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No luck in the library, watch and wait

*Oona’s POV*

I watched Andy fervently masturbating in my little hand mirror. His face wore a tense expression of desperation. Perhaps I had put a bit too much sexual desire in his little seed, considering it would only worsen…

I watched the muscles of his arm work, the light highlighting his masculine forearm vasculature, then changed the angle to see the very slight sheen of sweat on his brow. His exasperation was delectable, but I wasn’t really into torture. Letting him suffer last night had been cruel enough. He had made progress on his own by resorting to pornography; I wanted to reward him.

I touched the mirror, strengthening his thoughts of me, sending him a few fleeting visions to keep. It didn’t take long after that for him to climax, ejaculating messily in his frenzy. His eyes were closed, he was panting, and I knew exactly what he was thinking about, though he didn’t know it, not yet. So far, so good.

I was surprised to find I was a little out of breath too. Andy was… a little more intriguing than most. So well made.

I looked back to my pile of books. All useless, so far. There were all kinds of volumes written about things that could go wrong with seed implantation, the various ways to concoct seeds, the most common recipes, and enchantment errors. But nothing mentioned a human waking up in response to seed administration, not while under an enchanted sleep.

The closest I could get were multiple descriptions of the ‘old school’ method, succubae who worked without putting their subjects under a bewitched sleep, and who would accidentally wake them up by bumping the bed or something. There was a fair amount of advice on how to deal with panicking humans, or how the ‘new/enchanted’ method was safer for all parties. I didn’t even know anyone who worked using the old method anymore, though I heard a few still did. That had fallen out of favor before I even existed.

Well, curses. The local library had failed, so to speak.

Two options remained. I could travel to the capitol and see if the Infernal Library had more information. But seriously, though I loved cities, I hated Dis. Everyone there was all about politics and facades. And though what had happened with Andy’s seed wasn’t a secret, per se, I didn’t want anything bad to happen to Andy. If waking while under a solid enchantment when being given a seed was truly as uncommon as it seemed, I didn’t want anyone else to take up an interest in him. Andy was mine.

Over the years, I had grown unusually fond of him. Even as I fed on others, I would think of how much sweeter he would taste, when the time came. Though I was not a great lover of humans in the altruistic sense, I couldn’t help but respect his comportment. I could see why so many larval, juvenile, and mature humans found him inspirational and intoxicating. But some of their kind wished to feed off of him, too, in their own way. At least, when I fed, it would not take anything from him, just what emanated off of him, what he released as he was in the throes of ecstasy. I chuckled to myself.

That left my other option. I could start discreetly asking around. Incubae and Succubae aren’t exactly buddy-buddy, it’s the nature of the game, but we did have casual friends, certain tendencies, and whatnot. I definitely trusted some more than others. I would ask a few of the oldest, most reliable of our kind, and see where I got. Demonic social interactions could be kind of tricky to navigate sometimes. This would be interesting.

I checked my hand mirror. Andy was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, clearly ruminating. Poor man was probably worried. Though, at first, this was often an uncomfortable process, and confusing, for them, I didn’t want this to be outright painful for him.

I touched the mirror again, sending him peaceful, happy thoughts of a joyful kiss from me, a hug, and the feeling that he wasn’t alone. I had veiled them, making them almost subconscious, but I still saw the furrow of his brow decrease almost instantly. Soon thereafter, I watched him rise to take a shower, and I greedily eyed his body. I could hardly wait to feed off that man. He was mouthwatering, and I was ravenous.


Wonder why Andy woke up? ;)


*NOTE* The author of this story no longer has access to her account due to site malfunction.
SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah


Flowers for you, beotch!

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah




thanks guys! i worked forever on it, so glad to hear that you enjoyed! :O)

anathema anathema

Congratulations on finishing another great project! I can't wait for new stories from you!

Maladaptive Maladaptive




i knew you were gonna be a sucker for a happy ending ;D

ghoulbaby ghoulbaby