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Tell Me I'm Dreaming


Hey, sorry if u thought this was an update and I know that I said I would update all of my fics at least once a week. I'm going to continue to try because I really want to, and I know you enjoy reading it's just I've been going through some issues with coming out as agender to my family. They have all accepted it and everything, and they said they'd call me by my preferred name which is Rhyan, and it's great they've accepted and stuff, it's just I feel like even though I've come out, nothing changed. I know it'll take time, but it's just no one is calling me Rhyan and no one is using my pronouns I want, and I want to remind them but I just can't bring myself to and it's really getting me down. I broke my self harm clean of 3 months record, now it's only been 4 days... I regret it a lot. I'm also really considering just ending my life, which also doesn't help that I'm really unsure if I'm agender or transgender....I just feel like nothing's ever going to change and it's really hurting me, one of my biggest issues is waiting, I absolutely hate it. Anyway, sorry for rambling, just needed to get it off my chest, I'm going to try writing despite my feelings as I know this will actually help me feel happier and give me a purpose. As well as I'm having some psychological issues that I'm fucking scared about, like zoning out and such and not knowing what the fuck I was doing or what was happening which is fabulous .-.

im gonna copy and paste this on all my fics, which is why there won't be an update for all of the,, they will all have this message thingy.

sorry again.




blackveilbands blackveilbands

Aww this good I like it please update


Derek6 Derek6

I don't know whether to feel relieved or annoyed xD too many cliffhangers :p xD

ThatBVBFan ThatBVBFan


aha I'll update soon, tonight or tomorrow def ^-^

Derek6 Derek6