin on her little fists . "You is gone long time , Mommy . Why is grewed - up peoples in the bafwoom for wots of long time ? Daddy is in the bafwoom lots when we's goin' byebye , makin' hims hair all poky ."

I giggle as I reach out , and she grabs my hand . "If you think that takes a long time , you should see how long it takes for him and your uncles to paint themselves up for a concert ." , I tell her as we walk down the hall .

"What that is ?" , she asks .

"What is what ?" , Ash inquires from the living room , where he's standing , looking down the hall at us . "I was just about to come and see if everything was all right ."

"It's fine , Ash . I just wanted to brush my teeth and wash up a bit before breakfast ."

"Mommy say yous color on yous self for a conthert . What that is , Daddy ?" , Bren asks , in response to his question .

Picking her up , and carrying her into the kitchen , he explains , "Remember how I told you that your uncles and I play music for people ?" When she nods , he continues . "When a lot of people come , and listen while we play , that's called a concert . We'll be doing some more of them in awhile , and Mommy can bring you to some , so you can see us play ."

"But why yous color on yourselfs ?" , she quizzes him , as he puts her into her high chair .

"I guess we do it to be different , cutie . That way , everybody knows who we are , because we don't look the same as everybody else ."

After getting her settled , he pulls out a chair , and I sit down . After I'm seated , he leans down , kisses me on the cheek , and says , "Good morning , Fi . Did you sleep all right ?"

"Could've been better ." , I reply , giving him a little grin .

"Yeah , I know the feeling . We'll have to work on that later , when you're better ." , he smiles back .

He gets back to work on breakfast , and in fairly short order , we're all stuffing ourselves with scrambled eggs and waffles . He even remembered the strawberries , which Bren loves on her waffles , and when we're about halfway through , she looks up , with strawberry sauce smeared over half of her face , and asks , "Mommy , ams you fwends wif Daddy now ? Me wants yous to be fwends , me don'ts wike when evvybody sad ."

Before I can say anything , he answers , "Yes , cutie , we're friends again , I didn't forget what you said , and nobody is sad anymore . So you and Mommy will be staying here with me now , so we can all be together ."

We're both caught slightly off guard when she asks , "Ams yous gonna tiss her , wike Unca Wy do to Aunt 'Kaela ?"

Ash pretends to think about it for a minute , and says , "You know what ? That's not a bad idea , I think maybe I will ." He then turns around to face me , catches my chin between his thumb and index finger , leans over , and kisses me .

She starts giggling , and asks me , "Yous not minds that Daddy tisses yous , Mommy ? It ams not ucky ?"

"No , Smidge , I don't mind . And it's only yucky when you're not a grown - up , or if somebody kisses you that you don't like ."

"That's right , Bren ." , Ash says . "Little boys and girls shouldn't kiss anybody except their families , and not on the mouth then ."

"Ams that wike when Miss Kim tells us that if somebodies wants us to go to somepwace wif they , or them wants to touch our stuffs that ams in ours cwothes , and them say ' Shhh , no tell Mommy and Daddy' , us should not wistens , cause that am a bad seekit , and us should wuns away ?"

"That's exactly right , sweetie ." , I tell her . "If anybody says you shouldn't tell me or Daddy something , that's probably because they want you to do something naughty , and you shouldn't listen to them . And if they say that we'll be mad , they're telling you lies ."

"That ams what Mr . Bobby say , too . That ams a bad seekit , not a good seekit ."

Ash asks her curiously , "Did they tell you what a good secret is , Bren ?"

She nods enthusiastically , and says , "Uh - huh , Wogan finded out what hims daddy getted hims mommy fors she's birfday , and hims daddy telled he not to say it to she , and that ams a good seekit ."

"Well , at least they're teaching them something worthwhile there ." , he says . Just then , my phone rings , and when I check the caller ID , I see that it's Jeff .

I hit the button , and say , "Hey there , Jeff . What's up ?"

"Hi , Fianna , sounds like you're feeling a bit better . I told Ivy that I'd take her out for ice cream after lunch , and we just wondered if Brenna might like to come along ?"

I switch over to speaker , and say , "Mr . Jeff wants to know if you'd like to go get ice cream with him and Ivy this afternoon , Smidge . Would you like that ?"

She screws up her face , like she's thinking very seriously about it , then she says , "Me wants to pway wif Ivy , and has icekeem , but maybe me no should go . What ifs yous feel bad some more , Mommy ?"

"Sweetie , I feel fine . You can go see Ivy if you want to , it's okay ."

"But yous feeled okay befores , and then yous was seepin' on the fwoor ."

"Hang on just a sec , Jeff ." , Ash interrupts . He turns to me , and inquires , "Do you think you might feel up to going out for awhile today , Fi ?"

"As long as you don't want me to go out and do aerobics or something , I don't think it'll be a problem ." , I respond .

"How would you feel about all of us going together ?" , he asks Jeff . "We need to do a bit of shopping anyway , so we could all meet up for lunch , and then go for ice cream after that ."

"I'm cool with that . Actually , while I've got you on the phone , Ash , I have a question for you . There's something I've been thinking about doing , but I wanted to make sure you didn't have some sort of rule against it first ."

"Can't imagine what sort of rule you'd be thinking about , but ask away , man !" , Ash replies .

"Do you have any sort of policy about your employees dating ?"

Ash looks a bit startled , but says , "It's never actually come up before , but no , there's not a specific rule . Please tell me that Loree didn't get to you , dude !"

"No , I'm not that crazy ." , Jeff chuckles . "I was actually kinda thinking about seeing if Karla might like to get together sometime . We've been talking at work , and we have a lot in common , since we're both single parents . She's pretty cool , so I thought I'd give it a shot ."

"Well , when you put it that way , why don't I call her up and see if she'd be interested in joining us ? That way , you guys can meet each others kids , and you can sort of see how things go outside of the office before you make a definite decision ."

"Sure , why not ? Where do you want to meet , and what time ?"

They settle on a time and place , and Ash ends the call . "Who's Karla ?" , I ask him . "And who's Loree , and why would that be bad ?"

As he starts taking Bren out of her seat , he says , "Karla is my receptionist , her ex bailed out when their son was less than a year old , and I think he's either four or five now . And Loree is one of my models . She looks great in the clothes , but she's basically a ... What do you call those fish that attach themselves to sharks , to mooch a free meal off of them ?"

"A remora , you mean ?"

"Exactly ! If he'd said he wanted to take her out , I think I might've made a rule right then and there ."

He takes Bren to get cleaned up , while I go to get dressed . When I came out of the bedroom , he and Bren were already there , ready to go . "I need to do some laundry when we get back ." , I tell him . "I'm getting to the end of what I have that won't aggravate the incision ."

"Why do you think I said we need to go shopping ?" , he asks . "I figured that out when I was looking for clothes to bring when you got out of the hospital . You own exactly two pairs of sweatpants , and three dresses that are loose enough to work right now . You need more than that for the next two or three weeks , so we can go do that today ."

Bren runs back to the bedroom to grab Pickle and Wockles , and I say , "Ash , you really don't have to spend money on me . What I have will be just fine ."

He walks over and puts his arms around me , and kisses the top of my head . "I know I don't have to do it , love ." , he murmurs . "But I like to do things for you sometimes . I enjoy spoiling you once in awhile . You did it for me more times than I can count ; making my favorite meals , listening to me ramble about all sorts of stupid shit , backrubs when I came home stressed out from the studio . So maybe , just humor me sometimes ?"

"I'll try ." , I reply . "I just don't want to be one of those girls . You know , the ones who expect everybody to hand them everything on a platter , without doing anything to earn it ."

He laughs , and says , "Sweetheart , I've run across more than my share of those girls , and there's no way you could ever be one of them . The whole time we were together , you never asked me for one damn thing . Hell , you didn't take a single thing I'd bought for you when you left , so I know you weren't in it for that !" He pauses for a second , then continues . "Fianna , I promised you last night that I would never lie to you again , and I meant every word . So , do you think that you could do something for me ?"

"Of course ! You can ask me anything , and if I'm able to do it , I will . What do you want me to do ?"

He puts his forehead against mine , so he's looking into my eyes , and says , "What I want , more than anything , is for you to remember that it's okay to think about yourself sometimes . You've spent most of your life worrying more about everybody else's wants and needs , and putting yours on the back burner . You are one of the most unselfish people I've ever met , and I love that about you , but I want you to promise me that you won't ever again let anybody take you for granted . Especially me . There's a difference between being considerate of someone's feelings , and letting them treat you like a doormat . You deserve better than that , and I want you to remember that . Will you do that for me ?"

Bren runs back in , yelling , "Me is weady ! Us cans go sees Ivy now ?"

"Yes , as soon as I find my keys ." , Ash informs her .

As he starts to turn away , I clutch his arm . He looks at me , and I say , "I've been trying to make everybody else happy pretty much since I can remember , so I'm not sure I know how to not do it . I might need some help , but I promise to try . Will that work ?"

He leans down and kisses me , saying , "That's all I'm asking for . And if you need my help with anything , all you have to do is say so ."

Then , we both burst out laughing when Bren shouts , "Daddy , yous cans tiss Mommy laters ! Me wants icekeem ! There ams yours keys , on the tibble !"

"Your wish is my command , princess ." , Ash tells her , as we walk out the door . "Lets go shopping , and get our ice cream , so I can come home and kiss Mommy some more ."

I lean in , and whisper in his ear . "I think Mommy likes that idea , too ."



Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan