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Stories From Therapy

Chapter 3

I woke up to my room being mysteriously empty. The bed across the room was nicely made, Linda's bags were gone, and Linda was nowhere to be seen. I looked at my clock and saw that it was five in the morning. Breakfast wasn't until seven. I got up and walked out of my room to the receptionist desk. She looked startled at the fact that I was awake. Usually, I wasn't awake at this time unless I was being dragged to get sedated. I grabbed the pencil and notebook that was in my cubby and started writing. I showed her my writing. 'Where did my roommate go?' She smiled sympathetically at my confusion. "She had to move hospitals due to her worsening condition. Your new roommate will be arriving tomorrow." She said, returning to her work. Yeah right. She left because she's afraid of you. You're the definition of a ticking time bomb. She was so horrified that she had to leave. I sighed, going back to my room. I could hear the receptionist sigh in relief. They're all afraid of you. They know that you could explode at any moment. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. I went back to my bed, already feeling exhausted. I fell into a deep sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

*Few hours later*

*Andy's POV*

I walked to Aurora's room quickly, not wanting her to miss breakfast. The receptionist asked me to wake her up. For some reason, the staff didn't want to get near her. I quietly opened the door and poked my head into the room to see her in her bed, whimpering softly. I slowly walked over to her to see that she was crying. "Please..... Don't........ Please........ Stop......" She whimpered in her sleep. I was taken back. That was the first time that I have heard her voice, and I've been here for a month. I softly put my hand on her arm and gently shook her. "Aurora?" I whispered. She quickly sat up, not seeing me next to her, and started wailing loudly. I backed up, not knowing what to do. Four nurses came in, restraining her to the bed as she started screaming. I huddled in the corner as another nurse came in, holding a shot containing clear liquid. I ran out of the room, tears running down my face as they injected the fluid into her neck. I ran into the common room, where all of the others were, scared looks on their faces. I couldn't handle it. I ran from the room to my room, ignoring someone shouting my name as I left. I sat on my bed, images of what just happened running through my head like a horror movie.



This is awesome :D Update please?

Sexyshadows Sexyshadows

I'm happy that you're enjoying it!

I love this!!!

Raye Raye

Update soon please!

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