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The Cost Of Winning

Three Steps Back


"Now you need to be a good girl for Daddy , Bren , okay ?" , I say , as I help her put on her coat .

"I's will be good , Mommy , me pwomise !" , she tells me . "If me is naughty , Daddy not let me does the music !"

Ashley called me yesterday and asked me to let him take Bren out when he had his visit today , and even though I can't honestly say I'm thrilled with the idea , I tell him it's okay . Miki threw a fit , telling me I was nuts , but Ryan pointed out that , barring some major disaster , he's going to have her every other weekend in a couple of months , so it's better to find out beforehand if he can handle it . He also told me that he has a surprise , so I'm wondering what that's gonna be

As I finish zipping Smidge into her coat , the doorbell rings , and Brenna dashes toward it . She starts to grab the knob , but sees me looking at her , and she yells , "Who it is ?"

"It's Daddy , cutie !" , Ash says from the hallway .

"I's can open now ?" , she asks , and I nod , so she turns the latch and opens the door . Ashley steps inside , and he's not alone . I know what his "surprise" was now , as CC follows him inside .

"Hi , Daddy ! " , Brenna exclaims , holding up her arms to be picked up , and he immediately obliges , swooping her into his arms and kissing her on both cheeks .

She then looks behind him and asks , "Daddy , who him is ?"

"This is my friend , CC , Bren ." , he says , closing the door behind CC . "CC , this is Brenna ."

"Hi there , Brenna . Your daddy's been telling me about you ." , CC tells her . "It's nice to meet you ."

"Daddy , yous don't meet him to Mommy !" , Brenna says . "Miss Kim say that's wude !"

"It's okay , Smidge , I know CC ." , I tell her . "He's been Daddy's friend for a long time ."

"Wike you is fwends wif Aunt 'Kaela ?"

"Yes , just like that , but Daddy and CC have known each other even longer ."

"So is yous my Unca CC , wike Unca Wy is ?" , she asks CC , very seriously .

"If that's what you want to call me , I'm cool with it , kiddo ." , he replies , then turns toward me .

"Hey , Fianna ." , he says . "How have you been ?"

"I'm good , C , how about you ?"

We talk for a couple of minutes , catching up a bit , while Ash helps Brenna put on her hat and gloves . When he finishes , Bren runs over to me , grabbing my leg and says , "Mommy , I's goin' byebye wif Daddy now ! I can has hugs ?"

I pick her up and give her a squeeze and a kiss on the nose , and she kisses me on the cheek . "Behave for Daddy and Uncle CC , all right ? And if you don't eat your lunch , then no cookie when you get home ."

"Me is good girl , Mommy !"

I put her down and ask Ashley , "What are you going to do today ?"

"I figured we'd go to the mall for a little while , and maybe catch a movie , if there's anything good .", he says .

" The mall means shopping , I know , but please don't go crazy and buy her a crapload of toys , I don't want her getting the idea that she can have everything she wants ."

"I'm just going to let her pick out a few things to keep at my place , to play with when she's there , and maybe one thing to bring home . I don't plan on being ridiculous about it , Fi ." , he informs me .

"Don't worry , I'll keep a leash on him !" , CC chimes in .

"I'm not sure that's helpful , dude ! I think you might go crazier in a toy store than she would ." , I chuckle .

"See , I told you she'd remember you , C !" , Ashley retorted .

Finally , they head out to Ashley's car , and I watch through the window as he fastens her into her seat , then gets behind the wheel , with CC next to him . Bren waves as they drive off , and I let the blinds down , and turn on the TV , to attempt to go through some of my DVR programs that I won't watch when she's home and awake .


I drive downtown with Bren and CC , and we decide to check the movie first , before she has a chance to tire herself out . CC checks the listings for me while I drive , and we find a second - run theater playing "Up" , so we take her to that . She seems to enjoy it , and finds the big weird bird absolutely hilarious .

"Me want's one of them , Daddy !" , she informs me .

"Okay , maybe we can find a copy of the movie to take home ." , I say .

"Not the moobie , Daddy , me wants the birdie !"

"I don't know if they made any of those toys , kiddo ." , CC says .

"No , I means a birdie , for weally !" , she says , clearly frustrated that we aren't getting it .

"Sweetie , that's not real ." , I explain to her . "He's a make - believe bird ."

"That no fair ! Him would be so fun to play wif !" , she huffs .

CC looks at me , and says , "The sad thing about it , dude , is that I can't argue with that ."

I swear , I think I've brought two kids with me today .

After the movie , we head over to the mall , and decide to go get lunch at the food court before we shop . CC zips off to the pasta stand while Brenna and I look around to see what our choice are . She sees a McDonalds stand and says , "I's can have chickie nubbits , Daddy ?"

"Yes , I guess you can ." , I say , and I order her a kids meal , but I get it with juice and apple slices , so it's not totally junk . I pay for it , then carry her over to the table where CC is sitting , and ask him to watch her while I order . As I start to walk away , she says , "Daddy , don'ts forget some nacklins when yous comes back !"

I order myself some sushi , and grab a handful of napkins on the way back . When I get back to the table , CC is drumming on the tabletop while Bren giggles .

"Daddy , Unca CC does music on the tibble ! " , she announces .

"Yeah , Uncle CC is lucky that way , he can do his music just about anywhere . The rest of us have to have our instruments ." , I reply .

"More peoples does music wif you , Daddy ? Who them is ?"

"Well , your Uncle Jake and Uncle Jinxx play guitars , and Uncle Andy sings ."

"I 'members him ! Him is weally , weally big ! " , she exclaims ." Him's amost as big as Unca Wy ! Him was at Unca Webby's house , wif Miss Joowie !"

"Yeah , Uncle Andy is pretty tall ." , CC says .

After we finish eating , we head for the toy store to find some things for her to play with at my house . We pick up crayons , several coloring books , a couple of dolls , a package of oversized Lego blocks , and a tricycle for her to ride around the yard on . I also manage to find her a child - size guitar , which isn't really top quality , but it'll work to practice with until I figure out if she's gonna lose interest . CC also finds a stuffed pug , which he decides to buy for her . She immediately declares that it's name is Wockles , and he can go home and be friends with Pickle .

We finally leave the toy store , and as we're walking through the mall , we pass a store where a little girl who looks about five or six is getting her ears pierced . She stops to look , and says "Ivy gots some of them . I wants some , but Mommy say 'No' ."

"Well , sometimes it hurts , sweetie , maybe that's what Mommy's worried about ." , CC says .

"No , her don'ts want to do it 'cause them is too much lots of moneys , me thinks ." , she says .

"Do you really want them , sweetie ?" , I ask her . "If you're sure you do , I'll get them for you ."

"I's sure , Daddy ! I for weally wants them !" , she yells , jumping up and down .

As we walk into the store , CC says , "Y'know , Ash , maybe you should hold off until you can talk to Fianna , if she already told her no ."

"CC , I'm her father , and I have as much right to say what she can and can't do as Fi does , and the quicker she figures that out , the better it'll be for all of us ." , I inform him .

"I'm not quite sure about that , but you're not gonna listen to anybody , so why the hell should I bother ?" , he mumbles , and walks off to look at some bracelets .

I help Bren pick out some cute little earrings , and then we get her up in the chair and get her ears pierced with a pair of little gold stars . I pay for everything , and we head out to the car .

We head to my house to drop off the stuff for her visits , then CC and I take her home to Fianna . When we get there , she runs to Fi and waves the dog , saying , "Mommy , hims name is Wockles , Unca CC gived him to me , and him can be fwends wif Pickle !"

"That was very nice of him , did you thank him ?" , she asks .

Brenna flings her arms around CC's leg , and says , "Thanks you , Unca CC ! Hims a good puppy , and me wikes him bunches !"

He gives her a hug , and says , "You're welcome , kiddo , I'm glad you like him . That's my favorite kind of dog ." , then sets her back down and asks Fianna if he can use her bathroom .

When he puts her down , she runs back over to Fianna , and says , "Mommy , see what Daddy getted for me !" , and she pulls back her hair to show off her ears .

Fianna looks at her for a few seconds , and says , "Yes , Smidge , they're very pretty . Now how about if you take the puppy to your room to meet Pickle , I need to talk to Daddy for a minute ."

Bren runs off to her room , and Fianna turns toward me and asks , "Did she not tell you that I told her she couldn't have earrings yet , Ashley ? She's only two , she's not old enough to make that kind of decision !"

"She told me you said it cost too much , so I decided to go ahead and do it !" , I inform her . I'm starting to get annoyed with her attitude towards everything I do , and it needs to stop . She's not the only one that can make a decision .

"Of course you did , you're not the one who's gonna have to fight with her to keep them cleaned up so they don't get infected ! If I tell her she can't do something Ash , I'd appreciate it in the future if you'd have some respect for that !"

I reach out and take ahold of her arm , just above her elbow , pull her closer to me , and say , "And I'd appreciate it if you'd get over this idea that you're in charge of everything , because I have a newsflash for you . You're not ! Are we clear on that ?"

"Ashley , let go of me !"

"Not until you answer my question !" , I tell her .

As I say this , two things happen . First , CC comes out of the bathroom and sees us there , and he says , "Jesus , Ash , what the FUCK are you doing ?"

And as he says that , I suddenly feel a sharp pain in the pinky of my other hand , and I look down and see that Brenna has it clamped firmly between her teeth .

CC moves between Fianna and I , forcing me to let go of her , and Bren detaches herself from my finger and looks at me with tears pouring down her face .

"You go away from my Mommy , I's don't like you no more ! Go away !" , she shrieks at me , then hurls herself at Fianna .

What the fuck just happened here ?! Where the hell was my head , I just scared my daughter had to death , and now she doesn't want to be around me .

"CC , get him out of here , or I'm pushing the button !" , I hear Fianna say , and I look at her and see that she has her phone , with 911 showing on the display , and her thumb hovering over the Send button .

I lean down toward Brenna , and put my hand out to her , but she just moves behind Fianna's legs and refuses to even look at me .

"Ash , come on , or I'll carry your ass out myself !" , CC practically snarls at me , grabbing my arm and spinning me toward the door . Fianna puts the phone down , and reaches down to pick up Brenna , and as he practically hurls me out into the hallway , I hear something that makes it feel like someone's just buried an axe in my chest .

I hear my sweet little girl , sobbing , and saying , "I wish hims not my Daddy no more !"

And as CC pulls the door closed behind us , I hear Fianna say , "So do I , sweetie . That's Mommy's fault , and I'm so sorry , baby !"

We were doing so well moving forward , and now we've gone three steps back , if not more .

Brilliant , Purdy ! You may have just fucked yourself beyond any hope of redemption .




Definitely something to consider. If not an actual prologue, it would probably be interesting to have her remember some of the things that happened in this book, so i'll most likely have to find a way to work that in somewhere. Thanx for the thought!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Oh yes PLEASE a sequel! I would love to see events through Bren's eyes! Something fun you might consider is a recap of the story told by a teen Been, as like a prologue.
I look forward to seeing what you devise next!

Merelan Merelan

Cool, glad you enjoyed it!

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77

Awww, such a sweet chapter! Yay for Ash and Fi!

Merelan Merelan

Ah, I love this story! Good on you, Fi!

Merelan Merelan