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Black Veil Princess


Axelle's P/O/V

"well that about does it for the house tour" Juliet says I took a seat on my bed and she quickly joins me "I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping?" she asks I look at her slightly confused "you know just us girls" she adds I showed a smile "I'd love to just let me change and we can go" she returns the smile and heads for the door I opened one of my suitcases and pulled out some clothes I quickly change from my sweats to a pair of jeans and grab a shirt slipping it on I look down at my outfit and nod slightly I heard a knock on my door "hey, you decent?" it was Andy "yea what's up?" he opens the door and had a smile on his face "Juliet told me you two are going shopping" he says I nod and grab my shoes slipping them on "I feel like I'm forgetting something?" I said looking back at my suitcases when it hit me I felt my head "you feel almost naked without it don't you?" he asked "yea I'm so not used to this" he chuckles "don't worry it'll pass" I knew he was right, I grab my phone slipping it in my pocket and went to grab my wallet "I love her Andy you did good" I say heading for my door he nods "oh trust me I know I'm glad you like her" we both walk out "hey Juliet I'm ready to go" I heard footsteps from down the stairs "alright we'll take my car" I hug my brother before I followed Juliet outside, I climb in the running car we wave bye as Juliet pulls out of the driveway "I'm so going to spoil you" she says I look out the window watching the homes go by "you don't have to, really" I say she just smiles and we reach a stop light and she grabs her wallet pulling out a blue card "oh don't worry Andy gave me his card and said to buy anything you said you liked" I rolled my eyes "that's such a Andy thing" I said she laughs and slips the card back we pulled up to a mall and she turns the car off "time for you to be a teenager and not a princess" I smiled and we climb out "I use to shop online most of the time or sent someone to pick up something for me" I say Juliet just grabs my hand "well I'm glad I get to share this moment with you" she says and drags me inside "can we go to hot topic?" I ask she nods and we head in that direction. "pick out anything you want" I run off and I could just here her laugh slightly behind me I look at a ton of band merch and walk on to the next thing I could see out of the corner of my eye Juliet grabbing everything I touched which was about fourteen band tees and some skinny jeans, we finished there and left "I can't believe you bought everything I touched" I said she laughs slightly "of course Andy told me to spoil you and besides I never get to help shop for another girl often... its fun" and she drags me to the vans store where I got five new pairs of vans two beanies and a sweater as we paid and left we decided to get lunch so we head to the food court and got salads, we sat down at a table close by and got to talking. I could tell just by the few hours I had spent with her that Juliet would one day be Andy's wife, as she set down her drink "so I was wondering even thought we bought quite a lot you never actually asked for something... is there anything you really want?" one thought came to mind "well..." I smirk. as soon as we finished at the mall she drove me further downtown until we arrived at out destination, as we walked in the door a little bell rang and a man walked up "hey Juliet what can I do for ya?" he asked "hey Evan I want to call in a favor" he nods "ok lets talk follow me back here" so the we both walk back and into a room he closed the door "alright lets talk" he said opening a book "this is Andy's sister Axelle she's living with us now and wants to do this but she's seventeen what can we do?" she asked he just smiled "we can do what I do and set this up" he turns to me "now Axelle, what are you wanting to do?". once I was done we paid and left "I hope my brother doesn't kill me" I say I could see Juliet smile from the corner of my eye "don't worry Axelle I know that he will love it, one of the first things he did after moving here was get a tattoo" I look down at my newly done tattoo "I really love it Axelle" Juliet said and before I knew it we pulled up at home



I love this!!!!!