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A runaway, and the Drummer

Nicole’s dad is who?

Ever since I told my mom about the gender of the baby, I have feel like I have been not seeing my family. I called my mom. But she didn’t answer me. I looked down and I was about almost to give birth. C.C was hanging out with his band and I took baby Christian with me and then went to my mom’s house. I knocked on the door and then my mom opened.
“Mom, I have called you, why haven’t you answered me.”“My phone died, sorry honey.” She says.
“I feel like something is strange mom, is Josh there with you?”
“Yes.” She says.
“I feel like something is going on, are you sure mom, let me in.” I said while I pushed in and then I saw my brother tied up in a chair and Hans with a gun on my mom’s head. “Hans?”
“I let him free honey, I couldn’t stop loving him.” I got super mad and I didn’t want to get mad that bad because it will harm the baby.
“Why in the world did you let him free? He is gonna do something to our family, he has harmed our family before why the living hell are you in love with this sicko and anyways the one who raped me.”
“And that baby is my kid that you are waiting for.” He says. I looked down. I started to cry.
“No it isn’t, this is C.C’s baby not yours!” I said.
“Well if it is born, I want to see who is the father.”
“I am positive it is C.C’s.” I said. “Why are you pointing a gun at my mom if she told you that she loves you?” I asked.
“Well she fell in love with another guy instead of me, when I was in jail.”
“Wow Hans leave us alone!” I said. He didn’t say anything but he laughed.
“Yes, I will unless I want to know if that my daughter.” I looked.
“Are you going to kidnap me again?” I asked a little bit of scared.
“Nope, just gonna threaten you and this family.” He says.
“You better not kill nobody in my family or else I swear I will get the police in this!” I said.
“If you do, the person who is gonna die is your brother, Josh.” He says. I looked and I left without saying nothing and drove back home. I went inside and then I called C.C and he answered.
“What’s wrong honey?”
“Are you coming home?”
“Yeah I am.” He says. “What’s Wrong?”
“I’ll tell you when you get here.” I said and then I was starting not to get scared or anything that will hurt Niki. I looked so pale right now. The opened and it was him. I hugged him.
“Honey what’s wrong?” He asked me.
“You know how long my mom and I haven’t seen each other?”
“Since you told her the gender of the baby?” I nodded.
“I went to go see her and she told me she had a lot of work that she didn’t had time, but when I entered Hans was there and I asked her and then she let him free because my mom loves him still.”
“What?! Thank goodness you are safe.”
“But Since Hans knew I was expecting a baby, he says it is his.” He looked weird.
“No it isn’t.” I nodded.
“I know it is not. He is just wanting to have me.” I said.
“That’s messed up.” I looked.
“I might as well might do a testing, and I am positive it is yours.”
“It is mine. But if it isn’t, I am not gonna leave you, I am gonna take care of it like it is mine.”
“But if it is his, he is gonna force me to be with him and take care of Niki.” I said.
“No he won’t. I got you babe.” I nodded. “I have a plan.” He says.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Just go to your mom’s house, take baby Christian with you, try to say you brought the police with you.”
“Yeah but he is gonna kill my brother!” I said.
“Crap, so if I can just bring the police with me, when I come and save you.” I nodded. “I am not gonna lose you Ella. Ever since day 1 I saw you in that concert. I love you so much.” I smiled and he kissed me. I kissed him back. “Nicole is my kid. I have faith that she is mine.” He says. I smiled and he kissed me again. I smiled.
“I love you.” I said to him.
“I love you more.” He says. I got a phone call and then it was my mom. “Answer it.” I nodded.
“No this is Hans, remember?” He says.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing, just wanted to remind you that, if Nicole is my daughter, you and Baby christian are living with me. I am taking care of my child.”
“What if I don’t want to and it is not yours?”
“Here we have a deal here. C.C and I will do a DNA test, and if I’m the father, I should have full custody of her, and be with you. If it is his, I’ll leave you alone.” I looked and C.C looked. “Deal?” I looked a C.C he nodded.
“Okay it’s a deal.”
“Is C.C alright with that?” He got my phone and and he answered.
“Yes I am alright with this. I really want to beat you right now.” He says.
“Why?” He says. “Oh wait because you are mad at me right now because I fucked your wife?” He laughed. “She wasn’t the first person to get raped. I have raped other girls. But if they were pregnant, I would have to kill her.” I got super scared.
“So you are going to kill me? You ass!” I yelled. He calmed me down.
“No, you are special to me, I am not going to kill you. I just want to be the father for Nicole.”
“You are so positive about being the father. What if it is not yours and you have wasted your time?” I asked
“I already wasted my time in jail.” He says. He hang up and then I was super scared. C.C called 911 and then told them that they needed the police and then we explained what happened and they looked.
“Ella you always get kidnapped by that guy, Hans is in jail.”
“Oh really? My mom got him out of jail.” I said.
“How? He isn’t suppose to get out of jail, since the many times he tried to kidnap you and sexual assault.”
“I know that is what I’m asking too. How did he got out?” I asked.
“Well we are pulling up his record, it seems that your mother paid off the sentence for him not to stay in jail.” I am super mad at my mom right now.
“So mad right now.”
“You don’t need to get mad, it will hurt the baby.” The police says.
“Well we are going to help you out.” I nodded. They left and all in my mind was that is he really gonna kill me or he is going to be responsible. C.C says he doesn’t care if it is his, if it is, then he is going to take care of it like it is his.
The next day I went to the store to buy some food and then I buckled baby Christian in the seat and then I closed it and then I started the car and then I felt a tap on my head.
“Hey there, Ella.” It was Hans behind my car.
“What? How did you get to my car?” I asked. He didn’t say nothing.
“Just drive to your mom’s house.” He says. I drove and then I was feeling a little bit of worried of what is going to happen. I was in my mom’s house and then he got the baby and got the gun in my head. I was scared. “Since you are expecting a baby, it would be a heartless way to hit you in the head and do that, but since I am feeling that this baby you are expecting is my child.” He says.
“You are just wasting your time.” I said. Then my mom came and she didn’t say nothing and then she held the baby.
“I am sorry.” She says I couldn’t even stand looking at her.
“Sorry? Is that all you are going to say? Let me guess, Josh was in this with you how dare you!” I said.
“No Josh wasn’t with me, he came and saw us and he tried to call the police and Hans put him in a chair to tie him up.”
“And you are okay with this?” She didn’t say nothing about it and she was quite. Hans went to Josh. He took out the tape of his mouth.
“I am not in this with mom, I was super mad at her.” He says. My phone ranged and then Hans got my bag and then he answered it.
“Honey, where are you?”
“I have her.” He says. He was talking to C.C and then that he was talking that the baby was his and stuff like that. I felt a kick on my stomach but this time it hurt. I was stuck on my mom’s house for almost a whole month, that that month we don’t know when she is going to be born. I was feeling so tired. Thank god he isn’t a whole complete dick and not giving me food to eat or letting me walk. It was April 24. 1 more day lefts till she is here. Or so. Hans and my mom went out and locked the door I got up and then I got my phone and I called fast.
“Hans? My wife is about to give birth on some point day leave her alone!”
“Baby, it is me! Get the police fast.”
“Are you okay? Did he feed you and help you out?”
“Yes I am fine. But hurry!” I hung up and put it away and then I went to free my brother.
“What are you doing?”
“You don’t need to be tied up.” I said. He smiled. “I love you sis. You always there for me.” I smiled. Then the door knocked and it was C.C he helped me out and then another car came and it was Hans and then he got super mad. Then he got out his gun and ran fast. He was about to pull the trigger and shot C.C but he missed. I was scared that he put me in a room and then hide me there.
“Stay here! I don’t want you or my baby girl to get hurt.” I nodded and then he closed the door and then I felt my stomach hurt. I was looking that I hope not right now she isn’t on her way. But I started to faint.
I locked the door and then I was helping Josh out and then Hans shoot again and hit the wall I ducked down and helped Josh get to the room too but this time he got a good shot. He pointed at Josh and then Ella’s mom came fast and dodged a bullet and she died.
“MOM!” He says he got her and then she was laying down there.
“Josh. I am sorry for being.” She paused for a little bit. “On his side. Take care of Ella and your niece. I am positive that it is your baby C.C.” She says. She died and then Josh ciried. Then the police came then they got him and nothing bad happened. They carried Ella’s mom body.
“My wife is in the room.” I said. They nodded and hurried up and then my wife was there and then I looked and then her water broke. I smiled. But then they helped her up and then took her to the hospital. Josh is okay. I am okay. Ella is okay. My Nicole is okay. “Hey Josh. I am sorry about your mom.” He nodded and I gave him a huge hug.



In Cap 29, it was suppose to be ell in the end of the story srry bout that. I just saw the typo. I might of messed up with the other commment

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa

Thats good, their music is very good.

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa


I am now! Thank you, I've never heard them before.

Thanksss are you a hollywood Undead fan? Or you listen to it on the link?

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa

I really like the Cali song in chapter 25 :3