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They Don't Need to Understand (Andley Love Story)

Ashley's Letter

Andy's P.O.V.

Jinxx hands us our notes back, wait this isn't mine. This is Ashley's, Ashley has mine! I look up to see he's reading it, oh God no no no! My feelings about him are in that letter, how could jinxx mix up the letters? Wait, he couldn't of unless, Jinxx did this to us on purpose, but why? Why would he do that to me? to Ashley? Wait, maybe Ashley wrote what was wrong in his note, I'll know how to help him. I look down at his handwriting and smile.

Jinxx, I think, no, I know that I am in love with Andy. I have never been able to shake the feeling I felt when I walked into auditions all those years ago. When I first met his eyes something in me changed, and I liked it. I have struggled ever since to decide what to do, and it keeps getting worse because the more time goes on the stronger these feelings get. I want to tell him, to let him know that he is my own personal angel, I remember I thought of that when I first heard him sing, like he was sent to Earth to do good and help others with this amazing voice. Seeing him on the bus all the time was amazing but also painful, because on the one side I got to see him every day when I woke up and before we went to bed and also seeing him interact with t he fans always warmed my heart, but it was also painful because I knew I would never be able to tell him and he would never be mine. Then when tour ended a few weeks ago I feel as if I have become depressed, I know he is at home with Juliet, loving her and being with her and it kills me because I sit in my room alone at night wishing that was me, the pain is the worst I have ever felt in my life. And now, seeing him like this, like he has a cloud of guilt or sadness, or something hanging over him it hurts me because I want to take away his pain so he can be happy. I really need your help Jinxx I don't know what to do and if I don't figure out quick I'm going to lose what's left of my mind.

I put down the note on the table and sigh in relief as I look at his brown eyes across the table and know now what I must do.



Woah SHIT!! Juliet drama!

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Well I love this van you update please

If you have facebook, message me on Zoe Annabelle Alice Waterer and if you have instagram @stolen_omen and direct me

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Sure, I don't get on much but I'd love to.

Andly4ever Andly4ever

More omg!

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