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Night Watch I: Eliza, Ward of Andrew

You can never control a unicorn (or) I knew the big cat was being terribly naughty

*Andy’s POV*

I had planned our route through the stables meticulously. Any other Watchman would have noticed we were taking an unnecessarily circuitous route, but as Eliza hadn’t been through the stables before, I was hoping she wouldn’t catch on. I wanted to save the major surprise for last.

Everything had gone smoothly so far- no other Watchmen around to see me acting like a buffoon over my woman. Not even Billy, Dusty, or Frank were anywhere in sight. Not that I really would have expected them at this time of Night, but if any of the hooved animals had a foot problem, Day Fae or no, a farrier got woken up and summoned.

I glanced at the chalkboard the Watch’s initiates used to keep track of who to fetch as we passed, and memories of countless Watch Nights spent here with Juliet briefly flickered through my head. Depending on the seriousness of the problem, sometimes the farrier would send for a Healer too. Dani was fussy when it was his turn to help with equines; he never had been much of a horse guy…

We left the horses’ stable, and I had to stop myself from reaching for my damned head, yet again! Hmm… Since I was thinking of things I was hoping Eliza wouldn’t notice, or at the least wouldn’t be absolutely disgusted by, the list would definitely include my constant scratching at my antlers. They were starting to really infuriate me!

As we approached the next stable, we had to dodge a cloud of brightly colored dragonflies, which made Eliza laugh. I, on the other hand, was confused. Dragonflies didn’t usually travel in groups; at most they were seen in mating or fighting pairs; and at Night? But just as soon as they all had appeared, they were gone.

Exactly as I’d hoped, as soon as we entered the stable with the adult unicorns, Eliza was positively effervescent! “Oh Andy, look! They’re all so noble and gorgeous!”

I had to be fast and careful. Sometimes I could really be stupidly impulsive; I really should have talked to Eliza more before we had even set foot in here! Though each unicorn had a living space, the adults never had a closed off stall. They stayed because they chose to do so. If she said something tremendously offensive, they very well might leave. Damn!

They were all watching us like hawks, their long, narrow faces thoughtful and keen. The unicorns that had chosen to ally with the Wild Ones were very tall, taller even than the horses, but much more willowy in appearance. The adults all had beards and manes, though the males’ were noticeably hairier. The females seemed to have longer hair at the tips of their tails, and I’d been told it was to swat the flies away from their foals, though I had no idea if that was actually the case. Their graceful forms belied an incredible strength; many of our enemies had been trampled under their cloven hooves. I had seen hundreds gored by their fabled alicorns.

I turned to Eliza, concerned. “I don’t know what you know of unicorns, Eliza, but most are able to understand our tongue with ease, though very few speak it themselves-“

“-That’s wonderful, Andy! What an honor to meet such fantastic animals! I am humbled that you would take me here to see them.” Eliza looked so sincere and full of joy; it struck me as something that unicorns would approve of.

I quickly looked around us. The nearest unicorn was a younger, black mare. I was embarrassed to have forgotten her name in the moment. She flicked her eyes to her right, deferring judgment to a senior, though I saw her slight nod, an indication of her personal approval.

Eventually, I made my way, through a series of small glances, to Peppercorn, a retired mare and a matriarch. She just rolled her eyes, like it wasn’t a big deal to have an enthusiastic newcomer around, and snorted at me, pawing us over with a hoof.

I motioned to Eliza. “Peppercorn is an Elder of the unicorns. She is retired from service and held in high regard for her wisdom and integrity.” Peppercorn blew dusty air right at my groin and squealed at me, making all the other unicorns squeal with laughter. I blushed a little, but wouldn’t let her daunt me. “Um, she has indicated it would be acceptable to greet her. Have you ever met a unicorn, Eliza?”

Eliza looked almost bashfully at proud, sassy, old Peppercorn. “No, I’m sorry.” Peppercorn comically popped her toothless lips at Eliza, making a loud smacking noise, to make her smile. It worked.

I snorted despite myself. “Well, if unicorns are in a stable, and they have decided to be mounts, you have to realize it’s because they have the desire to do so, they have made the choice of their own free wills. They are not beasts of burden, and though you may ask to direct them, all you can ever do is ask, you can never control a unicorn.” Eliza nodded. “You may pat and rub them similarly to a horse, but pay very close attention to whether they wish you to stop. It is not rude to ask a unicorn first if they like that sort of attention. Most will not respond with hostility, even out in the Forest, regardless of whether they speak your tongue. Unicorns are accustomed to being approached in that fashion regularly.”

Eliza and Peppercorn both nodded. Eliza looked at Peppercorn and smiled. “Hello, I am Eliza, a Night Watchman, and Second Officer Andrew’s ward. It is an honor to meet you. Do you like shoulder scratches, Peppercorn?”

Peppercorn nodded vigorously and stepped out of her stall to shove her shoulder at Eliza, who laughed and started scratching. Peppercorn nickered happily and let out a satisfied fart. She turned a bit and tapped her broken-tipped alicorn against a stall support beam, indicating she wanted something, that I was to come closer.

Peppercorn might have seemed goofy, but I knew very well that she was extremely powerful. Over the centuries, she had mastered some limited ability, with effort, to speak our tongue, an exceptionally rare talent for a unicorn. I leaned closer. Sounding a bit like a soft belch, she worked her jaw inelegantly, “CHASTE.”

I nodded, knowing what she meant. Eliza had apparently not heard Peppercorn say anything, which was probably for the better. She might well lose her bloody marbles if she knew she had! “Eliza, unicorns are born with a natural proclivity towards the, um, innocent and carnally inexperienced-“

Eliza took a step back and her expression quickly grew stricken. “-Oh gods, you were serious? Peppercorn! Am I hurting you? Are you all right? Andy, we have to wash the sex off of her! Shit-“

All the unicorns started braying with laughter, and Peppercorn was good enough to nuzzle up against Eliza to reassure her. I couldn’t help chuckling a bit myself, as Eliza turned red in the face. “-No-no! Eliza, she’s fine! I was just telling you that so that you would know to be careful when approaching unfamiliar unicorns, especially younger ones. Always ask them before touching. Apparently it’s more like an unpleasant sensation, not physically harmful. They say that it’s something they get used to with exposure, and eventually it stops bothering them.”

Peppercorn wandered back into her stall, apparently satisfied with her scratches. I walked Eliza though several stables full of unicorns curious to see a new face.

I explained to Eliza that she didn’t need to introduce herself in each stable because the unicorns had already spread the word ahead of us. She found it particularly fascinating that unicorns used a form of telepathy that was unique; no other species, at least that I knew of, understood it. Some unicorns were able to use traditional mindreading as well, as Alice, Cedra, and Dani did. Those that could often served as translators whenever a complex communication issue came up.

After introducing Eliza to the unicorns, I had the foresight to prepare Eliza a bit for the koq-nindji. While I thought she’d enjoy getting to see them, interacting with them was very different. “Eliza, we’re going to see the mountain tigers next, have you ever been around any tigers or other large cats?”

Eliza thought for a moment. “Not really large. When I was young, there were traveling shows that came through Merry Willows. I remember once, there was one that had a cactus cat in a cage, on display. Another time, a man actually had a puma and a ball-tailed cat trained to do tricks.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Really? I’ve only read about those, I’ve never seen them before. We don’t get any of those around here. All of those critters prefer much more rocky, mountainous environments. At least, that’s what the manuscripts all say.”

I glanced away nervously, feeling self-conscious about being such a bookworm. I found myself scratching the base of an antler and inwardly cursed as I pulled my hand away. “Well, the koq-nindji, they’re very smart, but they’re much slower to accept new people, especially new riders. So we’re going to have to play it by ear. They’re really very large, and they have very long fangs, but so long as you don’t threaten them outlandishly, they won’t bite you, or attack. They’re very well trained, they’re not brutes. Just keep in mind that they are huge predators that have to eat an entire deer a piece, some of them as often as once a week!” Eliza’s eyes got big, and I admittedly felt a thrill at getting to show off a bit. “What I really love about them is that they don’t leave clear tracks, because the bottoms of their paws are covered with coarse hair.”

I paused for a minute, thinking about it. “There are a few that a somewhat affectionate, they might accept a pet or two, at least sniff your hand. Come on.”

Secretly, my chest was bursting with excitement from how enthusiastic and eager Eliza looked. She followed me across the way into the lower shed, which was admittedly a lot fouler smelling. There was simply nothing for it, that many gargantuan cats in one structure, producing their profoundly odoriferous urine, it simply didn’t matter how often it was cleaned!

Ooo! Aren’t you so handsome?” Eliza cooed at Bumbum, the first tiger by the entrance. He looked up from drinking and blinked at us.

Indeed, he was. Mountain tigers, even as babies, were enormous. Bumbum was bigger than a lion, though not quite as big as Cedra. They had no real tails to speak of, and had those massive, sabre teeth that tended to scare the ever-loving piss out of enemy forces. When they were really worked up, they would howl this horrific, totally unnerving war cry, and I’d seen whole battalions turn tail and run in response. Most of them were a reddish-brown with white stripes, though a few were all black.

Eliza marveled at them as we walked, but I had a destination in mind, finally stopping in front of Le Noel’s pen. “It’s wonderful how their eyes give off light, like a lamp.”

I smiled. I didn’t even notice that anymore. “They actually only do that at Night. Sometimes it’s inconvenient, if you’re trying to track something, or be inconspicuous. But it’s very intimidating to rival forces.”

I watched Eliza for a moment as she looked around us, beaming happily. “The Dusk, Night, and Dawn Watches work with them the most, since mountain tigers prefer the dark. As I said, they develop strong preferences for riders that they know well, but if their rider falls in battle, they are loyal to the Watch, that is the exception. That is really the only time when they will accept new riders quickly and without protest. It’s thought that they feel a need to avenge their fallen friends.”

Eliza’s face softened, her grin faded, and I stuttered, flustered at having ruined her fun. “I-I, uh, I just tell you that so you’ll know it’s safe to mount a riderless tiger, during a battle, if you see one. Just, um, not generally. Unless you’re acquainted.” Eliza nodded solemnly, her face hardened a little, and I wondered if I had touched some strange chord within her?

As if on cue to save me from my floundering, Le Noel heard us talking, and his curiosity got the better of him. He came ambling to the front of his pen, giant eyes blinking brightly. I didn’t really know how much mountain tigers understood, but I generally decided to err on the side of caution. “Hi Le Noel, it’s Andrew again. I’d like to introduce my special friend. This is Eliza. May we say hello?”

Le Noel rubbed against the gate unhurriedly, in a sociable fashion, which I took for approval. I turned to Eliza. “I’m going to open his pen and see how he does. Don’t follow until I say.”

I opened the gate, and was pleased that Le Noel backed away to give me some space. He really was a good boy. I stepped in his pen, closing it behind me. I reached out my hand, and he rubbed his massive head against it, a deep rumbling sort of barble coming from his throat. After a moment I pointed my other hand at Eliza. “May my friend say hello?”

I was surprised when Le Noel backed a little further away again, to give us more space, and then blinked at me expectantly. Just how much did he understand? Slowly, I opened his pen, and beckoned Eliza in, watching Le Noel, who had started grooming his stomach. I left the pen open, just in case. I motioned to Eliza to say something.

She looked admiringly at Le Noel, who was undoubtedly one of the biggest Mountain Tigers we had. He was also one of my favorites. He was very friendly, and loved to play fetch with sticks when out on missions. “You are so handsome, you big-oof!”

I nearly had a stroke when Le Noel came over to Eliza, knocked her over, and partially sat in her lap, his throat reverberating happily like a small thunderstorm. “Off, boy!” I smacked at his giant side, panicking! He could be killing her! No!

After Le Noel realized he was crushing Eliza to death, he got up, looking embarrassed, turned, and started to knead her bountiful chest with enthusiasm! I was horrified, fearing the worst, until I heard Eliza’s peals of laughter, and saw he was being a somewhat obedient boy and keeping his claws withdrawn. Still, he was getting his dirty, hairy paws all over-

Eliza giggled, scratching Le Noel’s shaggy head from where she lay on the ground, looking delighted. Nevertheless, I knew the big cat was being terribly naughty. Taking advantage of charmed women who didn’t know any better! Hmph!

I tapped him firmly on the shoulder. “Bad! No, don’t knock over Watchmen! You know better!”

Le Noel backed off of Eliza with a sassy twitch of the tiny, little nubbin that passed for a tail, then went over to apologize to her with a head butt. I grinned. “That’s better. See, she’s very nice, No, she likes you!”

Eliza grinned as she reached to scratch Le Noel’s rump, making him stretch. “I do! What a good boy you are! And look at your adorable, little ears, I love them!”

I smiled as I watched Eliza give the big lug chin scratches. Of course she’d charm the whiskers off of a mountain tiger, so much so he’d tried to crawl in her damn lap. Why had I ever doubted it?


here are a picture of a unicorn:

and a koq-nindji (mountain tiger):


*NOTE* The author of this story no longer has access to her account due to site malfunction.
SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah

I've waited right to the end to comment. I loved this so much. I love all the characters and if this site would let me vote loads, I would. I wish it were more like wattpad in that respect. I've read the first chapter of the next installment and I can't wait. I'm super excited.

xPockyCookiex xPockyCookiex


yay! so glad you like it so far!

anathema anathema

@smutty pariah

*snorts at you* ;0)

anathema anathema

Yes, can't wait!

Teja Teja