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Falling In Jake's Arms 2. (Rewritten)

Who is back? What?!

I was doing the same old things at home, taking care of three kids. I felt very bored in here so I thought about walking my kids to the park and its near. I got the the strollers it had two and one and I liked it because I could just push them there.
“Come on honey, we are going to the park.” She nodded and then I got her in the seat with the babies and then we were walking down. It was sunny out so I put the thing up for my kids not to get disturbed by the sun. I walked and then I didn’t saw a guy who walked to me and I fell.
“Sorry ma'am.” As I got up I felt like I knew his voice and I looked up and it was one of my ex’s, long ago, I took off my shades out and he fastly recognized me.
“Aurora? Oh my gosh no time no see.” He says.
“Um, hey, who are you and how do you know me?”
“It’s me Jimmy!” I feel scared.
“Oh god no.” I said.
“I am not into drugs no more.” He says. I looked to him
“You know I haven’t forgotten what you done to me and how you forced me to do drugs, I am so glad I am not with you, because if my kids inherit one of those, I would freaking kill you, but my brother stopped me and he beat you.”
“Hey, chill, I know I have been a bad person on the past, but I have changed.”
“I don’t know how I can know if you did changed?”
“Well I have kids like you, and a wonderful wife.”
“Ah. And where are they?” I asked.
“They are right there sitting on the bench I just went to the bathroom.” I nodded slowly.
“Well It wasn’t a good time to see you, I have lost my trust on you long ago, and now we have bumped to each other.” I walked fast and left.
Jimmy’s POV
Aurora left off with her three kids. I came to the bench where my kids and my wife were.
“Let's go now!” I said to them and they rushed into the car.
“But you said you would of have family time, and who was that chick?”
“Eh one of my ex’s that you don’t need to know. Now shut up women. When we come there you better make me dinner.” She nodded slowly. We all came home and then my wife closed the door.
“Kids go do homework before I yell dinner is ready.” They all nodded and they ran back. I sat down reading the news on my laptop. I searched her. She was famous but she never wrote any music about that. She might of just been famous because of her husband. I looked. I was looking into old videos where Ronnie was on a band and everything. There was a video where it was both and the title said how she battle the drugs. I saw the video and it said that she was forced to do drugs and got hit a bunch of times and showed them the scar I made her. I shutted the laptop bad and then my wife came.
“H-honey, d-dinner is ready.” She says shyly. I didn’t say nothing and I got up and sat down to eat. “Kids dinner's ready, wash your hands!” She says and I looked at her. She brought the plate and it looked bad. I got pissed.
“Didn’t you know how to cook well?”
“It’s pasta, what you like.” She says. I slided off the table while the kids came down.
“THIS IS SHIT!” I got up and I started to beat my wife. The kids were watching and the older one took them to the room. I was punching my wife very hard. “Next time, ask!” I yelled. “I am not hungry!” I walked away back to the bedroom and then the kids came and to check on her, then I heard a knock and it was my older daughter.
“Why did you hit my mom?”
“Because she is a piece of shit that doesn’t know how to cook well!” I yelled at her.
“My mom cooks well, you need to stop treating her like this!” I slapped my daughter.
“Don’t you talk back to me like that! I’ll beat you just like your mother!” She ran away.
Aurora’s POV
I felt very scared to see him again, these flashbacks keep on coming to me. My older brother Ronnie came.
“Hey sis, what’s wrong?”
“You know that ex that put me into drugs?” he nodded.
“Yes him, we bumped to each other and I felt like he was going to get me again.”
“What did he say to you?”
“Well he said that it was a long time no see and that he says he had changed and that he stopped doing drugs and that he had a wonderful family.”
“Oh, and you didn’t believe him?” I shooked.
“No, what if he lies and tries to get me again.”
“Oh yeah right, and was the family looked scared?”
“The kids looked scared and the wife did too.” He nodded and he hugged me.
The next day I woke up and then checked if I need to get some things from the store and it was just some food I want to make for dinner and so I got the things I needed and then when I took off I left my kids to my mom’s home and then I looked at this women who had a round face and red lipstick and she had shades on and then I remembered her from yesterday. I came up to her.
“Hey, are you Jimmy’s wife?”
“Yes, and you are?”
“The chick from yesterday, look, I just want to really know if he really did changed.”
“No, he still do drugs, he beats me and he slapped my daughter yesterday, I even got beaten.”
“You need to demand him, he needs to go to jail and I’ll help you because they will need at least a couple of people to know and your kids are one of them, and my family which is my brother.” She nodded.
As the days passed it was the court and it said that Jimmy will be in jail for the rest of his life. I was happy and so was she and the kids and then everything changed I went home with my family and Jake asked me how was it and I told him. Thank god I got him out of the way so I don’t have to suffer.



I wish this website has a love button to love the comments

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa

Awesome, can't wait to read it!