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~Olivia’s POV~
“Oh you’d LOVE that, wouldn’t you?” I screamed, wincing my eyes and staring Jinxx down intensely. I had his gaze locked on me and I finally felt validated. “You’d love for me to quit school and give up on my dreams!” I paused but I knew he wouldn’t have interrupted me. “You'd love for me to be the perfect 10 trophy wife of a rockstar!” I continued.

Jinxx’s facial expression changed slowly from shocked to guilty. Scott was watching us so closely in the rearview mirror it occurred to me that he might crash the vehicle, I sort of hoped he would if only to add to the drama of the moment.

“You want me to stay home and raise this kid while you’re out partying with your friends, touring the world and being a superhero!” I changed my voice to a shrill, palpable tone that caused Scott to finally pull over. The plan played out flawlessly, and it was all down to this moment.
“I can’t raise this baby on my own Jeremy.” The sound of his name caused his head to jolt as though I’d actually slapped him. We were in a small town at a gas station but I knew it also had a bus stop that would get me home within a day. Everyone in the van was staring in shock at us, not knowing what to say, too afraid to say anything.

Jinxx followed me out of the van and down the street, I stopped walking just out of earshot of the guys with my back turned to them so they wouldn’t be able to lip read what came next.

“Do you really think I’d just let you make love to me without protection?” I began laughing. I worked myself up into a hysterical chuckle until his face became confused but concerned. “I was already pregnant Jinxx.” I tapped the side of my head, belittling him with a finger. “The baby is Andy’s.” I rolled my eyes and walked away without a word. There was nothing he could’ve said or done in that moment but I wish I could’ve taken a picture of the look on his face for a rainy day. I had everything I needed in my purse and the three suitcases I’d left in the van were filled with newspaper and rocks. Actual rocks from the crags, Jinxx had been lugging them around throughout the state like a lovesick fool.

I walked into the bus terminal like a woman on a mission but I already knew the bus wouldn’t arrive until the morning. I would have to spend the night listening to music, reading and eating beef jerky while downing gas station lattes.

I opened the browser on my phone to find the webpage that sold positive pregnancy tests still open, a popup asked me if I wanted to resubmit the order and I began to laugh. I was still laughing as the van drove away.

“Hey!” Andy answered warmly but tiredly. “Our call must’ve disconnected.”

I knew he’d answer a Videochat call with video at three in the morning but I didn’t expect him to be this drunk. “Andy?” I cried to the phone. “I need your help.” I worked myself into a heaving sob. “Please. You’re the only person I can talk to right now.” The hot tears streamed down my face in full force.



It me.



