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The End of the Beginning

"Shit Andy your pretty shit faced you sure you wanna do this",CC asked getting in the car with Andy."Man...I got this",Andy slurred.Andy began to speed down an empty road.He saw a girl sitting in the street,He halted to a stop.The girl strutted over to him an attractive blonde haired girl with eyes so gray they looked silver."Hey, wanna chill sexy",the girl purred."Anya no",CC yelled.Then he was gone,Andy looked around giggling with drunk giddiness.Anya came closer,she got next to him in the passenger seat of Andy's car.He drove somehow knowing where she wanted him to go pulling up to a giant mansion.Andy was led up the marble stairs into a pink bedroom."Like my room baby",Anya purred."Yes",Andy said happily.Anya kissed Andy and could barely hold her composure. She smelled want she wanted it was strong, beautiful,rare.She leaned in to Andy , took his shirt off and immediately began hungrily kissing his neck.
Andy began to moan deeply.Anya bit down lightly on his neck.Andy soon felt her beginning to drain his blood.She stopped and looked at him like an animal."I'm gonna save you baby",Anya giggled.Andy flattened his body against the bed feeling the bliss effects of her bite. "Yes ma'am",Andy said mechanically.Anya bit her wrist and let the gold liquid flow from her veins into his mouth.Andy saw nothing but darkness and thought this is the end.


I really do plan on finishing this but I need your support to feel confident enough to finish it so please comment rate and subscribe the story gets better i promise


Oooooh! Me likey
Gabe Gabe