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I am a Good Girl

We Are Friends

Hayden's POV

The following day I went about my work as per usual, but it had started to become a habit for me to wait for Ashley. I didn't like it.
I checked my watch and it was already ten minutes passed six.
"Hey, why are you still here?" My manager, Reece, asked, touching my shoulder.
"Oh, umm, I was seeing if my friend was stopping by, but most likely not..." I felt my face drop.
"Is this that Ashley guy?" He asked curiously, I thought I could hear some jealousy in his tone.
"Yeah, I was with him yesterday and he said that he might come work out" I shrugged, nonchalant about it.
"Isn't he in a band or something? I'm sure he has better things to do" Reece continued, leaning against the counter.
"Yeah..." I nodded, trying to end the conversation.
Reece was that annoying guy I couldn't shake. He was good looking and everything, but he wasn't the type I went after. Of course he was tall, well build, sandy blonde hair that was due for a haircut at the moment. He was such a puppy though. If you weren't a client, he'd just hang off your every word and look at you like a toddler.
"Anyways, I might do a work out myself" I said awkwardly slapping the garnet counter and walking towards the changing rooms.
I took off my work polo and pulled out one of my tank tops. Before I could re-dress, I caught myself in the mirror.
My stomach was flat, my arms were toned and my hips had that 'V' thing going on.
I smiled at this look. I had worked so hard to get here.
When I finally got over how amazing I looked, I threw my top on and tied up my shoulder length chocolate brown hair.

An hour and half later, once I had run myself to the point where I couldn't stand anymore, I made my way home.
As I walked out to my car I felt silly that I'd stayed this long on the thought that Ashley 'might' come to the gym.
There was no way I was getting feelings for him eww!
We were friends...
We are friends.
As I reached my red, 2005 Jeep Wrangler, I noticed the familiar black Chevy Camaro, pull into the lot.
Sure enough, there was Ashley, looking like shit from being with the guys, but he was here.
"Hey!" I called when he parked and got out of his car.
"Hey, what are you still doing here?" Ashley asked, as he walked over to me.
"Ohh, I did my own work out. You missed it" I winked, playing it cool.
"Right. Sorry, I couldn't get here earlier. I was talking to the guys about my birthday. I wanna plan this huge party. I haven't had one in a while, so yeah, gotta start organising" he shrugged.
"Ohh, awesome, well have fun with that" I smiled sweetly, but desperately wanting to ask if I was invited. "Well anyways, I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow for your session" I continued, unlocking my car.
"Wait, you're not coming in with me?" Ashley frowned.
"Umm, I already did my work out..." I clarified.
"But I thought we could do another work out later" Ashley said, leaning against my car, trying to be seductive.
"Hmm tempting, but I gotta go. Have fun playing with yourself" I shot and climbed into my car.
I waited for Ashley to pass before I sighed and started hitting my head against the steering wheel.
"We are friends, we are friends, we are friends" I repeated to myself. Like saying it out loud made it true.
I had no idea where all this was coming from. We had been friends for ages, and now I feel different.
Maybe it's because I know the real him, not the front he puts on for every other girl.
I slowly sat myself up and started the engine.

I lived in a one bedroom apartment with my King Charles Spaniel, Duke. He was mostly black with brown splotches on his face and legs.
As I was unlocking the door, I could hear him scratching the other side.
"Hey Duke!" I cried, squatting down to pick him up. "Did you miss Momma?" I babbled to him as he licked my cheek.
"I missed you too. I bet you're hungry" I sighed, placing him and my bag down to feed him.
My apartment overall was an okay size. Decent living space and kitchen. My bedroom and bathroom were on the smaller side. The white walls made everything feel fresh and clean. I always had fresh flowers on my kitchen counter, they always made me smile.
I looked down and saw Duke patiently sitting next to his food bowl, waiting for me to fill it.
I poured the contents of one of the small cans into the bowl and petted him as he dived for it.
Not feeling very hungry myself, I climbed onto my charcoal black leather couch and flicked on the TV.
I often just used the TV just for the noise. Sometimes I hated living alone. It sounds good in theory, but it can be really depressing.
Something I noticed over the years is that girls don't like me. I've never had that close girlfriend that I've called a bestie. Maybe I'm too pretty that they feel threatened... I've seen the looks I get when girls see me with guys; they're jealous.
I've tried the whole roommate thing, but yeah, jealousy. Complaining that I always got the attention when we went out together.
LA is lonely without friends.
Maybe that's why I was feeling so needy towards Ashley lately...? Maybe I'm getting my period...?
Shaken from my thoughts, I heard my phone chime from my bag, still laying on the floor.
I absently rose from the couch and checked it.
It was an event invitation for Ashley's 25th birthday.
I felt my mouth spread into a wide grin when I saw the guest list. It was all his friends, band members and and a shit tonne more.
I had to look drop dead sexy for this party. It looked Ashley had invited about 70 people for this party it was ridiculous.
This was gonna be my chance.
My social life was dead apart from Ashley; this party was gonna give it life.



Have you read my other stories?

tina tina

more please???

Awww thank you!!

tina tina


oh Yay :)