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A Demon's Bargain


(Y/N)’s expression immediately went blank, and she said nothing for a long time. However, I could taste her distrust, her fear; they were tangy and oily. I started to panic, “Mistress, I-‘

She cut me off with a raised hand, her tone of voice firm, “-You don’t know what you’re saying. You don’t even know what love is.”

Immediately I started blathering anything that came to mind as anxiety overwhelmed me. “But I do, I just didn’t know it! My memories were lost to me, but they have been returned, and I know the truth of love, what it feels like! Can you not-“

(Y/N) was unmoved and remained completely still, her gaze hard. “-Stop, Andy; just stop. I realize you’re just trying to tell me what you think I want to hear, but you’re wrong! I don’t want-“

I lost my patience and yelled at her, “-What about what I want?!? I want you; I love you!”

Seeing and tasting her grow even colder, I smacked my tail against the settee in frustration. “So you will not believe me? When have I ever lied?!?” (Y/N) frowned, and I became incensed. “I can prove it! Damn it to the Pits, I will prove it to you!”

The taste of (Y/N)’s unhappiness filled my mouth and fogged my mind, only fueling my sense of desperation. Hurriedly, I formulated a contract the swiftest I ever had in my life. It was simple. “I, Andrew, son of Christopher, am in love with (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”

It had barely materialized before I looked around, crazed, for a pen. I saw nothing! Frantic, I stabbed the claw of my right pointer finger into my left palm, and then dipped it in the blood that came seeping out. “What the fuck, Andy?”

I ignored her, and signed my name. There. If it were not true, if I did not truly love (Y/N), I would cease to exist.

I blinked, confident but still frightened. Nothing happened, and I felt a keen sense of relief. “This is yours, as is my heart.” I handed (Y/N) the scroll, unrolled, as it dried.

I watched her carefully as she read it. Her expression changed from one of irritation and disgust to surprise. The aftertaste of her hurt went away. She set the contract down flat, face-up, on the coffee table, my blood still wet on the surface.

She turned to look at me, her dark, brown eyes glassy with unshed tears. “Is that what I think it is?” I could taste her confusion, her mixed emotions.

I balled my left hand into a fist to help quell the flow of blood as I stared her in the eye. “It is a demonic contract. If it were not accurate, if I did not love you, I would cease to exist, my lady.”

She stood slowly, her voice uncertain, “You really do love me?”

I looked away, embarrassed at her unforeseen reaction. “Yes.” I stared at my toes for a moment, unsure what to say, “-oomph!”

(Y/N) had run to me, was hugging me tightly! The flavor of her happiness was perfection! I enfolded her in my arms, relieved and overjoyed! She looked up at me, grinning so gaily, I felt as though a colony of bats had taken flight in my chest! “I love you too!”

For an instant, I lost myself in her warm, chocolaty eyes. I felt such a deep, profound connection with her; it was incredible! Wordlessly, I lowered my lips to hers for the sweetest kiss imaginable. A kiss shared in love.


Aww, so fluffy!

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Aww- glad you enjoyed! I generally never write chapters that long, but it didn't feel right to just randomly cut it in half (or thirds, heh).

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

I loved this sooo much. Perfect way to lighten up my day! Andy is sooo cute! :)

Merelan Merelan

NO!!! I love this version of Andy, want many many more chapters lol. :)

Merelan Merelan


Oh dear- did you want it to? D:

The main plot has 2 chapters to go (I think) but there’s a semi-lengthy epilogue that may not seem very necessary right now, but that will make a lot more sense after the prequel has been published.

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

Yay happy chapter... But is it time for the story to sashay away?!?

Merelan Merelan