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Black Veil Princess


Andy's P/O/V

I closed the door behind me and threw my keys on the table I went to grab a beer from the fridge and noticed a note but before I could read it "NOOOOOOO!!!!!! ANDY!!!!!!!" I set the note down and heard sobbing "ANDY!!!" then screaming I ran for Axelle's room where the screaming was coming from and open the door I noticed her tangled in her sheets "Axelle can you hear me?" I sat next to her and tried to calm her down but she was still freaked out over something "Axelle can you hear me?" I repeated "Axelle everything will be alright open your eyes" she stopped moving but shot up almost instantly she was panting and sweating I had my arms wrapped around her I held her tight hoping to help sooth her "Andy" she looked at me tears in her eyes "Axelle what's wrong?" I ask but she had a blank stare panic written across her face "Axelle I've never seen you this scared before" she gave me this look "Andy never leave my side" she says quietly "I wouldn't dream of it little sister" I kissed her forehead and slipped under the covers with her letting her snuggle into my side "thank you Andy" I show her a smile "that's what big brothers are for" she gave me a small smile in return "I was gone" confused I looked down "what?" I ask "I mean I went missing I woke up in some dungeon and you were there and tried to open the door a guard killed you then told me it was my fault because I wouldn't marry the prince... I'm scared Andy" my heart shattered knowing my sister had to go through this dream "Axe it's never your fault, no matter what I will never let anything happen to you" she looked at me "but what about you?" I sigh "I'll be alright you have to trust that I will take care of you I will always be here for you Axe as the prince and as the older brother" she smiled "alright I believe you" we sat up "I'm all sweaty" she mumbled "how about you take a quick rinse and I make us some hot chocolate" she nods "yay thanks Andy" she gets up and heads to the bathroom I hear the water start so I grab her a dry tank top and her star wars pajama pants leaving them by the door I walk out to Jalex and Juliet walking in the door "hey babe you get my note?" Juliet asked "can I talk to you for a sec?" she nods and sets the food on the table "I'll take my dinner in my room" Jalex said and heads off I walk with Juliet up to our room "what's wrong babe you look upset" she says sitting on the bed I sat next to her "I got home and saw the note but before I could read it I heard screaming and sobbing I ran to Axelle's room and tried to get her to calm down but she was so worked up it took awhile to even shock her out of it and when I did she looked like a lost puppy" I explained what happened earlier, Juliet placed her hand on my shoulder "there's food downstairs take some to her watch a movie but stay with her tonight she needs you" I quickly slipped on some batman sweats and I placed my lips on hers "you are the most wonderful woman" she smiled then gave me a wink "I know" I smirk "come on lets make some hot chocolate" so we head downstairs and get started, a few minutes later the drinks were finished and I had dinner placed on one arm the drinks in the other and the movie in my mouth I walked to her door and pushed it open with my foot I set the drinks down on her side table and placed the food on the bed I plugged the movie into her dvd player and soon the bathroom door opens "thanks for setting out clean clothes" she dried her hair "no problem I placed a movie in and there's food on the bed the hot chocolate is on the side table" she looked at the screen "forest gump is my favorite movie" she smiled "I know" I gave her a smile back she got in bed I sat next to her and handed her some food "thanks for everything Andy" "you're welcome Axe". the movie ended and when I looked down Axelle had fallen into a peaceful sleep I turned her lamp off and slipped my muscle tee on and let Axelle wrap her arms around me "night Andy" she mumbles in her sleep I smile "night princess"



I love this!!!!!