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Falling In Jake's Arms 2. (Rewritten)

Being a Single Mom

Willow’s POV
It’s been a few months since I had my baby girl with me. Henry and I were fighting a lot.
“Why can’t you shut up that damn baby!” He yelles.
“Why don’t you help me out with her? She is your daughter!” I yelled.
“I thought parenting was easy, but it is not, I am just a fucking teenager, I didn’t even need to have a child. I was so damn stupid, you should of protected yourself.”
“Your the one who wanted to have sex without fucking protection!” I yelled. He slammed the table and he went to the room I went to follow him.
“What in the living hell are you doing?”
“Leaving, I am done! I don’t want to see this child ever! Bye Willow!” He left off and then went off closed the door. I was starting to cry. I didn’t even know who or what to talk or who to ask help. I called my aunt because we were super close. But the thing was that she didn’t even answer her phone today. I called my dad and he didn’t answer either. I sat down where I was and I was crying. I was lost and didn’t even know what to do. My phone ranged I answered.
“Willow, I didn’t saw my phone I was putting my twins and Rebel to sleep, what is wrong?” She asked.
“Aurora, Henry left me and Aurora, he was done, I just need to change her last name to Radke. I knew this will happened.”
“Why did he left?”
“He don’t want to take care of the child.”
“He thought this was easy and he kept on saying to shut up the baby.”
“Call your dad and talk to him about this.” My Aunt says.
“Alright but my dad would want to beat him up.”
“Your will be in trouble if he does that to him, he will understand and I know you have seen your dad beating up people before, believe me, he done that before when I was younger, he used to beat up the bullies that I used to get bullied.”
“Well okay, thank you Auntie, see you soon.” I hung up and then I called my dad once again. He answered.
“Hey Honey, I didn’t answer because I was in the middle of making a new song.”
“Dad, Henry just left me, he is done with me and Aurora.”
“Let me guess parenting is hard.”
“That’s what exactly he said and he packed his shit and left me here.”
“Honey, just pack your stuff and sell the apartment.” He says to me.
“Okay dad.” I hung up and then I looked.
“Well Aurora, it’s just me and you.” I said to her and I got my suitcase and packed everything. I got another suitcase and then packed the rest of the clothes and her stuff too. I called the person who owns the apartments and I asked them about leaving and they say there wasn’t no need to sell it that they will have that apartment already done. I handed the keys to her.
“Well I loved seeing you Willow.”
“Well I had problems so yeah.” I said to her.
“Well see ya around.” I nodded and I held my baby and went to my dad’s home, he wasn’t home but I know he always leaves an extra key I opened and then I went inside where my old room was and where this lead me to memories where my mom and dad always fighted for me and who would keep me, but my dad won. He has full custody of me. Because my mom always kept on saying to my dad that he was a drug addict I know that but he isn’t. But my mom was an drug addict, she left me to starve, didn’t even took me to school either. I just don’t want to be like her. Some kid that I used to know from high school came to me.
“Willow? Why are you here?”
“I had problems, I am living here now.”
“Didn’t you lived over those apartments?” He pointed.
“No it was another one, It wasn’t that near.”
“Oh okay well I was going to be on the way to ask you to go eat dinner with me some day.” He says.
“Say, didn’t you like me?” He turned red
“Yeah, but you were dating Henry, which he already has another girl.”
“That was the problem about it he just left me because he couldn’t even take care of Aurora.”
“Hey isn’t that name rings a bell to me?”
“Oh yeah I named her after my aunt.”
“Aurora Pitts? Used to be Radke?”
“Yup, that’s her.”
“I am a huge fan of her!” He says excited. I smiled.
“She is only just like wife of Jake Pitts.”
“Well she was on photo shoots with them too.”
“Yeah I know.” I said to him. Then a car was approaching to the house and then it was my dad with his car. He had his music blasted out.
“Well gotta go bye.”
“See ya.” He turned down his music and then he looked.
“Was that that one kid who used to like you?”
“He still does, he asked me to go eat dinner with him some day.”
“Nice, At least he put you into a good mood.”
“I know.” I said while I smiled.
“He should be the next boyfriend to you.” My dad says. I rolled my eyes.
“Where’s my baby grand baby?” He asked me.
“On the swing, maybe she fell asleep again.” I said to my dad. He looked and he smiled.
“She looks like you and me.” He says. I smiled.
“I am happy you are my dad. I know I had a bad childhood because I always see you and mom argue.” He looked and he didn’t say nothing.
“Well at least you didn’t go orphan just me and your aunt I had to hide it from her until she was around 12.” He says.
“Say then why I call her grandma if my grandparents are already dead?”
“She is my aunt, but we call her mom because we are part of the family too. So we called her mom.”
“So she is my second aunt/Grandma?” I asked a little bit of confused.
“Yeah, Aurora may or may not talk to her kids about this, this may be hard for her, it was for her she had one of the biggest depression, but I loved how she is a happy girl.” My dad says.
“She had depression? Oh my gosh I am sorry about my Aunt. No wonder she has been cough a lot.”
“She smoked a lot with that dumb Anxiety.” He says to me
“She is Strong dad.”
“She is, I don’t like talking about this because it was a long time and I don’t like bring stuff.” I nodded and then we were talking about something else and then he helped me unpack and everything.



I wish this website has a love button to love the comments

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa

Awesome, can't wait to read it!