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The Cost Of Winning

She Doesn't Have A Clue


A / N : This chapter will be kind of long , as there is some relevant information being revealed this time .

While we're sitting at the airport , waiting for the call to board , Fianna tells Bren , "Now make sure you hold onto Pickle really good , sweetie . We don't want her to get lost , do we ?"

"Me gots Pickle , Mommy ! Yous don'ts wose Wockles , too !" , she answers .

"Wockles won't get lost , Smidge , I have him in my purse ."

They call for everyone to prepare for boarding , and Fi asks Bren if she needs to use the toilet before we do . She says no , so we head for the gate , and I give the agent our boarding passes . As we're waiting to actually get on the plane , Fianna asks me how long it'll take to get there .

"It's usually less than two hours , if there's no weather problems ." , I tell her . "Why , do you not like long flights ?"

"I have no idea , this is my first time on a plane ." , she says .

I just look at her for several seconds , and then I say , "Are you telling me that you and Miki actually DROVE here all the way from California ?"

"Well , her brother Cade flew out there to help get all of our stuff into the U - Haul , and helped with the driving . I did a little , but he and Miki did most of it ."

We finally get on the plane , and fortunately it's the kind where the seats are in sets of three , so we can all sit together . When we get to our row , I motion for her to go in first , saying , "Why don't you take the window ? I've done this more times than I can count , so I can pass up the scenery for once ."

She sits down , and I buckle Brenna into the middle seat , then get into mine . Not long after that , we take off , and Bren gets a bit nervous when the nose of the plane tilts up , so we spend a few minutes calming her down . After everything levels out , I give her the coloring pad and crayons I brought along , and she's fine . I work on fine tuning a couple of designs I've been working on , and Fianna alternates between looking out the window and reading the book she had in her purse .

When we finally land at the airport in St . Louis , we find our bags , and Fi takes Brenna to the restroom while I go get the keys to the rental car I reserved . When we get our bags into the car , I fasten in the carseat that I rented from them , and Fianna straps her in . We get in , and I pull out of the lot and start heading out of town .

As we drive , I point out things that I think they might be interested in , and a few places that I have some interesting memories of . After awhile , we leave the city and get into the more rural area , and suddenly Brenna yells , "Wook , Mommy ! Wook , Daddy ! Me sees some moosters ! Theys wight there !"

At first , I have no idea what the heck she's talking about , then I glance away from the road for a second , and see fields full of cows on either side of the road . "Yeah , you'll see a lot of those around here ." , I tell her .

I glance over and see that Fianna is giggling a bit . "I guess moosters is sort of accurate ." , she says .

"Yeah , I can see that making sense when you're two ." , I answer , chuckling a little myself .

By the time we finally get to the house , Bren is asleep , so Fianna carries her inside , while my uncle comes out and helps me with the bags . We go inside , and after saying hello to Pop and the rest of the family , I introduce them to Fianna . After that , my aunt offers to take her to the room that she and Bren are sharing , so she can put her down .

When they leave the room , Pop looks at me and says , "Well , she is a pretty thing , but I don't suppose anybody expected otherwise ."

"Yeah , I don't think you've ever gone for an unattractive girl ." , my cousin chimes in . "At least not when you were sober ."

"She is a beautiful girl , but that's not the only reason I went out with her ." , I tell them . "She's also incredibly smart , and she wasn't into me because of the band , or anything like that . Hell , it took me over a month just to get her phone number !"

"Well , then , if she's all of that , then how the hell did you wind up not knowing you're a daddy for two years ?" , my uncle inquires .

Very reluctantly , I tell them about the last fight we had , and no sooner are the words out of my mouth than I feel someone smack the back of my head , and not lightly . I look around to see that my aunt has come back into the room , and she says , "Dammit , Ashley ! Saying something that idiotic , you're lucky the girl didn't pick up one of your guitars and break it over that piece of granite you're using for a skull !"

"Trust me , you're not the first person who's told me that ." , I reply , rubbing the back of my head .

Fianna comes back in , so we drop the subject , and make general conversation until everyone's ready to go to bed . I go to my old room , which is across the hall from Bren and Fianna . I hear her talking to Pop in the hallway before he goes to his room , and he says something that makes her laugh .

I haven't heard her genuinely laugh since we were still together , and it brings back a lot of memories , because that was actually the first thing that attracted me to her .

I'd gone to the bookstore not far from the studio to kill some time one day , and while I was fucking around looking at stuff , I heard this incredible laugh coming from the other side of the shelf , and I couldn't get around fast enough , because I wanted to see where it came from .

When I got to the other side , there was a grade - school group who was just heading out , and I saw one of the kids showing something to an absolutely stunning blonde girl , who was laughing at whatever he was saying . Truthfully , I'm not sure which one made me decide to hit on her , that sexy laugh , or her looks . Beautiful , curly ash - blonde hair , excellent figure , and , when I got a closer look , incredible deep - blue eyes . I acted like I couldn't find what I wanted , to get her to show me where it was , and saw the name "Fianna" on her badge .

I went back the next day , and talked to her for a bit , trying to get better acquainted . I found out that she was a fan , and knew exactly who I was , but she wasn't all squealy , which was kind of impressive . But I figured I'd have a pretty easy time of it , so I was kind of shocked when I asked for her number , and she said no , because she wasn't in the habit of giving her number out to strangers .

"But I'm not a stranger ." , I told her . "You know me !"

"I know who you are , but I don't KNOW you ." , she shot back . "Just because you're in my favorite band , that doesn't mean that you might not be a weirdo ."

I wound up going back there at least three times a week for almost a month before she'd even go to lunch with me across the street from the store , and it took three days after that to get her number , and an actual date . I wound up being surprised myself , because I had no idea until that first lunch that she was only eighteen , but by then there was no way I was giving up , because I was already crazy about her .

As I start to drift off to sleep , I wonder to myself , how the hell everything went so bad , when it started out so damn great ?


We've been here for a couple of days , and everything's going pretty well , so far . Pop is crazy about Brenna , and she calls him Gampy , and follows him around like a little shadow . We've even taken her and Fianna horseback riding a couple of times . Bren rides with me , while someone sticks close to Fi , since she's never ridden before this , and doesn't feel comfortable having Brenna ride with her .

Everyone seems to like Fianna , too , and Pop actually told me that he wished that I'd brought her home while we were together , so that my Nan could've met her . Truthfully , I do , too . I'd actually been thinking about it , but then everything started going sideways , so I never did .

We're sitting here at the dinner table , discussing the plans for tomorrows dinner , and somehow the conversation turns to Nan , since this will be the first major holiday that she won't be here . We take turns telling stories , and when it winds down a bit , Pop turns to Fianna and inquires , "I hope your family doesn't mind too much that we stole you for Thanksgiving , hon ."

She puts a hand on Brenna's head and says , "You're looking at my family , right here . My dad died when I was thirteen , he was an only child , and both of his folks passed away before I was born , so did my maternal grandpa . I lived with my grandma after that , and she died when I was seventeen ."

"What about your mama , honey ?" , my aunt asks her . "Doesn't she spend any time with her precious little grandbaby ?"

When we were dating , all she ever really said about her mom was that her folks divorced when she was young , so I assumed that they weren't all that close , but even I'm taken aback by the look on her face right now . Her expression is essentially what you'd imagine a blizzard looking like , if it had features , and her voice almost creates frost on the supper dishes when she finally says , "As far as I know , she doesn't have a clue that Smidge even exists , and I'd just as soon keep it that way . I haven't set eyes on Claudia since just before my fifth birthday , and I haven't spoken to her since my grandma died . As far as I'm concerned , she doesn't exist ."

"Wait a sec , you said that your grandma that you lived with was her mom , right ?" , I ask . She nods , so I go on , saying , "So , if you haven't seen her since you were four , you're telling us that she didn't come to see your grandma when she got sick , is that right ?"

"She couldn't even be bothered to come to the funeral ." , she says , in a completely flat voice . "One of her old school friends had a number for her , so I called to let her know . All she told me was to have somebody let her know if she was in the will , because she didn't have the time or spare cash to make the trip otherwise . She'd been ticked off at Gram for years , since she took Dad's side when they split ."

"Why would she take his side against her own daughter ?" , Pop inquires .

"The thing is , my dad was just starting med school when they met , and she liked the idea of being a doctors wife , and figured there was only one sure way to make that happen . Which is why I'm here ." , she continues . "But she didn't think things out very well , or she would've found somebody who'd already finished ."

"Needless to say , he quit school to get a real job , but it wasn't as luxurious as she wanted , and she didn't want to work , so she started running around on him ."

"So , I was sick one day , and couldn't go to preschool , so Dad assumes that I'll be home with Claudia while he's at work . But , right after he left , so did she . Apparently , our neighbor saw me looking out the window after they both left , and called Gram . She came right over , but the deadbolt was locked , so she had to call Dad home from work . He got there , and both of them just sat and waited until she came back ."

I'm looking at her as she's talking , and it's honestly starting to scare me a little , it's almost like she doesn't even notice that we're all here anymore , because she's so caught up in her memory .

"That's the only time I remember ever seeing my dad lose his temper ." , she said . "He was yelling at her for leaving me alone , and she said , 'Well , you're always bragging to everyone about how smart she is , so she should be able to keep herself out of trouble for a couple of hours . You're the one who actually wanted her , anyway , I figured you'd get yourself a practice built up , and then we'd send her to boarding school or something . I've got better things to do with my life than waste it taking care of your brat !' , and he slapped her ."

We're all sitting here with our mouths hanging open , and even Bren seems to sense that something's wrong , because she climbs down off of her chair , and gets into Fi's lap . She wraps her arms around Bren , cuddling her as close as she can , and goes on , saying , "She freaked out and threatened to call the cops and file assault charges , and Gram told her that if she did , she'd have her charged with endangerment . And since the neighbor knew about the whole thing , she couldn't deny it . So Dad told her to get her stuff and leave , and she did . And I always swore that if I had kids , that they wouldn't ever have to feel like they weren't wanted ."

As soon as she says that , I know exactly why she left . In my half - drunk idiocy , I managed to say the one thing she'd never forgive me for , and she decided that I was no longer her top priority . It's actually pretty sad to think that a teenager was more mature than I was . I feel as bad right now as I did when I saw those bruises on her arm .

She stops talking , and looks down at Brenna , and my aunt uses the opportunity to clout me in the head again . I don't say a word , because I know I deserve it . No wonder she didn't want anything to do with me when I found out about Bren . First , I'd made her think that I didn't want my own child , and then I tried to take away the only thing she has left . Truthfully , I'm kind of surprised that she even speaks to me , let alone tries to be civil . If our positions were reversed , I don't know if I could do it .

"Mommy , why you is sad ?" , Bren asks . "No wants you be sad wike Ivy . Me wills wet Wockles sweeps wif you , and us can all has snuggles ."

"Thank you , sweetie , that sounds very nice ." , Fianna says . "It's okay , Mommy just had to think about something she doesn't like , but I'll be better now ."

I wish I'd known this before , no kid should ever have to hear that they aren't wanted . Fortunately , that was something I never had to worry about , and I promise myself right now that I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure that Bren never thinks that , and that Fianna knows that I meant it when I told her that our little girl is my number - one priority .

And now , even though I wish she hadn't taken off , I can't really blame her anymore . That kind of thing leaves marks on a person , and I might've reacted the same way if I'd ever been treated that badly .

And , unfortunately , no matter how much I wish I could , I can't undo the damage that's already been done . By me , or by her mother . But maybe I can try to help her forget about it .



Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan