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leaving BVB Fanfiction

Last thing to be said on this subject

And I hope that this is the end of it, I am just defending myself for what she's said in her latest thing. And yes I am still coming on this site to finish reading w stories that are on going atm.

right, if you read her latest update then you'll see that;
1. she hasn't got my permission to carry on with the stories, yes it is joint work but I have told her that if she wants to continue then to take out parts that she knows for a fact are my work. That is the reason why I feel betrayed by her, because she didnt have the decency to even come to me and say "Look, I wanna carry on with the stories, are you ok with that?" or something along those lines, and the reason I didnt take her name off the stories is because of that decency, because it is her work too, not the majority as she's trying to make out, and she suggested that all the drama happens to her character, and with the storyline as it was then it fit better, understandably.
2. she has made me out to be the bad guy, yes we're both at fault for some things, and I openly admit I was wrong for making this a public thing, which is why this will be the last thing I say on this as I have a deadline coming up so don't want to have this hanging over me as I'm trying to work.
3. yes i have a boyfriend now, and ave done since october, I dunno why he should be bought into the fact of this falling out, maybe jealousy, I dunno, but I was finally happy, and yes he agrees that it could be jealousy on her part, as i have shown him all the messages and other things which ave been bought to my attention. If anyone is gunna moan about the fact I've shown messages to my boyfriend, ten my reason for this is I want to ave a no holds barred type of relationship with him, and that means no secrets, many a night lately he has sat up with me in tears because of this stress, but that's all I'm saying about him as my private life stays private from now on.
4. I suffer from mild insomnia, which if you suffer from it yourself can understand why I wanted to try an get an early night sometimes but then end up watching tv or something, then the nights were I felt I could get to sleep, literally struggling to keep my eyes open, she insisted that we skyped and wrote, and she wondered why I wasn't writing much and wanted to sleep. as it stands I've had about 4 hours sleep since friday night because I've had all of this playing over in my head. But now I ave had time to actually get a decent amount of sleep and think about it, and calm down from it all then yes I will admit again I was wrong in bringing this out into the open.
So now, I'm gunna go through copy and pasting bits from her update and say what happened from my end, as I think it's unfair that she gets her say on the new things she's said about and I don't, which I'm guessing many of you will agree with.

"Unfortunately it got to a point where I was the only one being creative with the story and she wasn’t so into the writing anymore and it definitely showed through our writing! That’s why drama and things always happened to my character and not hers (especially during TW&TD). It got to a point where I was the main character and she was just a background character." - No, I was tired by this point, and yes I did come up with some ideas, but I don't think my writing showed that, and yes alot of it was Isis' writing and not me but I was editing what she had written.

"Aside from the story, our real lives were fun from my end! I went to shows, I recorded shows, I went to meet and greets and got a couple of videos of Asking Alexandria and CC saying hi to Gemma. I even sent her a “Mexican American” care package with all of these really cute things, candies and snacks that I loved just because she was curious what it tasted like! I really cared for her and I’d like to think that she felt the same for me at that time." - Yes I did, and you're forgetting the signed poster I got you when I met Asking (minus Danny), and the video shout out that I asked Ben to do for you.

" I hoped she felt the same and could come to me whenever she needed an ear. (Now that I think about it, I don't think she did vent to me other than her troubles with her kid)." - I shared alot with her, I have had alot of stress in my life lately, especially with an ex boyfriend, yeah Isis, remember him?

"But anyways, recently in October we had a small fall out because I was bothered by the fact that she didn't care to talk to me at all. Not even a “hey! I hope you're doing well!” Or even check in for a small convo. " - it's called being busy studying law, massive workload compared to the previous years, I barely have time to myself atm.

" I got upset at the end of the night and made a post saying “of all the amazing messages I've received, none was from someone who I thought was a true friend. I'm starting to see that our friendship is really one sided now.” I woke up to a post from her saying “it’s too early or this shit” or something like that. So I unfriended her. " - I didnt hear about Courtney's death until after I saw that status, I went to co comment and ask what had happened but she'd already unfriended me, in the space of time tat it took me to go onto her profile after it saying I wans't able to comment on it, and the its too early for this shit status didnt happen, I don't swear on my fb because I have family on there and I don't swear in front of my parents, I may have put something along the lines of that but I can't remember as I was having a bad day with my son, he had tantrummed from stupid o'clock till his dad came and got him the next day, so forgive me if I was already too stressed out. As any parent will know (or those of you with very young siblings), young kids at christmas = very much a handful with being extremely impatient

"Instead of that she went on and on making me feel like I was a nuisance to her and an inconvenience because how she had to reprioritize her life because she somehow made it revolve around me. " - she made me feel guilty for doing other stuff all the time, like why should I not have a life? She may not think she did, but honestly that's how it felt to me, why should I apologise for getting on with my life? and doing something with my life, and actually getting my head down and working towards my future? The happiness of my family come first, I've had to apologise for being who I am all trough my life, I think it's about time that changed.

"Reguardless, I still believed that we had a chance to come back together and be friends again." - she first hand how I've let people back into my life for it to only cause heartache for me down the line, I don't need that in my life anymore, the people in my life are people who I want to be there, and who will never make me feel guilty for doing the stuff I want to do.

"So after her and I spoke in January, I made the announcement of continuing on with the story. It only made sense because I was the only one who cared for it anyway" - I care about the story , which is why this as made me so pissed off about it all, like I said earlier a quick message to ask if she could carry on with the story would have been polite. Which is why I kicked off, because I politely asked her to remove my work and she refused, quite rudely I might add, I can screen shot the messages for that if you want to see them.

"She also said that she has blocked me on all social media as if I would be the one pestering her? Yeah no. Clearly I should've done it first because the only one pestering anyone is her. She messaged me through my other social medias and still carried on to here where she knew I wouldn't be able to block her." - Yes I've blocked her on everything because of this, not before, like she was trying to make out here, as I don't want anything to do with er anymore if she can't respect my opinions on the matter, as she blocked me on facebook after I messaged her about why she didnt ask me for my permission to carry on, rather than actually waiting for me to reply to the message, so I came and messaged her on here, privately because I knew she can't block me on here and she started having a go at me for it, so yeah take from that what you will.

To say that I didnt care about the friendship was majorly wrong, Anyone that knows me properly will vouch that I'm crap at keeping in touch over text and stuff, so for 2 years of messaging every day is pretty much miracle, I barely ever speak to my best friend of 17 years, we live 20 mins away from each other and she works in the supermarket I shop at, we talk then, if we see each other.So yeah, I hope that this is the last of all of this shitty drama as from my end it is, and I'm done with all of it now, I will not be commenting on it anymore, and like I said at the beginning I will be fully gone once the stories I'm reading are done with. So as Isis likes to say, alot, Bye Felicia.

I'm out.



Why don't you "grow the hell up" and not comment hateful things solely because you have an opinion on the matter?

madi_biersack madi_biersack

Don't believe anything she says Gemma is a big fat liar and a childish person seriously grow the hell up instead of blaming everything on your son or Isis

Eve1 Eve1