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The Cost Of Winning

Karma's A Bitch , And So Are You


I wake up to some sort of weird beeping noise that I don't recognize , and wonder for a second if Ash has bought some annoying new toy for Bren . But as I force my eyes to actually open , I realize that I'm not at the house .

Okay , when the hell did I end up back in the hospital ? And where's Brenna ? I feel something on my wrist , and when I turn my head , I see Ash slumped in the chair next to the bed , sound asleep , with his hand on my arm . I manage to slide my arm out of his grasp , and tap him on the arm , which causes him to nearly teleport out of the chair .

"Fi , you're awake !" , he exclaims . "How do you feel ?"

"Lousy . My side hurts just like it did when I had the surgery , my head hurts , and how the hell did I get here ? And when ? And where's Bren , if you're here ?"

He sits back down and pours some water into the glass . After he holds my head up so I can take a drink , he says , "Okay , working backward through the list : Bren is at Web's house , and Miki and Ryan are there with her , too . You've been here since yesterday afternoon , and the reason your side hurts is because you had another operation when you came in . The useless motherfucker who did the first surgery left some sort of equipment or something in there , and it got infected . You passed out in the bathroom , and your temperature was so high you were hallucinating , and you had a seizure in the ambulance . Scared the shit out of all of us ."

"Is Bren okay ? She isn't sick too , is she ?" , I ask , and he puts his hand on my shoulder and shakes his head .

"No , Fi , she's fine . The doctor looked her over yesterday , and said everything looks good . Apparently at least Abernathy knew what the hell he was doing ." , he answers . "Now I'd like you to answer a question for me , if you don't mind . Why the hell didn't you tell me , or Miki , or somebody , that you weren't feeling well ? Nobody can fix a problem if they don't know it's there !"

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal ." , I tell him . "I called Dr . Reser the other day , and he said it was normal , unless it didn't go away by the time I finished my prescriptions . So there didn't seem to be any need to worry anybody over nothing ."

"Worthless , incompetent piece of shit !" , he practically growls , and I actually almost flinch away from the expression on his face . He didn't even look this angry the night we broke up . "That fucking scrip was written to last for a month , and you've taken almost half of it , so there's no way it was 'normal' to still feel that bad this far in . That fucker is losing his license , if we have to keep his ass in court for the next decade !"

I must look confused when he says this , because he explains that Web called a malpractice attorney he knows , and that she's apparently already getting all the paperwork together for a lawsuit against Dr . Reser , and also possibly the hospital , if they try to cover for him .

"Smidge must have been so scared , to be pulled out of bed and dragged in here like that , not knowing what was happening ." , I say , and he sort of shakes his head .

"Fianna , the noise when you passed out woke her up , and she was the one who yelled for me and told me what happened ." , he informs me . "But she talked to Web while I was on the phone with 911 , and she was pretty brave most of the time . It did scare her when you had the seizure , but I totally understand that , 'cause it scared the fuck out of me , too . I just had to make sure she didn't know that ."

"Poor baby ! I need to call her , and let her know I'm okay ."

"Don't worry about that right now . As soon as Miki or Ryan can get here , I'm gonna go home and get my laptop , and then I'm going to go spend some time with her and let her know you're awake ." , he says . "Then I'll come back a little later and let you Skype with her , so she can see for herself ."

The door opens , and a blond woman in a white coat walks in . "Good , you're awake . That's a promising sign . Since you weren't awake for our first meeting , I suppose I should introduce myself . I'm Dr . Wesson , I performed your surgery yesterday . Has Mr . Purdy explained to you what happened ?"

I tell her that he has , and she says , "You're actually quite lucky , Ms . Chandler . If that infection had gone another day or two without being caught , it probably would've spread , and I don't know if we could've beaten it if that had happened ."

"I was just telling Ash that I didn't think it was that serious , the other doctor said that was pretty much standard for this kind of surgery ." , I tell her .

"Some soreness is to be expected , and maybe a bit of nausea for the first couple of days , but redness and swelling are definite red flags , and anybody who tells you otherwise needs to lose their license ."

"Fi , you wouldn't have accepted that if it had been Bren , would you ?" , Ash inquires , and I have to admit that I wouldn't have , so I shake my head .

"I understand that you don't like not being able to do anything , and Miki told me what you said about not wanting to be in my way , but you don't even need to be thinking about that ." , he says . "You and Brenna are both welcome to stay with me for as long as you need to , hell , as long as you want to ! I want you both to be healthy , and able to do whatever it is that you want to do , before you even think about moving out , okay ? To be honest , I actually like not having to come home to an empty house every day , so I'm in no hurry . Are we clear on that now ?"

"Yeah , we're clear ." , I reply . "As long as you promise to tell me if we do start getting in your way ."

"I don't see that happening , but if it does , I promise I will let you know ."

Dr . Wesson finishes checking me over , and pushes the call button for a nurse , telling her to send for a breakfast tray for me when she shows up . Then I turn back to Ash , and say , "You don't have to wait for somebody else to get here , go on and be with Bren for awhile , I'll be fine . I have the call button if I need anything . She's probably scared to death without either of us there , so she needs you now ."

He spends the next few minutes arguing with me , but finally agrees to go , saying that he'll bring me some books and stuff when he comes back , after the doctor informs us that she plans to keep me here for at least two or three more days . He comes over to the bed and gives me a hug , hands me my phone out of his pocket , then walks out . Dr . Wesson tells me that she'll check back in later , and as she's leaving , someone shows up with my breakfast tray . Not the best breakfast I've ever had , but reasonably decent for hospital food . After I eat , I go back to sleep for a bit , and wake up a couple of hours later . Since I don't have my project bag , or anything to read , I turn on the TV , watch the news , and then try to find something else that doesn't suck . This seems to be mostly pointless , so I just default to the retro sitcom channel , and get lucky , because they're having a "Mork and Mindy" mini - marathon , and I love Robin Williams !

Someone brings me lunch , and as I eat , and watch Robin's antics , my phone rings . I look at it , see that it's Miki , and pick up the call . "Hey there ! How are the munchkins behaving for you ?"

"They're fine , how are you ?" , she responds .

"I've definitely felt better , but apparently I'm much better than I was yesterday ." , I tell her . "Although I have to tell you , their salisbury steak leaves something to be desired ."

She laughs , and says , "Well , we're all coming down to see you in a little while , so maybe I'll try to smuggle in something that's actually edible for you ."

"If you can do that without getting yourself in trouble , I'll love you forever ."

"You will anyway , and you know it ! We'll see you in an hour or so , bye !"

"Bye , Mik ! Give Smidge a kiss for me , willya ?" She says she will , and ends the call , so I go back to the TV for awhile ."Mork" goes off , and is replaced by "Dharma and Greg" . I'm watching Greg freak out over their weird ideas for naming her hippie parent's new baby , when the door opens and a nurse walks into the room . I expect her to go look at my chart , or take my blood pressure or something , but she just stands by the bed looking at me , not saying anything . Finally , she just sort of shakes her head a little bit , and says , "Yeah , I figured he was just trying to piss me off ."

"Excuse me ?"

She gives me a rather un - amused smirk , and walks closer . "The bastard tried to tell me that you were better looking than I am , but now I can see that he was just blowing smoke up my ass . And even if he actually managed to convince himself of that before , there's no way he could think so now , is there ? Not when you're gonna be all scarred up from your surgery ."

This tells me exactly who I'm talking to . "Megan , right ? From what I understood , he dumped you because you couldn't accept that our daughter was more important to him than running after your plastic ass , it had nothing to do with me ."

"Only because you managed to guilt trip him into it !"

As calmly as I can manage , I say , "He made the decision that he wanted to be part of her life , nobody forced him into anything . Just because you're incapable of thinking about anybody but yourself doesn't mean that everyone else has the same problem ."

"And I guess you think you're gonna tell him about our conversation , and get some more attention , don't you ? Well , maybe your doctor should restrict you from having visitors while you're here . Then he'll have a break from you playing the 'poor little me' card , and maybe he'll pull his head out of his ass and realize that you and your brat are smothering him , and he needs to have some fun ."

"First of all , shut your big yap about my daughter , and second , even if he came to that conclusion , I'm pretty sure he's smart enough not to come anywhere near you again ." , I tell her .

"We'll see , won't we ?" , she snickers , as she picks up my chart and starts writing .

"What the hell do you think you're doing , Miss Pratt ?" , a voice says from the door , and the chart and pen both go flying as she spins around . I turn my head at the same time , and see Dr . Wesson standing in the door , along with Ash , Miki , and Ryan , and all four of them look incredibly pissed .

"Seriously , Purdy ?" , Miki says incredulously . "Geez , if you'd told me her last name , I could've saved you a lot of trouble . She was an obnoxious twat even back in middle school !"

"Nobody asked you , Bradshaw !" , Megan shouts . "Why don't you mind your own business ?"

"Somehow , I don't think that an old school feud is your biggest worry right now ." , Dr . Wesson observes . She sticks her head out into the hall , and tells someone , "Get the nursing supervisor on the phone , and tell her I want to see her in room 227 immediately ."

Megan goes pale , and says , "Come on , Dr . Wesson , please don't do that ! I didn't actually do anything , I was just blowing off some steam , I didn't mean anything by it !"

"Well , I suppose you'll just have to convince the review board of that , when they have the hearing to decide if you're just suspended , or if you need to seek employment elsewhere . At the very least , your behavior has been egregiously unprofessional , and I won't tolerate it from you or anyone else on the staff , I don't care who your parents are !" , the doctor retorts , and she turns even paler .

The door opens again , and a middle - aged woman in a dark green skirt - suit walks in , saying , 'You wanted to see me , doctor ?"

"Yes , I did . I've already decided on the action that will be taken , but I wanted you to hear about it beforehand , instead of getting an inaccurate version later ." She then proceeds to recount what happened , and Megan and I both realize that they were apparently outside the door listening well before we knew they were there .

The other woman , who is apparently the head nurse or something , walks over to Megan , and inquires , "Tell me something , Megan Marie . Did you get up this morning and tell yourself , 'I think I want to embarrass my parents today .' ? If you did , then congratulations , you're a resounding success ."

"But Mom , I just ..." , she whines .

"I don't even want to hear it , so just stop . Your father and I were just talking a few days ago about how it seems like we spoiled you a bit too much when you were younger , and apparently it's even worse than we thought . Well , unfortunately for you , it stops now . Whatever consequences you get for your behavior are entirely your problem , neither your father or I will get involved this time . We apparently did that far too often when you were younger , and gave you the idea that you won't be held accountable for your actions . This time , though , you'll have to muddle through on your own ."

"That's not fair !" , Megan screeches . "You act like I'm supposed to just sit back and smile when he dumps me like I'm radioactive , just because some insipid little teenybopper slut manages to convince him that he's her baby daddy , and he gets a guilty conscience ! And he has the gall to say that she's prettier than I am , when I've been better looking than that every day of my life !"

Miki lets out a snort , and asks , "Really ? If that's true , can you explain why your nickname all the way through high school was 'Flat Pratt' ? Probably better than seventy percent of your body is as plastic as Tupperware , and I think I may just post some old pictures on Facebook to remind everybody of that fact ."

Megan's face goes bright red , and gets even redder when Ash says , "And just to make myself perfectly clear , even if Fianna looked like fucking Gollum , she'd still be more attractive than you are , because she's a decent , caring , honest person . Not a shallow , selfish , dishonest attention - whore like you ."

"Nobody talks to me like that , you asshole !" , she yells , and then looks at Miki . "And that goes for you , too , you pathetic poser bitch !" She raises her hand , like she's going to take a swing at Ash ,saying , "You prick , I'm going to ..." , and the next thing anyone knows , her arm is stopped in midair and she's slammed into the chair hard enough to make it creak .

Everyone , including Megan , is just staring gape - mouthed as Ryan basically looms over her and says , in a frighteningly calm voice , "What you're going to do is sit your ass down and shut your big , ugly , Mick Jagger looking mouth , because I'm tired of listening to your delusional bullshit . And if you say one more word , unless someone asks you a direct question , I promise you that I will put that empty head of yours right through the motherfucking wall . I've never raised my hand to a woman in my life , but you are very close to becoming the first . Do I make myself clear , or are you stupid enough to test me ?"

"That won't be necessary , since we'll be going to clean out her locker ." , her mother says . She then turns toward me and Ash , who has moved over next to my bed , and says , "I apologize for my daughter's behavior , this was totally uncalled for . I'm not sure exactly what happened between the two of you , but I can't blame you in the slightest for putting your child first ."

Ash looks over at Megan , and suddenly , he has the same look on his face as he did when I first told him I was pregnant , that vaguely nasty grin that made my stomach flip over , so I know something unpleasant is coming . He turns his attention back to her mom , and says , "You have nothing to apologize for , ma'am . Megan is supposedly an adult , and you're not responsible for her behavior . But I do thank you for understanding my position , since it seems that Megan will never be able to do that ."

Megan's eyes get huge , and she starts shaking her head at him , mouthing , " No , no !" , which causes her mom's eyebrows to go up . "Now you've made me curious . What exactly does that mean , young man ?"

His grin gets a bit wider , and he says , "Since you have to ask that question , I'm guessing that you'll be as surprised as I was when I found out that she's had herself fixed . She made it very clear that kids have no place in her life . Why don't you ask her about how happy she is that your son moved out of state , so he couldn't , and I quote , 'Stick her with his little monsters all the time .' ?"

The poor woman looks completely stunned , and Megan yells , "You weren't supposed to tell her that , you shit sonofabitch ! You knew that was supposed to be a secret !"

"You mean like you planned to keep it a secret from me ?" , he responds . "Sorry , but I never said I wouldn't tell anyone . Like she told you earlier , it's time for you to accept the consequences of your actions . Karma's a bitch , babe . But then again , so are you ."



Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan