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They Don't Need to Understand (Andley Love Story)

Wedding Day

*Skipping Ahead*

Andy's P.O.V.
Today is the day. I am a ball of nerves as I straighten my tie. There is a small knock on my door and my mother walks in.
"You look so handsome sweetie" she says
"Thank you mom."
My parents were supportive of me and Ashley when I told them. My father was a little shocked, which I do not blame him, I never showed any signs of liking guys. But I never liked any other guy. Ashley is special. I can't describe it. My mother was a little heart broken, she loved Jules, but I just had to be honest with myself.
My mother walks over to me and wraps me in her arms. I hug her back as I feel her small tears hit my shirt.
"Mom, why are you crying?"
"It's my baby's wedding day."

Ashley's P.O.V.
I sit in the small room while I await my chance to see Andy. A knock on my door brings me to the present before CC walks in.
"Hey man, you ready for this?" he asks
"I am beyond ready. I just want to be Ashley Abrocket Purdy-Biersack."
"I am really happy for you guys. You two are my best friends."
"Thank you."
"You ready?" Jinxx asks when he pokes his head in
"I ready to become a husband."



Woah SHIT!! Juliet drama!

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Well I love this van you update please

If you have facebook, message me on Zoe Annabelle Alice Waterer and if you have instagram @stolen_omen and direct me

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Sure, I don't get on much but I'd love to.

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More omg!

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