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Black Veil Princess


Andy’s P/O/V
I finished packing my bags and felt someone wrap their arms around my waist “so do you think your parents will let you bring your sister back with you?” Juliet asks I turn around placing a kiss on her cheek “oh most definitely but if I know my sister we will have another house guest to which is her best friend” I say sitting down “well I don’t mind I’m excited to meet this sister of yours” I smile “I’m excited for you to meet her” I laid back “what time does your flight leave?” I check my phone “around 7 so I can get there by noon” she nods “so mister prince and your fancy private jet when are you going to tell the guys that you are actually a prince” I shrug “they’ll figure it out when we land, speaking of which I need to make sure Biles remembered I will be there tomorrow" Juliet stood up "I'm going to finish making dinner so you can go to bed, you have a big day tomorrow prince Andy" she giggled I smirked "come here" I got up and chased her down to the living room and jumped her on the couch placing a kiss on her lips she smiled into it, "lets watch a movie!" Juliet said standing up "let me guess batman?" I smiled "do you even need to ask?" as she plugged it in I couldn't help but sneak a glance at her "stop looking at my ass" she says I chuckle as she turns around and sits next to me hitting play as she snuggled up next to me I wrapped my arm around her watching the opening previews roll up, when we pulled apart she pushed some of my hair back "go call Biles about tomorrow" and pecked my cheek "alright I'll be in the room" we got up and parted ways I reached the room and grabbed my phone dialing the familiar number "hello prince Andy" Biles greeted "hey Biles I was just double checking that everything was set up for my friends and I over the next week?" "of course all the rooms are set up and your sister will be expecting a royal meeting just like you asked" I looked over to my bags and smiled "and what about Jalex?" I ask "there should be no problem at all" Juliet walked in "ok I will see you tomorrow" I say "goodnight prince Andy" "goodnight Biles" and I hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom standing behind Juliet as she brushed her teeth "so I'm thinking that maybe we can drive to the airport and pick the guys up and you can drive back home because then the guys don't have to pay for over night parking after all we are going to be gone for a week" she quickly spit and rinsed her mouth "that sounds good who are we picking up first?" she asked grabbing a shirt from the hook "um I think Jake" she finished changing and walks out of the bathroom "you gonna be ok while I'm gone?" I ask as Juliet crawled in the bed, I plug my phone into the charger "don't worry Andy I'll be fine should you double check on the guys make sure everything is still good" I shook my head "already took care of it everyone is good to go but they don't really know where yet" I said changing to my sweats and crawled next to her turning off the lights leaving nothing but the table lamp on "well I don't think anybody has heard of Bierlandia" I chuckle "it's weird hearing a place named after you" she giggles "and plus it's not far away it's right by Hawaii" I say "I can tell you are excited to go home tomorrow but you need to get some rest so you are ready for tomorrow" she says "I know I know" I reached over and turned off the light to feel something touching my foot "Juliet I thought you said I needed to rest why are you playing footsie with me?" I chuckle I could almost feel her smirk when she said "that's not me Andy" I lifted the covers and out crawled crow "was it the cat?" Juliet mumbled "maybe" I said rolling over wrapping my arm around her pulling her closer "mmm babe you need to rest" she says I lay my head right next to hers "alright, goodnight dragonfly" I say "goodnight white rabbit" she mumbles and I soon fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and tried not to wake Juliet as I climbed out of bed and turned on my shower waiting for the water to warm up quickly hopping inside. as I finished I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out to see Juliet rubbing her eyes "morning dragonfly" she smiled slightly and climbed out of bed "morning" she walks to the bathroom and closes the door I heard the shower start and I go for my dresser pulling out some clothes and changed grabbing a pair of boots and slipping them on I pack my phone and charger pacing them in my last bag and start to bring my things downstairs setting them by the door "hey Juliet where are the keys?" I ask "in the bowl by the door" she called down so I dug through and pulled out the keys popping the trunk and loading the bags and Juliet walked out "you ready to go?" she asked "I think so" so we climbed in and quickly went to Jake's house



I love this!!!!!