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They Don't Need to Understand (Andley Love Story)


Andy's P.O.V.

Cincinnati, coming back here is always a mixture of joy and sadness. Growing up here and being bullied wasn't great, but because of it, and the great support of my parents I now have an army of fans who help me see that I wasn't so weird after all.
We just finished our show, and it was great to see so many fans that are from here and surrounding cities. Just as I walk out the venue door to head to the bus I feel someone grab my wrist. I whip around, ready to kick some ass if I have too, but I come face to face with a terrified looking Ashley.
"Oh God man, don't do that, I could've hurt you," I say as I let out a sigh, "plus you nearly gave me a heart attack." I see something change in his eyes for a split second, or maybe I imagined it because whatever it was or wasn't, it's gone now.
"Sorry... um." he apologizes, then hurries to the bus.
Well that was weird.

Ashley's P.O.V.

Tonight is the night, it's perfect to tell him. We are in his home town, and I know growing up here wasn't easy for him, but I could tell him how I feel. I honestly don't think I can hide it anymore, every time I see him my heart melts searing a bigger hole because I don't know if he likes me back. His laugh, oh it causes a colony of butterflies to take home in my stomach.
Oh there he is, he's walking towards the bus, now's the time. I reach out to him, and grab his wrist. I feel his body tense and I panic, he spins around ready to fight, but relaxes when he realizes he's in no danger.
"...don't do that, I could've hurt you,"
Wait! Does that mean he cares? Should I tell him? I look at him again and realize this was stupid, and I'm stupid for doing this, I mumble a somewhat apology and head to the bus and to my bunk. I try so hard to keep the tears at bay, especially since I don't want anyone to know, but they silently flow down my face. Then I hear his voice, but he's not talking to me,
"Yes Dragonfly, I will call you tomorrow..."
I don't want to hear any more of this, I roll over and I fall asleep to a tear stained pillow and a broken heart.



Woah SHIT!! Juliet drama!

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Well I love this van you update please

If you have facebook, message me on Zoe Annabelle Alice Waterer and if you have instagram @stolen_omen and direct me

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Sure, I don't get on much but I'd love to.

Andly4ever Andly4ever

More omg!

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