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A Secret Isn't Secret When You Tell Everyone

Chapter 9

Kendall took the stand. She faked looking sad and had tissues to ‘wipe her tears.’ Her lawyer asked her questions for the most part that didn’t help her cause. When Devin’s lawyer asked her questions, he really irritated her and she got snappy; which showed the jury what she was truly like.

“Mrs. Behringer, how much money would you say Mr. Sola spent on you on average, per month.”

“I don’t know, like whatever I wanted, he got me.”

“So, if it cost say, 300$, He bought it for you?”


“Did he ever say why he bought it for you?”

“He said it was because he loved me a lot and would do whatever to make me happy. And well, he said whatever made me happy, and well Designer shoes, bags, jeans, and dresses make me happy.”

“And did you ever think about how much you spent and if Mr. Sola could afford it?”

“Not really. He’s like rich and famous, right?”

“Mrs. Behringer, did you not hear Mr. Sola and Mr. Cerulli say that he often struggled to pay rent and make ends meet?”

“That was real? I thought it was some sort of nightmare.” Kendall answered in a massively bitchy tone.

“Yes Mrs. Behringer, it was real.”

“Wow. Like I didn’t know he was so poor. Damn. I should have dated the front man or something than. Isn’t he like more famous and more richer?”

“Mr. Cerulli would you like to answer that?”

Chris chuckled in the pews where he sat beside his band mates and said, “ Front men typically get the most recognized as they are usually the face of the band. Pete Wentz however is the bassist of fall out boy and is often more recognized then Patrick stump, the lead singer. Both however are often more recognized then the other guitarist and drummer. And on the money thing, unless you’re like huge and world known and have been that way for a while, you’re not rich. We’ve been around a long time and we just now started getting recognized and have started to only now make money, as most of our money is put into touring, because it is expensive to tour. Some tours we do not make any money at all, but we do it because we love to tour, and play shows for people.” Chris answered.

“SO while he was away, he didn’t even make money? UGH! Why was I wasting my time? I should’ve dated Justin Bieber or something, not a gay little freak like him.” Kendall said bitterly.

“do you often refer to Mr. Sola as a ‘ gay little freak’?” the lawyer defending Devin asked.

“He’s not a Mr. He’s like a Mr. And a Mrs. Because he’s a weird freak that cross dresses and “doesn’t assign himself a gender”, like dude, you’re a guy, you have a dick, your male, so dress like one and act like one.”

Devin was getting upset now. She was insulting him, and what he believed. He thought she supported him but he was obviously wrong, and she showed him that now.

She wasn’t on the stand for much longer because she kept putting her foot in her mouth and made herself look even worse. Both sat waiting for the jury to return with their verdict. Chris hoped the jury saw what he just saw, because if they did, their verdict was easy, Devin was not guility.


So this is chapter 9, I have not posted 10 yet (on the other site, so it'll be posted later today)

Thanks for reading! (:

Lots of Love!


Thank You <3 i think i made a sequel, if not something related to this story on wattpad, i tend to put most of my work on there now

Soo good. I wish u didnt finish the story

skullkid skullkid