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Lost It All



“Andy! You know I don’t like it when you talk like that.” The older man chuckled as he looked over at his grandson that he was playing catch with. The football that they were playing with landed over it his next door neighbor’s yard and his grandson looked as if the world had ended. “Just go over and get your ball. The Stevens are very friendly. They won’t get angry.”

Andy Biersack, aged 9, gave his grandfather a nod as he trudged over in his Bengals football gear. Whenever he and his grandfather played catch with his football, Andy always wore his Cincinnati Bengals football jersey and his helmet. He loved football and especially his favorite team. Going over to the neighbor’s yard, Andy unlatched the front gate and walked into the yard. Just then the front door opened and a young girl about his age came down the front porch.

“Is that your ball that landed in my yard?” The little girl asked innocently.

“Yep!” Andy nodded his head. “Me and my grandpa were playing throw and catch and I sorta forgot to do the catch part.”

The little girl burst into giggles as she covered her mouth with her hand. “That’s ok. I’m not good at catching either. I can throw really good though!” She told him. “I’m Katerina.”

“I’m Andy and that’s my grandpa.” Andy grinned and then pointed back to his grandfather. He giggled when Katerina waved to his grandpa.

Walking down the stairs, Katerina grabbed the football and then with all her might threw the football to Andy. It wasn’t a perfect spiral but it a good enough throw to make Andy drop his jaw as he caught it. He started to jump up and down. “WOW!” He laughed. “That was amazing!” He turned his head. “Did ya see that Grandpa?” He yelled out.

“Yes Andy I saw that. Why don’t you ask your new friend if she can come over to play?” His grandfather asked.

“Can ya?” Andy asked as his eyes lit up.

Katerina sighed. “I wish I could but I have to go to piano lessons. But maybe another time?” Just then she heard her mother calling her from inside the house. “I have to go! But I’ll see you later Andy!” She waved to him as she ran back towards the house.

“Bye Katerina!” Andy waved as he watched her go. He hugged his ball towards his chest. He’d definitely be seeing her again!

~ ~ ~

“Have I mentioned how much I hate chemistry?” Andy slammed his locker as he leaned against it, closing his eyes.

“Well maybe if you actually stayed home once and awhile and studied instead of pretending you were 18 so you could date some chick, then maybe you’d pass!” Katerina retorted as she shoved her books into her locker.

Smirking, Andy opened his eyes and turned towards his best friend as he raised his arm above himself as he leaned towards her. “Aw come on Kitty Kat, are you jealous?” He teased.

Katerina growled at the nickname Andy used for her. It was his special one for her he used since they were twelve. Now that they were both fifteen she knew that she should be used to it now. “No, I’m not jealous. You can date whoever you want to date.” You deserve better Andy. “I’m just tired of doing your damn homework for you.” She mock glared at him. “You’re smart and you just throw it away.”

“But I have so many better things to do!” Andy groaned. “Speaking of that are you coming to hear the band play this weekend?”

Sighing, Katerina grabbed her Spanish book from her locker as she slammed it closed. “I’ll have to see. Grandma might need me to go with her to dialysis.” When Katerina was eleven both of her parents got into a fatal car accident and now her grandmother was raising her. Thankfully she didn’t have to leave Cincinnati because she was seriously afraid she and her grandmother would have to leave to live with her Uncle in Kentucky.

Andy grabbed both of her shoulders and stared down at her. “You have to come! I need my best friend there, Kitty Kat!”

“I said I’d try, Andy!” Katerina protested. “Besides, isn’t your girlfriend going to be there? Won’t she think it’s weird that a young girl will be there as well?” She smirked. It was well known that Andy was lying his ass off about his age to date an older woman. The woman had no idea that Andy was only fifteen. He told her that he was eighteen, the same age as his girlfriend.

“I don’t care what she says. I want you there.” Andy told her. Just then a bunch of Andy’s guy friends called his name. He turned his head. “Be right there!” He turned back to Katerina. “Hey I have to go. I’ll see you later. You’re the best friend ever!” He kissed her cheek as he took off.

Staring after Andy, Katerina sighed. “Yeah, I’m the best friend. Yep, friend zoned for life.” She hugged her books to her chest and walked to her next class. She knew he’d never get how she really felt about him. But then she could never tell him. At least she’d have him as a friend, right?

~ ~ ~

“Are you really leaving tomorrow?” Katerina tried to hold back the tears. It couldn’t be happening. No, she couldn’t lose Andy. She already lost her parents and now her grandma wasn’t doing well. On top of that her best friend just told her he was leaving tomorrow for LA. This was the worst Christmas ever.

“Come on Kitty Kat.” Andy stroked her cheek. “You know I have to do this. My music is my life. I have to give this a shot. This town holds nothing for me here. LA is where the music scene is happening.”

This town holds nothing for me here. The words echoed in her head. The pain followed. Katerina swallowed hard. “You just turned eighteen. You haven’t even graduated high school!” She pointed out. “You need your high school diploma.” She told him.

Giving her a pointed look, Andy scoffed. “Katerina lets be real. I don’t need to graduate high school to sing or write music. I can do that without that piece of paper. I’ve been doing it for years without it. This town is killing me. Nothing will happen here. Please? Please be happy for me?” He asked softly.

She knew she had to be happy for him. She was going to lose him anyway. “I’m going to miss you so much.” Her voice cracked.

“Aw Kitty Kat, I’m going to miss you too!” Andy wrapped his arms around her and gave her a huge hug. “You’re my best friend and without your support I couldn’t have done this without you!” He rubbed her back. “As soon as I get out there and get settled, I’ll call you right away. You can even come visit me, ok?” He promised. “Then when I get my band up and running, you’ll have exclusive bragging rights to be the bestest friend of the lead singer of the most popular rock band ever!”

Katerina couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Andrew Dennis Biersack what am I going to do with you?” She playfully ruffled his hair.

“Hey!” He protested. “First, watch the hair!” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Second, give me a kiss on the cheek and wish me a good trip. I still have to pack.”

Knowing this was the end; Katerina let her lips brush against Andy’s cheek. “You be careful and take care of yourself. Promise me?” She whispered.

“Always. I swear I’ll contact you as soon as I’m settled.” Andy crossed his heart. “Goodbye Katerina Anna Stevens. You will always be my best friend.” He gave her another kiss on the cheek before he turned and was gone.

Watching him go, Katerina had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She knew then that it was going to be the last time she saw him. At least for a very very long time. “Goodbye Andy.”



I made a music video of them to show how they are together. It's in one of the chapters. You should check it out.

SavageWords SavageWords

I love how you used Carry Underwood as Katerina but when I try to imagine Andy and Carrie Underwood in real life i

I'll update as soon as I can, I'm suffering a cold right now.

SavageWords SavageWords


It will get interesting, let me tell you that. LMAO

I'm also thinking of starting up a 3rd story, but not sure. I was watching Legion of the Black (LOVE THAT MOVIE) tonight and came up with an AU story that is based on that movie and The Wild Ones. It will go a bit into the history of who reigned before FEAR taking over and the Rebels fighting against them as they fight FEAR. The only thing will people read it?

SavageWords SavageWords