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~Andy’s POV~
“Something’s wrong.” CC began driving faster. Fast enough for the otherwise silent motor to roar loudly. Fast enough for everything to become a g-force blur.

“Driving faster isn’t going to solve anything.” I heard myself say the words, not that I believed them. He wasn’t listening, he’d been driving nearly nonstop for over a day and not only would he not let me drive at all, he also refused to stop for anything.

I called the Hospital to try and ease his mind and when we found out she wasn’t there he convinced himself she’d died. After finally getting a hold of her parents who were on vacation, things got worse. He had me convinced that she was in such bad shape they flew her out to the state’s biggest Hospital and decided to drive there instead. I couldn’t talk any sense into him and started to feel panic set in.

Olivia, glued to Amelia’s bedside –seemingly having a human moment, wasn’t answering the phone.

“Something’s wrong, I can feel it.” Still driving at the speed of light, Chris closed his eyes.
Grabbing the steering wheel, I yelled at him to “PULL THE CAR OVER. NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
And then he did something I’ll never forget. Slowly turning his head toward me, he smiled widely as he quietly uttered the words, ‘I thought you wanted to die.’

~Emily’s POV~
2 days ago I was in Andy’s arms. I could still close my eyes and inhale his scent. I was still spellbound by the mystic force behind his eyes, our souls locked in that kiss, hadn’t that meant anything to him?

~Andy’s POV~
I felt the car swerving into the other lane as though the tires were hydroplaning.

Things began to play out like a movie. The sound of a horn began to blast but CC’s hand wasn’t honking. Confused, my eyes glared out the windshield to see a huge truck that looked more like a dinosaur or a slow motion tornado soundlessly careening toward us.

Convinced that his fiancé was dead, CC was staring into my eyes. I didn’t have time to think as my arm shot out toward the steering wheel and swerved us violently toward the other lane. CC stepped hard on the brakes and the tires began to roar. After a tire blew out, the car began wobbling and swerving further to the side but neither of us yelled. I swallowed the lump in my throat as a scene popped into my head of somebody knocking on Emily’s door and telling her there had been a terrible accident and I didn’t make it out alive.



It me.



