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A runaway, and the Drummer

Hell Arrives..

I was a happy Girl in my lifetime. I had a mother who loved me, and a father. Then here came my brother, Josh. We all did get along, a lot, I was very happy. My dad was from the military, my mother didn't want him to be away from his family a lot, he has calls from saying that he have to go. One day they called him to go to war again. I had a feeling something bad will happen to my dad, then when those couple of months passed. My mom got a call saying that my dad died, and I was only 13, Josh was 8, he was too young to know, but will hurt him. I supported my mother a lot. I have a best friend who is like a sister to me, Hallie, she been there for me a lot of time when I needed her, she was there for me.
So a couple of months when my dad died, my mom was sad, but she had to move on, then later she started dating a guy named Hans. He had met us but I always had a bad vibe about him. I am about to finish high school, and my best friend Hallie is already on college, so we barely see each other. Then my mom married him, but my life became hell, you know why? He was starting to flirt with me and looked at me werid, and when I tell my mom, she says what kind of things am I saying. But when I go to my room I feel alone, when try to talk to my brother, my brother really likes him. My mom has been with him for now 3 years. Now Im 17, and my brother is 12. I thought I would get along with him but he really tried to make me feel bad.
It was the next day and then my mom made pancakes and it was Tuesday, I got my bag and then checked if I had everything, but my mom didn't seem or look if I was okay.
"Honey after you back to school I need you to stay here, me and Hans are going on a date." She says.
"Another one? I was going to Hang with Hallie." I said.
"Im sorry, you take care of your brother frist." She says. I sighted.
"Alright, I'll call Hallie later.." I said while getting a pancake.
"Ella, whats up with you, last time I was in the computer and found out your playlist of this emo rock, what are you in?" He asked making fun of me.
"It's not emo, its called rock, and they have a name by the way, Black Veil Brides!" I yelled at him.
"Hans, stop." My mom says.
"Hurry, you guys want a ride?" My mom asked. I nodded
"yeah." I said. Then my mom took us to school.
School is always boring, I don't get bullied but I don't like people getting bullied. But you know I don't want to get into problems.
"Ella, hey trying to catch up to you.. Here is an invitation for my party!" One of them says and I looked and I nodded. Then school was done and then went home, changed into some shorts, and the the door opened and it was Hans. He looked. I rolled my eyes.
"Get out!" I said and then closed the door at him. I hate him so much, you don't know! Then I got a call from Hallie, It was her.
"Ella where the hell are you?"
"Shit sorry I was going to call you right now, cuz I gotta babysit, come here?" I asked.
"Alright, we gotta plan that concert we said we will go!"
"But you know most of them are like more darker." I said
"Don't matter yo. We aren't emos but we sure do respect them right. We don't gotta worry about that. we can just worry about the tickets to go."
"Okay, see you here in a bit." I said and then I hang up and then went downstairs and then I looked, then I put converse and then I didn't knew Hans was looking at me so he checked me out. Then he came by and smacked my ass. I got mad and pushed him out.
"I am tired of you of touching me!" I said.
"I didn't do anything to you!" He says then my mom came and then looked.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"He smacked my ass, and i pushed him." I said.
"No I did not, she was looking at me and she pushed me because I don't know maybe she is pissed because she couldn't go to her friends house." He mocked me. I got red and heated.
"Ella!" She says. "We will be back alright." I looked and I nodded. Then the door shut and then I looked and then I got the computer and then pulled up the website for the tickets.


I hope you like this, sorry if there is some grammar problems, not good with my English. But like it and subcribe to it!


In Cap 29, it was suppose to be ell in the end of the story srry bout that. I just saw the typo. I might of messed up with the other commment

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa

Thats good, their music is very good.

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa


I am now! Thank you, I've never heard them before.

Thanksss are you a hollywood Undead fan? Or you listen to it on the link?

Auroraaaaaa Auroraaaaaa

I really like the Cali song in chapter 25 :3