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In A Blink

It Has Begun

Three days had passed before Andy began to feel the itch. The three days had passed in a haze of happiness and contentedness - Bluebell had been officially sealed into the clan, given a silver coin and one of the black ribbons around her left wrist. "It's a token, of sorts," Ashley had explained as he used The Deviants' power to tie it firmly around her slender wrist. "You can give us a signal as to where you are, anywhere in the world, and we'll find you. Also," he flipped the ribbon inside out to show the Black Veil Brides logo, "it shows that you belong to our Holding Clan, the Black Veil Brides."
Bluebell was ecstatic when she found Jinx's violin - she was practiced with piano and several orchestra instruments, giving her and Jinx a new topic to rave about together. C.C. loved just hearing Bluebell talk and Ashley was still star-struck over the young girl, but Jake and Andy were so sick of violin talk by the second day they had banned any talk of it unless they had a beer. They let Bluebell try an American can, but she found it so vile she vowed never to touch a drop again. C.C. figured that would be the best.
She was even introduced on stage at one of the concerts, just a days' travel from Seattle. She was their new pianist, adding surprisingly beautiful chords to their rock music. It became so popular that their fan base demanded CD's and iTunes version of their music with her behind the keys - and that was after one concert made its way to YouTube.
In fact, it was just after the concert that Andy felt the itch. It wasn't a bad feeling - he even scratched the back of his head to see if it was physical. No, it was definitely a mental itch. He was waiting his turn in one of the two tiny showers on the bus, listening to Bluebell hum sweetly from the front one as she scrubbed black war paint from her back. Her stage uniform was as dark as the boys, even if her hair was still long and purple - she looked so angelic, none of them could bear to cut it or recolor it. Jake was in the other bathroom, grumbling curses as he struggled to get the last traces of eyeliner from his eyes.
The itch vanished, and Andy found himself relaxing back against the couch. C.C. was staring at him with concern, seeing the singers' chest deflate with relief. The drummer was about to ask what was bothering the other when Bluebell's humming suddenly stopped, and a piercing shriek came from the bathroom. The reaction to the Sixths' panic was immediate - C.C. was the closest to the bathroom, throwing open the door as The Destroyers' shadows started seeping along his arms. He grabbed the huge, azure towel that Bluebell claimed for herself and threw open the shower door, wrapping the girl in the towel to cover her up before pulling her from the running water and into the living area.
C.C. pulled Bluebell against his chest as Jinx lashed out with The Mystics' energies, snarling at the effort it took when The Deviants' Holding didn't secure his mind in place. A shaky portal to Unknown opened and the white light revealed something horrible.
Bluebells shadow was being pinned by another - horrible claws, nothing casting the shadows as the bony arm vanished into the shadow behind the counter in the tiny kitchenette. She was in a full panic attack, her breathing erratic as she screamed against C.C.'s shoulder, chest heaving as her entire body shook with terror. The Prophet surged from Andy's body, encasing the singer with his Holding. "Man Without Face!" He snarled into the weak portal, bristling in protective anger as The Mourner showered the girl with calming silver dust that turned a kaleidoscope of colors the moment it made contact with her. The claws began sinking deeper into Bluebells shadow, and the dust burned with white-hot fire as blood began to trail down her temples, where the talons were piercing her shadow.
It all ended suddenly as Jinx lost control of The Mystic, and the Portal collapsed with a brilliant white flash. The Deviant gasped for breath, having been struggling to tie The Mystics' mind to his task without The Mourners calming dust. Once the white light was gone and their vision was returned, the men surrounded C.C. and Bluebell as Ashley kneeled beside her, yanking off his shirt and pressing the fabric against one of her temples to stop the bleeding - her hair was starting to stain scarlet. He was rough with her, forcing the fabric against her injured temple until she cried out in pain, tears falling from golden eyes as she begged for him to stop in an accent so thickened by the pain it was impossible to tell what she was saying. C.C. pinned her against his chest and ran his hands through her long purple hair, still dripping with water now stained slightly pink.
An hour later, Bluebell had finally calmed down enough to let Andy convince her to let someone rinse the blood from her hair outside. They pulled over at an empty rest stop and C.C. held her to him, still wrapped securely in her towel as Jinx and Ashley pour water through her hair, brushing through it quietly. Andy and Jake were still searching the bus thoroughly, looking for whatever may have summoned a Shadow Demon. The Prophet had been told by Man Without Face that Bluebell was attacked by one as the portal light revealed its shape, piercing her skin through shadows. Sure enough, the boys found what seemed to be a small puddle of what seemed to be thick, black tar-like sludge under the couch and moved the furniture, setting the dark pool on fire and watching it vanish. Andy and Jake shared a dark glance, communicating through their minds. They came to an agreement - no one else would learn there was a portal to the Dark Unknown here, simply a summoning token someone - or something - had snuck onto the bus.
Once Bluebell was safely tucked in bed and asleep wearing a pair of sweats and a warm hoodie with her hair pulled up in a bun, one of the boys hung a protection charm around her neck with their logo as the charm, the black rosary beads glinting oddly for a moment before dulling. It would keep her shadow safe from any other Shadow Demon attacks. Shaken to their cores and exhausted, the men also changed into pajamas and went to bed in their respective bunks.
No one commented when C.C. slipped into bed with Bluebell when she whimpered from nightmares, holding her close once again.


Hey guys, the drama has officially begun!! Enjoy!

Have a great day everyone, and be safe!!

LK Marie


It would be great if you could update in the near future . I can't speak for anyone else , but I'm definitely curious to find out how Bluebell is connected to the demons .

Red Phoenix77 Red Phoenix77