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Black Veil Princess


Andy's P/O/V

as I watched my sister walk off I heard my ringtone from my pocket I look at the screen and my mom's contact flash across "hey mom what's up?" but it wasn't her usual cheery voice "Andrew" she never said my name like that unless it was an emergency "mom what's wrong? where's dad?" I ask "he is talking with Biles at the moment but you need to keep an eagle eye on your sister" but before I could ask why she didn't hesitate "there was a threat from our neighboring country, they said if we didn't give permission for the marriage of our daughter to their son, they would hold her hostage for our country, you know that could cause a huge dispute if they ever got ahold of her but they don't know where she is they don't know anything about her really besides her age, I want your sister to have the same chances you had to grow as a band and find the love of her life on her own like you did" I felt myself get angry "that's my little sister and as long as I'm still breathing no one will touch her, make sure you let dad know that she will be safe, she will get to live her life how she wants" I just sigh as I watched her walk off in the other direction "honey I have faith in you your dad has faith in you, I know you'll protect your sister with your last breath but I doubt anything will happen just keep an eye on her until this little uproar passes" I nod even though she can't see "oh and Andy relax a little alright, go back to having fun with your sister, she called me last night and told me about how excited she was to spend time with you, she also told me how much she loves Juliet which I knew she would Juliet was a nice girl when we met her" I just smile "yea Juliet is pretty great after all" I heard my mom laugh slightly "yea, well let your sister know that we love her and you should tell her about what I told you but tell her when you think she is ready" she sighed I knew this stressed her out because she was worried about Axelle "alright well your father and I have some business to attend to goodbye prince Andy we love you" I smiled slightly "I love you guys to" and the call ended as I slipped the phone in my pocket I felt myself start to stress 'what if I can't protect her?' 'what will I do if they find her?' I had thoughts like these running in my brain and just decided that we should go home so I dial my sister and start to head for the car "hello?" she answered "hey Axe it's getting late I figured we could watch a movie at home sound like a plan?" I say waiting for a response "sure lets meet back at the car" she said and we hung up, I made it back to the car a few minutes later and saw my sister leaning against the side go the car so I pressed the unlock button and kept my eye on her as she loads her things inside and climbs in I let out a sigh before I figured I should tell her soon after all this concerned her safety but I just couldn't get myself to tell her I climbed inside and started the car "hey bro are you ok?" I let out a form of frustrated sigh "I'm fine" she didn't bother to drag on the conversation, I would look back at her everyone and then as I drove home and decided that now was as good a time as any "hey Axe" she looks up at me "yea?" she questioned "I have something I have to tell you" she just stared at me waiting for me to say something but the words just wouldn't form "ok you sure you're ok?" she asked but this time I shook my head "no, what I'm about to tell you I feel like you need to know because it concerns you, mom called well we were at the mall and the neighboring country found out that they had not only a son but a daughter who was the same age as their son, they said that if mom and dad didn't give approval for the marriage of the two of you that they would kidnap you for our country" her jaw dropped and she started to shake I just wrapped my arm around her shoulder "I know you're freaking out right now but the only thing they now about you is that you are the same age and that you are royalty, they don't know your name or where you are" she just nods but continues to shake "mom said that she wants you to have all the same chances I had because we both deserve it but I believe that they just want our happiness, mom said she wants you to be able to make your carrier happen and find the love of your life, I know you can and I know things will be alright, no one will touch you as long as I'm still kicking and once this little issue passes everything will go back to normal" I just saw a tear fall before it turned into silent sobs I just felt my heart break I wish I could make her feel better, we got to the house and climbed out and head inside "change so we can watch batman" she says heading for her room "alright" so I heard to the room and open my bedroom door and Juliet was asleep on her side of the bed I smiled slightly and quietly tried to change into sweats and a tank top which was successful I tiptoed out of the room and back down to the couch as the intro to batman started not he tv screen my sister was sat on the couch her eyes could barley stay open as she let out a yawn so I took a seat next to her and let her lay her head on my side and started to rub her arm, about halfway through the movie I heard a light snore and look down to see my sister sleeping peacefully



I love this!!!!!