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Sapphire Eyes (Andy Biersack)

Chapter 4

The next day came, and Andy was right on time. I was in the middle of making our last customer’s order when I heard the jingle of the door bells. I quickly glanced up from what I was doing, and there he was, clad in black jeans and black boots, with the chunky wooden rosary necklace adorning his neck standing out along with his tattoos against his white tee. His hair just reached his shoulders, and it was perfectly mussed. He walked past the counter and caught my eye, lifting one corner of his mouth and giving me a wink. I smiled in response and looked back down at the cup in my hand, fumbling with the lid. He stopped at the far end of the counter and leaned against it, waiting for me to finish this order.

Once the woman payed and started for the door, I leaned both hands on the counter as Andy approached me.

“I’m glad you came back,” I told him.

“Did you think I wouldn’t?”

“Not really, but I’ve learned to not get my hopes up when it comes to this place,” I answered. “Let me go get my boss.”

I walked into the supply room where my boss, Dante, was taking inventory.

“Hey, remember that guy I told you about? The one that was gonna stop by today about the whole live music thing?” I said to his back.

“Yes, what about him?”

“He’s out front.” I said with an eager tone in my voice.

“Oh. Oh!” Dante expressed. He put his clipboard down and turned to face me. “To be honest with you, he could sound like an actual horse and I’d give him the spot at this point. We’re running low on coffee beans. How pathetic is that? I coffee house running low on coffee…” He trailed off. I didn’t know what to say, so I let out a little cough to get his attention back.

“Right. Well, let’s go.” He said as he came to join me at the doorway. We both walked out together, and Andy was still at the counter, now with his back to it, leaning against it.

Dante suddenly stopped and grabbed my arm. “Oh my God, he is beautiful. An actual angel sent from heaven.”

I laughed out loud and said, “Yeah, he’s pretty okay.” If pretty okay meant the most attractive person I’ve ever met, then yeah, he was pretty okay.

“Please tell me you’re dating him and never told me until now,” Dante went on.

“Nah. I don’t think either of us are interested.” That was a total shit lie. I was very much interested.

“Well if you don’t hop on that, I certainly will.” Dante replied. I laughed out loud again. Dante was about 10 years older than me, but was honestly one of the best friends I had. That’s one of the things I loved about the coffee shop; it was small enough that we were all allowed to form bonds with one another, although Dante and I both agreed that the other employees really lacked in the common sense department.

We continued out and around the counter, and Andy glanced over as we met him.

“Andy, this is my boss, Dante. Dante, this is Andy.”

“Hello, sir. Nice to finally meet you.” Andy smiled as he shook his hand.

“Oh please, just call me Dante. There’s no need for ‘sir’. Why don’t we have a seat.” Dante lead Andy to a small round table against the wall, but not before looking back over his shoulder to mouth ‘Oh my God’ to me.

I smiled and shook my head as I turned around to walk back behind the counter to finish cleaning up.

Andy and Dante spoke quietly, an occasional laugh slipping from one of them. I couldn’t hear much of anything, but whenever I looked up, Andy was smiling and Dante seemed interested, so I assumed that things were going well. At one point, I glanced up from taking the display pastries off their tier and was completely sidetracked by Andy’s smile. The way his full lips pulled over his white teeth, one of them chipped smaller than the other. The way the corner of his eyes crinkled and how his nose scrunched up. He suddenly turned his head slightly to the left and saw me staring, to which I responded accordingly. By dropping the croissant I was holding. I actually hate myself.

About 15 minutes had passed and I was almost finished cleaning up, only left with the counter to wipe down. I sprayed it down and got my rag, and right after I started working on it, I heard music coming from where Dante and Andy were. It was beautiful, melodic and gentle. Playing it from his phone, I was only able to hear it partially, but I was able to pick up on the guitar being played with a level of expertise and finesse. And, as if that wasn’t enough, the most beautiful voice I ever heard began to sing.

It was smooth and rich like whiskey, while still being raw and real. It was raspy, deep and sent a tingle down my spine. I froze where I stood, completely mesmerized.

Words they don’t know how to make amends, all they do is push you to the edge, but it’s not wasted…,” Sang from Andy’s phone.

A few more seconds later and the clip came to an end. I willed myself to finish the counter, but my mind was somewhere else. I just kept replaying the song over and over again in my head.
I just finished as Andy and Dante were finishing up, and we all wound up leaving the shop together. Dante wished us goodnight and was off to catch his bus, and I made my way to my old yellow buggy, without saying a word to Andy. I didn’t have anything to say. I was still at a loss of words after hearing his song.

Instead, I waved to him goodnight and got into my car, watching him walk to his black Pontiac. I jammed my key in and twisted it, but the engine wouldn’t start.

“C’mon, baby,” I pleaded as I turned the key again, but no luck. I huffed in frustration and laid my head down onto the steering wheel, leaning on the horn. I picked my head back up after a few seconds, and I saw Andy pull his car up next to mine. I rolled my window down.

“Engine not starting?” He asked.

“Nope.” I groaned. I tried one more time, having just as much luck as the other times. I lifted my hands in frustration and slapped them down into my lap.

“C’mon. I’ll give you a ride.”

I weighed my options: sleep in my car, call a tow truck and a cab, which I barely had the money for one, let alone both, or let Andy give me a ride.

I pulled the key from the ignition, grabbed my bag, and stepped out of my car. I hopped into the passenger seat next to Andy, leaned my head against the window, and apologized.

“It’s totally cool. Besides, we’re coworkers now, after all,” he said while glancing at me.
I looked back at him and said, “You got the job?”

“Bet your ass I did.”

“I figured you would.”

He pulled away, and said “Just tell me where to go.”

We drove the rest of the way in silence. We finally pulled up to my house, well, my parent’s house – I lived in the guest house in the back, and I was the first to break the silence.

“So I, uh, heard your song. I guess you are pretty good.”

He only grinned in response, looking at his fingers drumming the steering wheel. As I went to say goodnight and grab the handle, he asked, “So when do you have to go in tomorrow?”

I sat back. “10. Why?”

“I’ll be here at 9.”

“What? Why?” I asked.

“You need a ride, I’m offering, and I also have a set of jumper cables that I’m sure will come in handy for your little mishap.”

“You had me at jumper cables.” Actually, he had me the first time he ever walked into the coffee shop, but that’s beside the point.

“Great. See you at 9.”


I know this chapter is a little boring, but I promise the next one is gonna be super cute and full of fluff ^-^ Leave a comment and let me know what you think!


Ah okay okay, it's a prologue, so it's like supposed to act as a hook lol. It's sort of like a flash forward of what is to happen later on in the story.
Thank you so much!! I hope I cleared that up for ya.

Lombster Lombster

So far I love it, just a little confused with the prologue then the first chapter how it bounced one way now the other but I'm excited to see how you tie it all together !

Kvengeance Kvengeance

Update please (:

ebvbridess ebvbridess

Nah, I used a random name generator lol, however I thought about it when this name popped up but decided against it.

Lombster Lombster

Is your OC the "daughter" of Dave Navarro in this one?

EliteInsurgent EliteInsurgent