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Somethings happen for a reason


(Alex's P.O.V)

I looked around to see darkness surrounding me. I knew that the stabbing put me here. I could hear ticking sounds coming closer and closer. All of a sudden my past and old deep thoughts came circling around me. I dropped to my knees and covered my head.

My horrible past and deep thoughts drifted away leaving me scared and speechless. All of I sudden I heard a door open and two people enter what seemed to be the hospital room I was in. I heard a women's voice and a familiar male voice.

I heard a chair get pulled next to what seemed to be my hospital bed. The males voice spoke up and said,"Alex wake up. Wake up please." I realized who the males voice was. It was Andy my love,my life. "I need you to stay with Me. I need you to continue to be mine Alex please." Andy said sadly. "I will stay with you Andy and I will be yours for a as long as it should be Andy." I said loudly. He couldn't hear me. "I need you to fight Alex. I need you to fight to stay. Please Alex fight for me." Andy said. "I will Andy I will fight for you and I will stay with you." I said loudly.

I then looked up to see a light from the distance. I ran over to that light. Letting its brightness guide me through the darkness. I looked up to see Andy in the bright light. Andy was holding my hand and had tears in his eyes. Suddenly and spoke and said,"Alex I-I love you." I suddenly was being pulled into the light seeing a flash. After that flash I opened my eyes to see Andy next to me. His hand was covering mine. He had tears falling down his face. I wiped his tears. He looked up and said,"Alex you're-" I cut him off and said,"I-I love you too Andy.


Comment and let me know what you think about this chapter! Also I will update later!


Gotcha, goodnight bruh :3

Raye Raye

Play well I'm going to sleep it's like 3:30 in the morning. I'm really tired! Goodnight I will update tomorrow for sure<3

lexiXbvb lexiXbvb

^-^ <3

Raye Raye

Oh that's a huge relief omg CX I was so scared lol

lexiXbvb lexiXbvb

It's great buddy :3

Raye Raye