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They Don't Need to Understand (Andley Love Story)

It's a Secret.

Andy's P.O.V.

Ashley and I have been together for a week now and things are going great, but I am not ready for the media to know. It was bad when the fans found out that I broke up with Juliet when she posted a heart breaking photo caption to Instagram, they begged us to work it out, but what they don't know is I am happier where I am. He said he understands, but I can tell he's, and when I get to the set for the first day of Average Joe my heart aches at the memory knowing that I hurt him.
"Hey Andy, you okay man?" Joe asks as he approaches me
"Yea, just got a lot on my mind with the whole Juliet Instagram thing." I explain
"Oh, well let's get your mind of it, what do you say? You ready to do this and get some hilarious bloopers?"
"Sure," I smile as I pull my "script" out of my jean pocket. Let's do this. Yay for distractions!

Ashley's P.O.V.

Andy says he doesn't want to post anything to social media yet because the fans had such a strong reaction to him and Juliet breaking up, and I understand. I just wish I could tell the world he is mine, I want to climb the the highest point in every country and scream it as loud as I can, but I respect my man and his wishes. He left for Average Joe about an hour ago and I am bored so i decide to spend some time with CC.
"Hey man, I was wondering if you wanted to go grab some food, I got nothing better to do."
"Will there be booze?" he laughs at the end
"Plenty, if you're buying." I laugh back

CC's P.O.V.

Food food, going to get food. Booze booze, going to get booze. Going to get booze and food. Food and booze with my main dude.
Hey! That rhymed, cool.



Woah SHIT!! Juliet drama!

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Well I love this van you update please

If you have facebook, message me on Zoe Annabelle Alice Waterer and if you have instagram @stolen_omen and direct me

blackveilbands blackveilbands

Sure, I don't get on much but I'd love to.

Andly4ever Andly4ever

More omg!

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