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I'm a Loaded Gun

Rebel Love Song

Reyas Pov
Andy and I laughed into each others lips as Siren griped about Andys little joke. She said it was about time to leave. She hugged me and flipped off Andy as she walked down the hall. Andy held up one finger to his lips. He suddenly dashede out of the room. Sirren was walking down the hall focused in her phone. Andy came uo behind her and scooped her uo over his shoulder.
ANDY!" she wined. "Reya tell your boyfriend to put me down before I kick his ass."
I only laughed, "Best friend code says you can't hit him."
She was glaring at me. Andy ran over to the front door and set her down.
"No need to thank me civilian. It's all in a days work for Batman."
Siren glared at him one last time as she walked out the door.

Andy and I exploded with laughter as she walked down the front steps. He had a devious grin in his face from across the room. "Andy?" I asked. He came running at me. I went to turn to run, but he threw me over his shoulder, with my stomach in his collar bone. "Andy, stop! Put me down!" I laughed.
"NEVER! You will become Batmans prisoner!"
"Oh no, Batman please release me!"
"NOOO." he yelled. He ran to my room and sat me on the edge. He stepped back a few feet and suddenly yelled, "BATMAN AWAY!" he jumped forward, and fell onto my bed. I swear Andy was nothing but a big kid. He might be 20 on the outside, but he was definitely 6 or 8 on the inside. "You are Batmans prisoner," he said quietly.
"Oh, Batman! But I have a secret," I said giving him a sly smile.
"Oh maiden what could that be?" he asked, sitting up next me.
"I am your arch nemisiss. I am The Phantasm!" I said as I jumped onto him, us both falling back onto the bed. My chest was in his and my face hovering over his lips.
"If only I had seen your true identity sooner. I should have known from the red hair! Oh but Andrea Beaumont, you forgot one fatal detail!" he whispered.
"What would that be?"
"The Phantasm is Batmans ex love!" he said overly dramatic. I responded with a theatrical gasp.
"Batman! I know I'm twisted, but my Batman I'm afraid I find myself falling for your devilishly good looks and charm." I whispered back. I leaned down, my lips just millimeters from his.
"I'm afraid I cannot deny that you are the most beautiful villainess I've ever layed my eyes on." I could feel his breath on mine.
"what should we do Batman?" I murmered back. He leaned up, placing his lips on mine. I was still partially laying on him. He pulled my body completely onto him and rested his hands on my back. I brought my hands up to rest on his chest. I could feel the muscles on his chest and my right hand shifted over, feeling his heart beat. It was going crazy. Our lips contacted back and forth, parting and connecting. I could feel the ball on the end of his lip ring moving against my bottom lip. I wrapped my lips over his bottom lip, barely catching the edge of his lip with my teeth. This time, Andy did growl. A shiver went down my back. He rolled us over into our sides. He pulled me closer. I let go of his lip ring and he lightly bit my bottom lip in return. I moved one had to the side of his face, running my fingers through his newly thinned hair. It was soft as silk. One of his arms was under my torso, he moved that hand up my back to the nape of my neck, crushing his lips with mine. His lips were so soft and thin. I couldn't think of anything as our lips reacted. I was so lost in the moment. One of Andy's hands slid from the side of my rib down to my hip. He stretched out his long fingers over the skin on the small of my back. I was already almost crushed into him, but I wanted to be even closer. He must have realized that, he pulled me so our sternums were right against each others. I was running out of air.

The kiss began to slow, become gentler, but still excited. Our lips moved perfectly in sync as the kisses became less forceful, and our lips stayed together longer. I pulled my head back slightly. Andy placed one more, super gentle, soft kiss against my lips. I was almost hyperventilating. He was just as breathless as I was. Our chests rose against each other. He pulled me into his body, and I rested my head against the side of his neck as he rolled onto his back. I curled up my legs and cuddled into his side.
He was so quiet. "Reya?"
"Hmm?" I kept my eyes closed. I could feel the vibrations of his vocal chords in his chest.
"That was...amazing," he huffed. I lifted my head from his shoudler and pulled myself up so that my face was equal to his on the bed. I put my lips on his cheek. I could feel his face shift to smile under my lips. I pulled back and he turned onto his side to look directly in my eyes. They were so clear. His eyes were like hypnotizing pools of water. They were so blue and the black edging slowly faded into his blue eyes, making them look smokey. I could see myself in the reflection in his eyes. I realized he was staring directly at my eyes.
"What are you thinking," I said very quietly.
"I don't know....your eyes are so...green and beautiful. I've never seen anyone with such beautiful eyes." His voice was so low. It caused my stomach butterflies.
"I was just thinking about that about you."
He furrowed his brow. "I don't have green eyes." he joked.
"I know. They are so blue."

He smiled. He leaned forward and I closed my eyes as he have me another kiss. He outed back but hesitated near my face. I wanted more, so I pulled his face back to mine, kissing him with energy. I could feel his tongue run over my bottom lip. I shivered again. I went to open my mouth wider when his phone started buzzing. I pulled back but he pulled me back to the kiss.
"Andy...your...phone." I said between the kisses into his lips. He sighed and let me go as he sat up, fishing the phone out of his pocket.
"Hello?...Hes this is Andy...What?...OK...Alright." He hung up. I sat up next to him.
"Everything OK?" I asked. He looked concerned.
"My manager just called...he said he needs to know in two days if your band will come with us."
"OK, why do you look so disappointed?"
"Because, John said I have to leave tomorrow. He needs me in St. Louis to speak with more producers."
I felt my face fall. "Oh." He's leaving already? He's only been here three days. "Well, on the bright side, it should only be a week till I join you on tour, and we can spend as much time as we want together." I said. He looked back to me.
"Yeah I guess so." He wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I'll talk to my parents tomorrow night and I'll let you know."
We heard the front door open. "Reyalie, we're home." My parents footsteps faded to the kitchen. I got up and walked to the kitchen with Andy following me. "Oh Andy, you're still here." My mom was looking over Andy again, obviously not approving of his new hair style. "I see you...you uh...cut your hair."
"Yeah, Siren helped me, it was getting too much."
"Hmmm," she replied, unpleased.
"I'll be leaving tomorrow, my tour bus went back to STL yesterday to stay out if the storm. I have a driver who will be picking me up in the morning to return."
"Oh, I see," she said. "Well I'm going to make dinner. I'll have some spaghetti whipped up in about half an hour."
Andy and I walked into the living room, joining my dad who was watching drag racing on the tv. I sat on the three seated couch with Andy, and my dad occupied the large recliner.

"So Andy, are you excited to get back to tour?" my dad asked, his eyes never leaving the screen.
"Definietely, but it's always nice to take some time off and enjoy simple life. Thank you guys for letting me stay here since I could go home. I appreciate your hospitality."
"So, I see you are a tattoo man." Oh god dad, seriously?
"Yeah, kinda." Andy laughed.
"You've got plenty," my dad replied dryly.
"Yeah, most are for my band or family."
"Hmm." Thanks dad. Veery nice.

We sat for the next thirty minutes watching tv, and idly talking with my dad until dinner was ready. Dinner was awkward. Nothing was really said beside shooting the shit conversations about the storm and damage and work. After dinner Andy and I had to go to our separate rooms. I was so exhausted from the day I fell asleep instantly.
I woke up in the morning and knocked on Brandon's door. No reply. I opened the door. The bed was empty. Andy's stuff was gone from my room. I found my phone and saw he had texted me.

6:52 A.M. Andy: Sorry I had to text this Reya. My manager needed me earlier than I thought and I didn't want to wake you up. Know Im always here and you can call me or text me anytime. I'll be here. XO

I signed as I noticed it was already almost noon. I had slept a lot longer than I thought. No one else was home. I texted Siren.
You: Hey. Can I come over
Siren: Sure Sure
Siren: No you are the best kisser ;)
You: Wat.
Siren: OMG SORRY rey. Wrong person.
You: Are you texting Ashley?
You: fess up
Siren: Mayyyybbbeeee
You: Just keep your pants on. You know his rep.
Siren: I know... I'll be careful ;)
You: Better be. I'll kick his ass if you do anything
Siren: I know. Thats what beasties are for! ;D
Siren: *besties not beasties. Although we are pretty beast.
You: I'll be over in five

I pulled my hair uo into a ponytail and pulled on some shorts and flip flops, leaving on the Breathe Carolina shirt I was already wearing. I grabbed my keys and went outside. I forgot my car was totaled. Fuck it, I'll walk. It took me fifteen minutes to walk the six blocks to Sirens, god I love my car even more now. I didn't even knock, just walked right in and went to her room.
"Sorry Si, I forgot my car is totaled. I had to walk."
"Oh it's cool." Her eyes were locked on her phone as she rapidly replied to a text.
She looked uo sheepishly. "Yeah. We've been non stop texting since last night." Her cheeks flushed red.
"Andy left this morning." I flopped on her bed and let out a sigh. "He had to get back to work in STL."
"Aww, Rey. I'm sorry." She stood up and dropped on the bed next to me. "You have to tell me though."
"Tell you what?" I said turning to look at her.
She shoved me. "Oh come on, you KNOW what I mean. I walked in on you guys practically making out. Is he a good kisser?"
"Oh-uh...yeah. He is." My cheeks were burning.
"How good? Tell all." She was smiling like a cat when it had a mouse.
"Like...amazing." My lips turned uo and I remembered his lips with mine. "Like incredible."
"Tongues involved?"
"Noo...ok a bit, he ran his over my lip but that was it."
"Oooh. That's fun stuff. Was his lip ring weird?"
"No it's...like fun to play with and I kind of bit it..."
"You bit his..."
"Oh hell no Siren, get your mind out of the fucking gutter." I said as I hit her with a pillow next to me. "I bit his lip ring."
"Ohhh that makes more sense."
"What about Ashley?"
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Oh come on, I saw you kiss him and then you woke up with him in your bed, on the bus."
"Oh...that. Um we kind of made out...and we got a bit cared away..."
"How far is carried away?"
"Um- well I didn't have a shirt on...or a bra for awhile..."
"YOU SLEPT IN ANDY'S BED TOO! You only had on a bra and shorts!"
"Shut up!" We began bashing each other with pillows and laughing. It was hilarious. We watched TV for awhile and talked about the last few weeks. Siren spilled her guts about Ashley and I told Sirren about the lake, my first kiss with Andy, and what happened on the bus with Seth and Andy. I stayed until five when her parents got home. I said goodbye and waled back home. My parents were already home. My car was missing.

"Hey, I'm home." I said as I walked in the door. My parents we're setting up dinner. "Hey."
"Andy's gone?" my mom asked.
"Yeah, he had to get back to tour."

Dinnerr carried in in silence again.
I cleared my throat. "So-uh...have you guys thought about the tour yet?"
My parents both put down their silverware. Oh god.
"We have...and Reya...we came to a decision." my dad said.
My heart was pounding, my hands shaking. Here it was. I was going on tour! A month with Andy all to myself and playing for shows-
"We don't want you to go."
"Wait...what?" I asked. I was so shocked.
"Reya, you are only seventeen. You don't need to me hanging around people like that, it's a bad influence. There's a lot of drinking, casual sex, and drug use on those tours. You don't need all of that." my mom said.
I was trembling with the mix of anger and sadness.
"That's not the real reason," I retorted.
"Sweetie, I know you like Andy but-" my mom started.
"Wait this is about Andy?" I almost yelled.
"Honey, you and Seth just broke uo, and he's so hard looking. He's not good for you."
"Reya, you're language isn't appreciated," my mom barked.
"I'm turning eighteen next week."
"We know Rey and-" I got uo without letting my mom finish. I didn't want to hear it. I went straight to my room, slamming it and locking the door. I locked the door from Brandons side of the bathroom. I was furious. They tried coming to talk to me, but eventually gave up after an hour. I would go on tour. I didn't care. I was legally an adult in six days. I picked uo my phone.
"Andy? It's Reya."
"Oh hey. What's up?"
"Ill be in STL on Friday next week."
"Your parents said yes?" he asked excitedly.
"No, they didn't. But this is my future."
"Reya, you can't run away."
"I can and I will."
"Reya why don't you think about this?"
"Andy, they don't want me around you. That's the reason." He was silent on the other end. I heard him sigh. "Andy, they want to keep us apart." I wanted to cry.
"I'm the reason they don't want you coming?" he was very quiet.
"I don't care what they think Andy."
"So Friday?"


Ahhhhhhh so much happened!!!!!!! Thank you for reading and commenting and subscribing! Be prepared for more! :D

btw I got my ultamite fan edition black box and it's FREAKING amazing!!!!


Go till you have no more and then make that the end please dont make a sequel

@punk dancer
Ash never cut! He wasn't even bullied

NikkiB NikkiB

andy never cut, he was bullied but he never cut, i think cc did and i'm mostly sure ash did

punk dancer punk dancer

Im so glad you've enjoyed it! If you hated Juliet before be prepared in the sequel!

BVBgirl355 BVBgirl355

This is a great story! I just never liked Juliet even before her and Andy started dating so she angers me a bit -.- but this was great and now off to the sequel! ^-^

Marliesaur Marliesaur