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*Oona’s POV*

“Andy, I-“ No! I smelled angel, and not Andy. Immediately, I leapt off the bed, positioning myself in front of Andy. I would have expected the Father to send other demons for me, to punish me, for an angelic union. But it wasn’t like Heaven to send it’s soldiers into the Underworld to come after Andy. Clearly, this had been more of a transgression than I realized.

I didn’t recognize the angel by the mirror. Good, he must not be an archangel, perhaps I could buy enough time for Andy to make it out the door, to a mirror, if he could just figure out how to travel, and survive. Even if he ran out into the Underworld, there might still be a chance. I crouched to attack. “Andy, you have to run-“

The angel spoke rapidly, and maintained a conciliatory posture, holding his hands out, palms up. “I beg you, there is no time to talk. I am the source of Andrew’s angelic blood. Please, I beg you, take my hand, there’s no time for conversation! I can explain with thought more quickly, but it requires physical contact.” I looked in his eyes and saw he was genuinely terrified, gesturing with his hand, glancing at my door. Angels didn't tend to lie, I knew that much.

I kept my eyes on the angel. “Andy, if anything happens, you must run.” I knew there was no time to look and see what Andy thought of all this. I stepped forward and touched my palm to the angel’s. Instantly, I understood everything:

The angel’s name was Penemue. He was not sent by Heaven at all, he was a fallen angel, technically, though not on terrible terms with the Host, really. The whole bit about his falling wasn’t exactly as things had been written down in a variety of texts, but that was typical, as he imagined I knew. The part about how he loved to write, and had done a great deal to promote education was true, though. He had been involved with the whole ‘watcher’ thing, but the description of that was totally fucked up. He pardoned his language, but he was stressed.

Penemue met a woman in the mid-1760s, her name was Adelaide. I could see her in my mind- a blonde woman, she had been on the streets when Penemue met her by chance. He glossed over particulars very rapidly. They fell in love, and Addie had accepted him for what he was when he had told her. He had taken her as a wife, and she had two nephilim children. Though they hadn’t gone on to be horrific giants or abominations, they had kept Penemue on his toes. Adelaide had died in her late 40s, breaking his heart. Penemue had found purpose watching after his family ever since. He had many descendants now, but it had been quiet for two generations, no major problems. This was a doozy and a new one on him.

Andy was the only one with both an angelic and demonic bloodline, he didn’t know what that meant. What mattered now was that Andy had manifested as an angel, and was an angel when he had fornicated with me, and ejaculated into me, a demon. This was the highest offense. The High Father (I knew he didn’t mean my Father) and the Dark Lord (oh please…) both agreed that the union of an angel and a demon was strictly forbidden. It wasn't even discussed or debated: it simply wasn't to be done.

In the Underworld, the Dark Lord would send demons for us both. In Heaven, the Heavenly Host would come. Anywhere else, they both would come, but we would be much harder to track. If we didn’t leave, now, the demons would destroy me, or worse, and he wasn’t sure what would become of Andy. He was an angel now, but he had demon blood. He could be torn to shreds. If Andy was harmed by demons instead of being handed over to the archangels, it could anger the Host. It could cause a war.

But Penemue had been dealing with this kind of bullshit for thousands of years. Well, not quite of this magnitude, but he had an idea. The Dark Lord would be able to sense there were two angels in Hell, one of them fallen. His Legion would be searching for a demon who had procreated with an angel. They likely didn’t know it was me yet, and they certainly didn’t know it was Andy or Penemue. If we left for Andy’s house, right now, we’d have bought a few more minutes, maybe even hours.

As soon as we got there, Penemue would have to work on pulling Andy back to his human form in entirety. Andy wasn’t even fully here- a portion of him remained asleep in his house. Once Andy was human again, neither the Host nor the Dark Legion (his antiquated terminology was amusing) would be able to track us, the scent on the trail would die. Penemue suspected we would be safe.

I jerked my hand away, nodded quickly, and turned to Andy. “There’s no time to explain, we must trust him! Come with me or we will both die!” Penemue looked relieved. “Penemue, you know how to get to Andy's residence?”

“Yes, I’ve watched Andy his whole life! Go, quickly! I will follow!” Penemue watched the door as I took Andy by the hand and walked quickly to the mirror.

I looked at a bewildered, worried, naked Andy. “It will help if you envision your bedroom.” I didn’t wait for his answer. I gripped Andy’s hand tightly and pressed my other palm to the mirror.


ugh posting when sleepy, hopefully not too many errors- point them out if you find any. :O)


*NOTE* The author of this story no longer has access to her account due to site malfunction.
SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah


Flowers for you, beotch!

SmuttyPariah SmuttyPariah




thanks guys! i worked forever on it, so glad to hear that you enjoyed! :O)

anathema anathema

Congratulations on finishing another great project! I can't wait for new stories from you!

Maladaptive Maladaptive




i knew you were gonna be a sucker for a happy ending ;D

ghoulbaby ghoulbaby