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Bloody Lonely


It had all been true.

Somehow, I knew, in the darkness, that the knowledge had been too much for my human brain. Too many thousands of years of memories, of yearning; the horrible, dull, aching, pain of (Y/N)'s loneliness had short-circuited Andy Biersack. Luckily, it seemed, there was someone else on standby to help out.

I looked around, and eventually, heard the flaring of a match. What alarmed me was that the person putting the match to the candle was clearly the Andrew that the vampire woman had recalled from her memories. “What the fuck? Am I dead? Are you me?”

Andrew, the vampire, shook his head, and came a little closer with a candelabrum in his hand before sitting next to me in the murk. “Andy, I don’t understand the nose piercing. It’s so effeminate-“

“-That’s what you want to talk about?! My fucking nose! Are you serious? You guys are vampires and I’m possibly you, but aren’t you dead? What the Hell?” Andrew rolled his eyes and shook his head, like that wasn’t important.

“The expletives were totally excessive, Andy. I’m here to make a deal, and time is short, so I’ll get to the point.

“The woman, (Y/N): I love her. I’ve been apart from her for far, far too long. I have been struggling to reincarnate, to be by her side again, for longer than you can possibly appreciate, but a mistake was made. Now I’m stuck in your body as a mere passenger, instead of being the pilot, so to speak.”

Once again, I found myself at a loss for words. Fortunately, Andrew was not. “As for whether we are the same person, well, clearly not. You’re a human, mortal man. I’m a vampire with no corporeal form, trapped inside your body. However, insofar as I can tell, we share the same soul, a vampire’s soul. Very unusual, for a human man to have a vampire’s soul. That’s my fault. I wouldn’t worry about it while you are alive. Once you die, we’ll figure it out.” Andrew snorted and shrugged at my mystified expression.

Andrew got a little more intense, I could tell he was getting to some key point. “(Y/N) made a mistake. She never really dealt with humans very often. Human brains cannot handle more than about 200 years of memories. Without help, Andy, my help, you’ll die. Right now.”

Shit. Juliet. Mom and Dad. Black Veil, the fans- “It might be in my interest to let it happen. I could be a monster, try and just obliterate you entirely out of our shared soul after you die. Then I could try and reincarnate again, get it right. But it took me this long to get this close to her, Andy.” Andrew sighed. “And the fact is that it wouldn’t be the right thing to do, just let you die, with what you’re doing, how important you are to so many people.”

Andrew’s face hardened. “But I won’t hold those memories for you for free, kid. You have to do something for me.”

I was trying not panic. What the fuck could a vampire that lived in my head want? Some guy that possibly shared the same soul, or was a piece of it, or something? “What?”

“Of your own free will, you have to let me borrow your body for the night. I want to be with the woman I love.” His eyes were a pinkish-gray and pitiless, and his voice was now angry. “For your entire life, I have been forced to live through you. You have made me unfaithful to the woman I love countless times, in innumerable ways, and I’ve hated myself for enjoying it. You will do the same for me, for one night, and I swear I will regress at the coming of dawn, and hold (Y/N)’s memories for the rest of your mortal days.”

I hesitated. Andrew’s face did not soften. “If you won’t do this for me, I will let you die.”


What will Andy choose? Guesses? :-}



Aww, you poor dude! Hopefully you enjoyed it alright! :3

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

@smutty pariah
I know I wrote out a giant review but it must have disappeared- fucking bummer man :/


I don't see anything....?

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah


Haha, I'm so glad you liked it, man! :D

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah