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Black Veil Princess


Axelle's P.O.V

the next day rolled around a little faster than I wanted I heard my phone ringing from my nightstand I just rolled over and groaned as I answered the call "hello?" I say my voice quiet and raspy "well good morning to you to Axe" I felt my eyes roll "Nate I will end you if this call isn't important" I heard him chuckle "well it is pretty important I'm on my way with Lane to pick you and Jalex up be ready to go when I get there" I sit up "fine bye Nate" and I hung up the phone I plopped back down I rolled over and got out of bed walking over to my drawers and pulling out something to wear. I quickly got dressed and pulled part of my hair up before walking across the hall and knocking on Jalex's door "come in" so I pushed the door open "morning princess" I gave him a look "sorry morning Axe" I smiled slightly "morning Jalex, Nate and Lane are on their way over to pick us up I guess its something important" he nods "ok I'll get dressed then meet you in the living room?" "ok sounds good" I walked out closing his door behind me and heading out to the kitchen I opened the cupboard and pulled out a to go cup and filled it with coffee before sitting on the couch and taking a sip, I heard a yawn from behind me so I turned around and saw my brother scratching his head "oh morning Andy" he said nothing and just stared at me when he snapped out of his thoughts "morning Axe" this made me laugh "early?" I ask he just responds "to early" and sat next to me and placed his head on my shoulder "what are you doing up?" he asked letting out another yawn "Nate called and said it was important so he is coming to pick up Jalex and I" he nods "mind if I come with? I'm not doing anything today and Juliet has to go to the studio" I smile "sure Andy can you be ready to go in like five minutes?" he nods "all I need is three minutes and twenty one seconds" I rolled my eyes "run forest run" I call after as he sprints up the stairs "was that Andy just now?" I saw Jalex laughing slightly as the large man flailed his way up the stairs "yes it is he is coming with us today" Jalex took a seat next to me when someone knocked on the door "ugh" I sat up and walked over to answer it, I flung the door open and notice Nate and Lane they looked at me and started to chuckle "what" I answer this made the stop before looking at me "we have to go record today" Lane says "ok Jalex and I are ready but Andy decided he wants to come with us probably because of Nate but he is almost ready" I said when "AXE I'M GONNA WEAR JULIETS BOOTY SHORTS!!" I felt my eyes grow wide "DONT YOU DARE ANDY!" I yelled back "I'M GONNA DO IT" I rolled my eyes "ANDY SO HELP ME I WILL LEAVE YOUR ASS HERE" it was quiet until I heard the sound of feet moving quickly and notice my idiot brother running down the stairs "ok I'm ready lets go...hey Nate" Andy said looking at us then he realized that Nate was here "hello Andy and just so you know if you had worn the shorts I would have made you run along side the car" Nate said Andy had a look of embarrassment on his face "thats what I thought now lets get going" we all followed Nate out to his truck and climbed in "ok guys so once we get there the label wants to talk to you guys about a few things and get you in the studio to get this album going they want it done soon so they can release it". the rest of the ride was pretty quiet so when we got there we were egger to get inside and get started "hey guys the board wants to talk to you real quick they are going to meet up with you in the studio in a few so head on in", the five of us walk in and closed the door behind us "I'll be right back guys I'm gonna run to the bathroom" Nate left and Jalex walk into the booth with Lane to set up "so you guys excited for your album?" Andy asked "yea I'm finally able to do what I wanted to do" he gave me a smile "I'm so proud of you" I felt warm inside when he told me this "Andy" I started but then stopped "Axe" he said I had gotten an idea and wanted to know how Andy felt about it "hey bestest brother in the whole wide world" he gave me a look "what do you want?" he asked cocking his eyebrow "I was wondering if you would be a feature on our new album" he smiled "I would love to" I pulled out my notebook "I have a song that I wrote that I think you would be perfect for its called jet lagged" I handed over the book that contained the lyrics I couldn't help but feel nervous as he read over each and every word "Axe this is amazing I have a few ideas if you don't mind" he says I gave him a pen "Andy you've been doing this much longer than me, I don't mind at all" he took the pen and scribbled over a few things and and hands it back, I looked over the changes he made "I see what you mean but how about this" and I changed a few of his changes and after a few tries Andy and I had perfected the song. Nate was at the sound board waiting for Lane to finish tracking drums for our song when the door opened to show a member from the board "hey Lori" she smiled "hey Axelle" she came in and sat next to Nate "can you call Lane out here" she asked Nate knocked on the window and Lane walks out "ok guys so here is what we are looking to do in the next month or two, we want to have your first album out by the end of the month maybe even the beginning or middle of the next month because we want you guys to tour on it, you know promote your new cd however the first tour is usually where you guys will be an opener for another group to make you guys more well known then we will talk about another tour where you guys are either headliners or co headliners" she proceeded to go through a few more details, all of us listening Nate casually nodding his head "ok with that in understanding we will be looking for a group that you can open for" Andy stood up and followed Lori out to the hallway



I love this!!!!!