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The Cost Of Winning



We sit in the waiting room for another couple of hours , until they come and tell us that they've moved Fianna to a room , and we can finally go see her . I go in first , and see that she's still sedated , but she definitely looks better than she did a few hours ago . She's a little pale , but she doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain , and when I get closer to the bed , I can tell that her temperature has gone down considerably .

Miki and Ryan are following right behind me , and as we gather around the bed , I notice that Miki seems to be a bit more rattled than she was a few minutes ago . "Hey , are you okay there ?" , I ask her , which causes Ryan's head to snap around .

"Babe , what's wrong ? Do you want me to go get somebody ?" , he asks .

She holds up her hand and shakes her head , then takes a couple of deep breaths , and finally says , "No , I'm fine . Just sort of having flashbacks to when Smidge was born ."

Ryan helps her into a chair , then sort of props himself on the windowsill next to her , and I take the chair on the other side of the bed . "What exactly happened then ? Nobody's ever really said ." , I inquire .

"After we got here , we stayed with my brother and his girlfriend for awhile , since we couldn't get an apartment until I got my first paycheck from my new job . We all kind of noticed that she wasn't feeling really great , but we thought it was just from all the stress ." , she explains . "We went out to do some shopping one night , and she just dropped in the middle of Target . The ambulance came , and after we got to the ER , they figured out that she had something called preeclampsia , and her blood pressure had spiked . The doctor said that if they didn't do a C - section pretty quick , it was likely that neither of them would make it . I guess it was a good thing that it happened then , and not when we were all at work and she was home by herself ."

When she says that , I feel a huge lump in my stomach . What if she hadn't left when she did ? If I'd actually known that she was pregnant , would I have pulled my head out of my ass and gotten things back on track ? Or would I have just kept doing the same stupid shit , and maybe come home some morning to find out that I'd lost both of them ? Just thinking about it makes me feel like throwing up , I don't think there would've been any way I could've lived with myself if that had happened .

"What I don't get is why she didn't tell one of us that she didn't feel good .", Ryan says . "You were just there visiting , and Ash has been there the whole time , so it's not like she didn't have plenty of opportunity ."

"If I had to guess , it was because she was pushing herself to get better as quick as possible , so she could go back to work and get out of Ashley's way , so he can have his space back ."

"But that's just ridiculous !" , I finally blurt out . "I told her that they're both welcome to stay as long as they want to . Why would she think that she needed to do that ?"

"Well , I don't know if you've noticed , but Fianna kind of has a little habit of trying too hard to make everybody else happy ." , Ryan interjects . "She had to move in with you to have help taking care of Bren , but she probably feels like she's getting in the way of you having the freedom to be able to do whatever you want to do ."

Then , Miki totally surprises me by saying , "I pretty much have to agree with him , since I'm pretty sure that the only reason she went pre - med was because her dad wanted her to ."

"She didn't think that you knew about that ." , I tell her .

"She never confirmed it , but I always kind of suspected ." , she replies . "When did she tell you ?"

"I didn't even know until recently . My Pop actually got her to admit it during Thanksgiving dinner . From what she said , she never even bothered to think about what she actually wanted to do ."

"Yeah , and when she was fifteen she apparently gave up most of her social life to take care of her grandma , when she got sick . She said that the only outside activity she really kept up with was swim team , because her grandma insisted ." , Ryan chimes in . "She said that her grandma told her she needed some sort of activity to put down on her college applications . But from what Fi has said about her , I'd be willing to bet that she only told her that because it was the only way to get her to stay with it ."

Suddenly , what she said in the ambulance pops back into my head . "Don't go , Mama , I don't want to stay by myself . I promise I'll be good ." , and I have a moment of total clarity . Now I understand why she put up with my shit for as long as she did , even though she probably doesn't . When her mom left , it somehow put the idea into her subconscious that it was her responsibility to make everyone else happy , to keep them from leaving , which meant that everybody else's needs came before hers . So she put aside her own dreams and ambitions for her dad , her social life and what was left of her childhood for her grandma , and damn near all of her self - esteem for me , just to keep from disappointing one of us .

This slams into me like a kick in the chest , and I can't stop myself from bursting into tears , which startles the hell out of Ryan and Miki . They move around the bed , on either side of me , and I finally manage to tell them about what she said , and what I've finally figured out .

Miki hands me a handful of tissues from her purse , and says , "Yeah , that actually makes sense . But what I've never been able to figure out is what your problem was ! You guys were practically sickening when you first got together , and then it was like everything just fell apart all at once . First you start turning off your phone when you're out , then you're coming home totally shitfaced , and then maybe not at all , so what the fuck happened ?"

Having her just straight - up ask me that finally forces me to actually think about an answer , and I suddenly remember the first time I shut my phone off . It was just a few days before her birthday , and I was hanging out with the band and some of our other friends , when I realized that I'd missed a call from her , because of all of the noise . I was sort of scrambling to call her back , and Danny said , "Never thought I'd see the day that some bird would have Ashley Purdy on the end of a leash . So , does she give you a curfew , too ?"

Maybe I'd had a bit too much to drink at the time , but that sort of hit a nerve , and I just shut off my phone , and kind of told myself , "If she really cares about me , she'll trust me . I shouldn't have to check in every time I turn around ." I knew why it bothered her , but I just disregarded that , and the whole mess just progressed from there .

As I attempt to explain this to Miki , Ryan just sort of sits there watching me , and when I finish , he says , "Kinda sounds to me like you were testing her or something . Sort of like , 'I wonder how much I can get away with before she finally gets tired of it' . Like you needed her to prove that she really cared about you , which pretty much tells me that you were just as insecure as she was ."

"Was I really that fucking stupid ?" , I ask myself . It sounds ridiculous when he first says it , but when I think about it for a few minutes , it starts to make more sense . Other than when I was with Kina , my relationship with Fi was the longest I'd had , and even with Kina it was on and off several times . But every other time , things fell apart , either because they didn't trust me , or because they were more interested in what I do than in who I am as a person . So maybe I was insecure , and I let myself freak out when I realized how serious I actually was about her . But now that I know what went wrong , is there any chance of fixing it ?

We talk for awhile longer , until Dr . Wesson comes in to check on her , and tells us that visiting hours are almost over . Miki and Ryan get up to leave , but I turn to her and say , "I'm not going anywhere unless you have me thrown out . There's no way I'm going to take a chance on her waking up alone , not knowing what the hell is going on ! Besides , I need to be sure that she's all right , so please don't ask me to leave ."

She just looks at me for a minute , then puts a hand on my shoulder and says , "All right , Mr . Purdy , I'll let the nurses know . But if you want to go get yourself something to eat or drink , go do it now , while I'm here . You can only stay if you don't go wandering the halls after hours , because we don't want anyone else to complain about the rules getting bent , do we ?"

I go down the hall to grab a couple of drinks from the vending machine , while Ryan goes to the cafeteria to find me some food . While he's gone , I ask Miki , "Will you guys check in on Bren when you leave , and tell her where I am ? And if somebody can come and sit with Fi for awhile tomorrow , I'll go and spend some time with her , and grab my laptop so they can Skype when she wakes up ."

I just about fall over from shock when she actually reaches out and hugs me , and says , "Since you're not going home , Ryan and I will just crash over at Uncle Bill's place tonight , since she's already there . That way , we can be there when she wakes up in the morning . She's spent the night at our house a couple of times , so she's sort of used to that . Then one of us can come back here , and you can just drive to their house and explain to her why she's staying there ."

"Thanks , Miki , I really appreciate it ."

Patting her stomach , she replies , "If it wasn't for these two , I'd be camping out here myself , but since I can't , I'm depending on you to keep an eye on her . And since you seem to have your act together a lot more than you did back in LA , that doesn't worry me nearly as much as it used to . I'm starting to get the feeling that you care more about her than she thinks you do , now you just have to figure out how to convince her of that ."

As Ryan comes back in with a styrofoam food container , I tell her , "Trust me , that's my first order of business when she's up to it . I'm fully aware that I fucked things up royally , and I'll do whatever I need to do to fix it ."

They finally leave , and I force down the barely - passable stir - fry that Ryan brought me , then sit back down next to the bed , and take hold of one of her hands . "Please wake up , Fi ." , I whisper . "Bren needs you , and so do I . I need you to come back , so I can tell you how sorry I am for the way I treated you . And so I can figure out if I have a hope in hell of getting you back , or if I'm going to have to hate myself for the rest of my life ."

She doesn't respond , so I just sit here , holding her hand and talking to her , until I fall asleep .



Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan