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The Cost Of Winning

I Will Break You


When CC and I get back to my house and walk inside , he whips around the second I close the door and says , "Have you completely lost your fucking mind , Ash ? What the HELL was that about ?"

This is the first thing he's said since we left Fianna's , and I'm kind of surprised at how pissed off he sounds . But then I remember that he wasn't in the room when we were talking .

"She threw a bitch - fit about the earrings , and I just got tired of her acting like she's running the show ." , I say .

He walks up until he's practically nose to nose with me , giving me a look like I'm the biggest idiot in the world , and says , "I've got a hot flash for you , buddy ; SHE IS ! Fianna is the one who has custody , dumbass , you just have visitation . And after that piece of fuckery you pulled back there , it'll be a minor miracle if you manage to keep that ! Not to mention that your kid is fucking scared to death of you now . Proud of yourself much , Purdy ?"

I look at him , and all of a sudden everything just slams into me like a freight train . I just made a complete ass of myself , Brenna doesn't want anything to do with me , my best friend is completely pissed off at me , and I just handed Fianna the perfect excuse to cut me off from my daughter again .

"Oh , fuck , man ! What the hell did I do ?" , I groan , sitting on the couch and dropping my face into my hands . "How stupid am I , anyway ?"

"I'm pretty sure you don't really want me to answer that , man ." , CC says , and I lift my head up and look at him .

"So are you saying that you think this whole thing is all right ? That I don't have any right to be pissed that someone decides not to fucking tell me I have a kid ? That I should just say 'Oh , that's okay , no hard feelings' ?"

He lets out a sigh and says , "Okay then , total honesty time . No , I'm not saying that I totally agree with the way she did things , but I also can't say it completely surprised me , either . And she DID tell you , Ash , we all heard it , and you just blew it off ! So , you tell me , buddy , how exactly does that make you the injured party here ? Or the only one , at least ? And don't give me that same old story that you didn't think she was telling you the truth , because obviously , she was . So even if you were really stupid enough to think that , how was she gonna know that ? Maybe you should think about that for awhile ."

He turns around and walks out into the backyard then , and I just sit here and try to process everything . And the longer I sit here , the clearer it becomes that he actually has a point . Why would it even occur to her that I thought she was lying to me , when she clearly wasn't . From her viewpoint , I'd either just accused her of cheating on me , or I didn't have the balls to man up and accept my responsibilities .So why would she want to hang around after that ?

And she never tried to take me to court or anything , never asked me for money , didn't try to force the issue . Hell , most girls I dated were pissed off if I didn't blow money on them for stupid shit like thousand dollar shoes and that kind of crap , and she'd never asked me to buy her anything the entire time we were together . Truthfully , it always seemed to make her uncomfortable when I did it on my own , unless it was Christmas or her birthday or something .

If I have to be totally honest with myself , I think there's a small part of me that is always going to be upset about the fact that she just took off and didn't try to work this out , so we could both be there for Bren , but I also have to admit that I have my share of blame to own up to as well . Those words should have never come out of my mouth , and I probably could have tried a little harder to find her . If I had , maybe none of this would be happening right now .

I take out my phone and dial her number , but apparently , she's turned off her phone , and I'm pretty sure that CC would probably chain me to the pool table if I tried to go back over there right now . So I'm just going to have to sit here and make myself insane until she either turns her phone back on , or calls me herself .

Or until I get called back into court again .


"Ash , wake up , man ! Some dude wants to talk to you !" , I hear CC saying as he stand here shaking my mattress . I look up , and he's holding my phone , which I apparently left in the living room when I finally dragged my ass to bed last night .

I take it from him , and say ,"Yeah , who's there ?"

"If you don't want to have the cops showing up on your doorstep , have your ass at my place in thirty minutes ." , I hear Ryan saying , in a voice that sounds like it should be sinking the 'Titanic' . "And go ahead and bring your buddy , too ." Then he hangs up before I can say anything .

I get up and immediately start grabbing clothes , explaining things to CC as I get dressed , and he dashes off to finish getting dressed himself . We dash out to my car , and zip over to Ryan and Miki's place , getting there with about three minutes to spare .

We walk up and ring the doorbell , and Ryan opens the door almost instantly , motioning for us to come in . As soon as he closes the door , I find myself being slammed into the wall , with him looking down at me , making sure I can't move .

"The only reason that I'm not spreading you across this wall right now is because Bren is here , and there's no way in hell that I'm going to traumatize that little girl any more than you already have . But I want you to understand that if you EVER put a hand on either one of them again , I will break you . When I get finished , you'll make Christopher Reeve look like fucking Fred Astaire . Are we clear on that , Purdy ?"

"As crystal ." , I say , realizing that along with everything else , I may have lost a friend , too .

He leads CC and I into the living room , and Miki and Fianna are both sitting there , which surprises me a little , it's Monday , I figured she'd be at work . But when I look more closely , it's pretty obvious that she didn't get much sleep last night , either .

CC walks over to her and says ,"Hey , Fi , are you okay ? You look a little tired this morning ."

"Yeah , Bren was up and down all night , so I took a personal day at work today . My boss probably wouldn't appreciate me sewing myself to someone's order ." , she responds . "And thanks for the help , C , I owe you one ."

"No you don't . Ash and I talked about that yesterday , and I have to be honest , I kinda understand why he's been a little upset . But that was NOT okay ."

As I stand here , I see Miki looking around the room , and strangely , as she looks from me , to Ryan , to Fianna , CC is the only one that she's not glaring at . Apparently , this little meeting isn't exactly what she had in mind . Probably something more along the lines of a firing squad , if I had to guess .

Brenna comes into the room from the kitchen , but she stops halfway when she sees me , and changes course to walk behind the couch where Fianna is sitting . She climbs over the back , onto the couch , and buries her face in Fianna's chest , and I can feel my heart ripping in two . We had such a good time yesterday , and now she can't stand to look at me .

" C is absolutely right , that was totally unacceptable , and I apologize ." , I say to Fianna . "I have no excuse for the way I acted ."

She nods , but doesn't say anything , and I can see a wary look in her cobalt - blue eyes , like an animal that isn't sure if it should trust the person who has been tormenting it , then offering it kindness . Holy shit , she's almost as afraid of me as Bren is ! No wonder Ryan's so pissed off at me !

I move over by the couch and crouch down in front of them , to be closer to Brenna's level , and say , "Bren , sweetie , I'm sorry . I didn't mean to scare you . I would never do that on purpose ."

"You's a meanie ! Me don't wike you no more !" , she says , with her face still buried in Fianna's shirt , and I've never realized that words could hurt so much .

"I'm sorry to hear that , because I love you very much . I didn't mean to make you feel this way , I just got mad , and I did something I shouldn't have . Sweetie , Daddy would never do anything to hurt you ."

She pulls her face out of Fi's chest and looks at me . "It naughty to say wies to peoples . You was meanie ! You makes owies on Mommy !"

"What are you talking about , sweetie ?" , I ask her . "Why would you think that ?"

"She might only be two , Purdy , but her eyes work just fine !" , Miki snarls at me , tossing something in my direction .

I reach down and pick it up , and my stomach flips over when I realize what I'm seeing . It's a computer printout of a picture of Fianna's arm , clearly showing a set of purple fingermark bruises . Fuck , I never meant to grab her that hard ! Now I understand the way she looked at me awhile ago .

I look at the both of them , trying to think of what to say , and she shifts Bren on her lap a little bit . When she does , I actually see them up close , and I can't handle it .

I stand up and just barely manage to ask Ryan where his bathroom is . He points , I bolt , and make it to the toilet just in time to not heave my guts out onto the floor . When I'm sure I'm actually finished , I go to the sink and rinse out my mouth , then look at myself in the mirror .

I've never used any kind of force on a woman in my life , I've never had the least bit of respect for guys who have to mistreat women to feel like a man , and now I've left bruises on the mother of my child . I feel about two inches tall right now , and I can barely stand to look at myself . CC was right , I have to get my shit together , this cannot happen again !

I walk back into the living room , and I see that Fianna and Miki both look sort of surprised when I come back out . I get back down on the floor in front of Fianna , and say , "Fianna , I'm sincerely sorry , I never meant to do that , and it will never happen again . That's not who I am , you know that , or at least I hope so . All I can say is that I just felt like I don't have any input in Bren's life , like I don't count , and I reacted badly . I know that isn't an excuse , but it's all I have ."

She finally looks me in the eye and says , "I guess I can see that , to a point , but how am I supposed to trust you with Bren if you can't control your temper better than that ? You can't just act without thinking when you have a toddler around , Ash . You can see how well that's worked out this time ."

"You're right , I know that . But what exactly is it that you want me to do ? Tell me , I'll do it , just don't take her away from me again , please !"

"If you want to see her , we do it here , or in a public place . If we do go to your house , someone else will be coming with me , at least until I can be sure I can trust you to be alone with her . And if anything like this ever happens again , I'll do whatever I need to do to make sure that you never see her again , at least until she's old enough to decide for herself . And if you EVER leave a mark on her , no one will ever find your body , Ashley ."

She says this in a completely calm , matter of fact tone , and I know she means exactly what she just said . She'll do whatever she feels necessary to protect our daughter , even from me . I totally understand that , because I'd do the same .

"But , I have to tell you , Ash , you've lost a lot of ground ." , she says . "She wouldn't even sleep in her own room last night , she woke me up twice having nightmares that you were going to come back and hurt both of us , or run off with her somewhere ."

I can't stop the tears from running down my face when she tells me this , and I look over to Brenna again .

"Bren , you don't ever need to be scared of me , I will never do anything to hurt you , and I am so sorry that I scared you . Can you forgive me ?"

"But why you wants to make owies on Mommy ? Mommy is nice , she is my goodest fwend ! You can'ts be my Daddy no more if you is be a meanie !"

"I promise you , cutie , I won't ever be a meanie again , not to you or Mommy . Can we be friends again , too ?"

"Yous pwomise for weally ? Yous no be naughty some more ?"

"Yes , I promise for real , Bren . I wouldn't lie to you ."

She leans forward on Fianna's lap , puts her little hand on my cheek , and says . "Then you no be sad no more , Daddy , yous can be my fwend some more . Yous no more cwy , otay ?"

She wraps her little arms around my neck , and I hold onto her for dear life . I'm so glad that little kids forgive so easily , and that I have my little girl back .

Now I just have to prove , to Fianna and everybody else , that I actually deserve the second chance that they've both just given me .



Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan