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Finding Grace

The Babyshower

Well, this was happening.
I sighed, my chin propped on my hand as Vale flailed around the apartment, giving the place the finishing touches before the baby shower started.
The cake had arrived in the shape of a pink guitar, and it sat on the counter surrounded by other foods Vale had somehow managed to scavenge up.
I sat on the couch, watching in amusement as she barked orders at CC, who I knew wasn't pleased with having to be here. In fact, I'd heard him grumble several times that this was for girls, Andy had to be here because he knocked me up, and that if Ash and the other guys were excluded, he didn't see why he was forced to be here.
In which Vale replied in her typical way by punching him in the arm and yelling at him.
I chuckled, shifting slightly as I felt Gracie start to move around, probably listening to Vales bitching and wishing she'd shut up just as much as I did.
Andy sighed, plopping down beside me. "Can we say we did this and not?"
"I think Vale would have a heart attack after all the work she's put into this," I told him, forcing a smile. "It's not that bad."
"Sure," he grimaced, and I hesitated, looking at him.
"We can still cancel if you want too." I murmured, looking down. He'd been kind of off all morning, and I wasn't sure if it was because he was dreading the party or didn't want so many people in his house or what, but it was making me nervous.
"Of course not," he shook his Head, playing with my hair. "You need this."
What I needed was to not be pregnant already.
I felt like this was taking forever.
I shifted again, unable to get comfortable, the sudden need to pee beyond strong.
She just had to rest on my bladder, didn't she?
"I need to get up," I huffed, struggling. Andy gave me a hand, helping me push off to my feet, and I hurried to the bathroom, glad to get a few seconds alone. I sighed, doing my business and then washing my hands, looking up at myself in the mirror.
I looked so tired, despite Vale had tried to cover everything up with makeup I hadn't worn in months.
my hair needed touching up at the roots, and I had dark circles under my eyes where I wasn't sleeping well; I just couldn't get comfortable no matter where I was.
I bit my lip, then hastily stepped out of the bathroom as I heard someone knocking on the door. I started for the couch, CC answering it, and smiled as I saw Morgan standing there, bags on her arms.
She was the secretary at our studio and Ashleys girlfriend, and we'd become friends; she was really nice, and I wasn't surprised Ashley was absolutely crazy about her .
"Hi! I hope I'm not too early, Ash wanted to make sure I got here in time," she huffed, handing the bags over to Vale. "You wouldn't believe how crazy he got over buying baby stuff."
She gave me a hug when she neared, chuckling. "Leah, you look so wonderful! I miss seeing you around so much!"
"I miss seeing you too," I told her, pulling away. "I miss the studio, and I never thought I would say that!"
She laughed, squeezing my hand before trotting off to talk to Vale.
It wasn't long before the rest of the guests were filing in.
Vera hugged me tightly, googooed a little over my huge stomach, and then wandered over to where Vale was stacking presents to help out.
Sammi and Ella was here, chattering together in the corner, and Sabrina had showed up, bringing one of her friends with her just in case she didn't know anyone else, I guessed (I was incredibly surprised she'd come, considering her major break up with Chris and then their reunion, though everyone now was kind of iffy toward her because of it).
Vale's mom was here, having flown up from Georgia last night just so she could be here today and leave to fly back tonight; I felt so touched she would do that for me, and I'd of course cried when I'd seen her, and she'd cried too, and we'd just sort of stood there crying on each other awkwardly before she pulled away.
Cry baby Leah had returned with a vengeance.
Sarah popped up not longer after Sabrina did, a friend on her arm too and both of them carrying presents, even though I'd told her she didn't have to get anything. Her hair reminded me of how mine used to be, and I kind of missed it, the bright colors instead of the dark.
Andy was perfect, laughing and greeting everyone like he was perfectly fine, and it made me relax a little bit.
Maybe he just wasn't feeling well?
It wasn't long until our apartment was bustling with people, some of them more Vale's friends then mine, Andy and CC basically the only guys around. CC almost seemed to cling to Andy, uncomfortable around so many loud and laughing women, I assumed, and Andy kept laughing at him.
It was so loud though, it was starting to wear on my nerves.
"Okay, everybody!" Vale called, and the bustle started to die down, "time for cake and then the presents!"
Cake sounded amazing.
I think I was more excited for cake then anything else in my life.
And the guitar was actually kind of cool, if I admitted it to myself.
Though I did wish Vale would stop snapping pictures every few seconds, it was kind of annoying.
"Here, Leah," Morgan gave me a bright smile as she plopped down beside me, handing me a plate of cake.
"Oh, god, thanks," I sighed happily, taking it from her. "If I could get up by myself I would have gotten some before the party started."
"Yeah, that's why we stuck her on the couch," Vale chuckled, sitting down at my feet. "She would have pretty much taken over the cake."
Yeah, I really would have.
I smiled, and my eyes went to the door as there was another knock.
Who else could Vale have invited, the president?
CC made it to the door first, opening it, and I felt my face light up immediately, a happy gasp leaving my lips.
"Danny!" I squealed, seeing my redheaded brother standing in the doorway in his military uniform, his hat under his arm. He gave a grin, trotting in amongst all the women like he wasn't even phased. He leaned down into my open arms, hugging me gently.
"Hey, Leah," He pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Surprise!"
"I'm so happy you're here!" I beamed, clutching his hand as he squatted down in front of me. "I thought I wouldn't get to see you again until after the baby was born, and I missed you so much, and ---."
"Yeah, well, I pulled some strings and Vale," he turned to give her a smile, "basically gift packaged me here from the airport."
Vale winked at him.
"I'm so glad you're here!" I burst again, starting to cry unnecessarily. "I don't know why I'm crying, I'm sorry, here --- have cake!"
I shoved the cake into his hands and then hastily started to mop at my face, Andy appearing at my side on cue with a tissue. He gave Danny a smile, looking relieved to see him, his whole body relaxed now.
Had he known about Danny coming? Was that why he was so grouchy?
I didn't understand.
But it didn't matter now, I was overjoyed.
Now it was perfect!
I glanced about the room, seeing several of our guests admiring the butt on my brother as he knelt in front of me, chatting amiably with whoever was around.
Too bad they were all taken, I thought in amusement, spying Sarah.
She was talking to her friend, trying not to stare at Danny, and I felt a small, thoughtful smile build on my lips.
She was nice, single, a little chatty, but I think it was mostly when she got nervous.
"Can you get Sarah?" I asked Vale as she climbed to her feet. "I want her to meet Danny."
"You want --- okay?" she hesitated, then shrugged, trotting over to where the other girl stood and sending her my way.
"Daniil, I want you to meet Sarah," I said, turning toward Sarah where she suddenly hovered by the arm of the couch, looking unsure. "Sarah, this is my brother Danny."
"Hi," Danny rose to shake her hand, and her face flushed.
"Hi," she greeted, looking down, and Andy and I looked at each other when she didn't immediately start talking.
"Are you matchmaking?" Andy murmured in my ear, leaning close to me so no one else would hear him, and I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Leah ---."
"They could both use each other," I whispered back to him. "Just look how cute they are!"
"Leah ---," he was frowning at me and I wasn't having it.
"No, you totally can't say anything," I told him, pressing my hand over his lips, and he blinked at me. "After Clara, he needs someone to vamp up his ego again, okay? Now hush."
Andy sighed, nodding and taking my hand from his face, pressing a kiss to my palm.
"Whatever you say, angel."
I smiled at him, glad he wasn't going to argue about this, and he sat himself down on the arm of the couch, letting his hand rest on the back of my hair as he gazed about his crowded apartment.
"So many people know where I live," he mumbled, and I chuckled, leaning my head against his side.
"They did anyway, you're a famous rockstar, remember?"
He chuckled.
"Leah, you wanna open presents now?" Vale asked. "Because some of these are badass."
A few minutes later, Vale had all the presents shuffled over to the couch. She handed them to Andy, who read off the name, and then to me, so I could rip them open and see what my baby was getting.
"It's so cute!" I gasped, holding up the military onesie that Danny had somehow sneaked in here in a pretty blue box. It came with a hat and a little vest and was just simply adorable!
Danny grinned proudly from the floor where he sat cross legged, Sarah sitting beside him with her friend whose name they'd told me but I couldn't remember; everyone had been talking so much, I just couldn't concentrate.
And Sarah had been way too excited to meet me, in my opinion, giving me hugs repeatedly and gushing for a little while before her friend had tugged on her arm, giving a knowing grimace, and they'd wandered over to the kitchen for food.
She was so full of spirit, it was a nice change, at least.
All the presents were amazing, even Ashley's; He'd gotten Gracie several outfits, all designed by him, apparently, and a little note that said he was gonna call one of his lines after her, which made me cry just a little and Andy dutifully hand me a tissue.
Ashley was so sweet!
Vale's mom had gotten me a rocking chair that reclined, and thankfully it was already put together so none of my bandmates had a chance to create a death ray with it on accident.
Andy had even gotten a changing table, also pre-built, and now the baby room was almost perfect! It had everything I wanted in it, it was painted and all the toys were about and we now had a literal closet full of different brands of diapers in preparation for her --- now all it was missing was a baby!
Everyone got her pretty little dresses and blankets with her name stitched on them and cute little picture frames and toys and some of it I wasn't sure what it was but I smiled anyway because it was the thought that counted --- it went really well, surprisingly.
Vale would make a great even coordinator.
"Thank you all so much!" I gushed when we'd finally gotten through all the presents and the couch beside me was covered in so much no one could sit on the other two cushions. "You have no idea how much this means!"
There was the collective aww, and then Vale was ushering everyone together around the couch and in front of it for pictures, that of course were going on Twitter.
Andy leaned close to me, and I pressed my face into his shoulder while Everyone gathered, sniffling slightly.
"I wish I could stop crying," I sighed, and he chuckled, pressing a kiss to my nose.
"It's okay, it's pretty normal now."
He grinned, then tilted my face to give me a kiss.
His mood swings were confusing me.
"Stop making out and look at the camera, dammit!"
I cringed, turning away from him quickly to face the camera where Vale was propping it on a table, setting the timer. "Five seconds!" she burst, scrambling to sit beside CC where he'd settled in the floor. She flailed herself into his lap, turning just in time as the flash went off.
It went off two more times before she crawled to her feet again and looked at it, announcing it was a success and that everyone looked fabulous.
I grimaced as I looked at it, my still growing stomach very visible in it.
I almost wished she wouldn't post it on Twitter, but I didnt want to make a big deal about it.
I looked down at all my presents, smiling. Sabrina and Chris had gotten her a little one piece with his band on it and his screaming face, and I was pretty sure Sabrina had been the one to add the more girly outfits with it as a side, though of course Gracie was so going to wear the onesie. Vera, Vale's cousin, had gotten a lot of toys, and even the little spinny things you put over the crib that I couldn't remember the name for.
Sammi and Ella had gotten her a little Alice in Wonderland outfit that had probably cost more then Andys car, complete with little umbrella, which would probably sheild her from my tears until I got my hormones under control.
To my surprise, even Jack and Alex from ATL had mailed a few presents, another teddy bear from Jack with purple hearts all over it and his signed autograph on its foot, causing me to chuckle, and Alex had sent a Star Wars blanket.
Vale I think had made it clear if you couldnt attend, there was a place to send presents if you wanted too.
And as much as she was feared, I think some of them had sent them out of fear of what would happen if they didn't.
Juliet sent a cute patchwork blanket, Black Veil Brides and Escape From Grace's lyrics in red pen all over the white squares, her name in the very center, and it was also one of my favorites, despite she had been the one to send it. Andy had stiffened slightly when I'd opened the present and he'd realized who it was from, but I'd loved the blanket so much I'd told him to text her and tell her thanks, ignoring everyone surprised looks.
Yes, it was kind of weird for the husbands ex girlfriend to send his new wife presents at her babyshower, but I was trying to forget that part.
Danny was staying until tomorrow, so he would help clean up and just bunk on the couch since the spare bedroom was no more.
Vales mom helped clean up for a little bit, crying here and there like this was actually her grandchild and I really was part of her family. It was nice, and I hugged her for a long time, wishing she didn't have to go.
"You are gonna come up when she's born, right?"
"Of course, sweetheart. I'm going to help out, don't worry," she assured me, patting my vulnerable back. "I'm so excited for another baby in the family! I kept hoping for Vale to pop one out, but you know." she sighed, and I giggled, leaning weepily away from her.
Morgan stayed a little while too, helping clean up before having to leave because Ashley was getting antsy without her, texting her phone every few minutes.
It went without a hitch, surprisingly, but I was more then ready for everyone to leave when it was over, I so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.
Having so many people around for the first time in months had really worn me out.
I watched Danny as he stepped out with Sarah, pleased with myself.
I hoped that went somewhere, I really liked her.
I yawned, stretching my arms as CC attempted to stuff all the baby clothes into bags to be sorted in the baby room, I harping at him when he didn't fold them; I didn't want them wrinkled.
"There is no way your kid can even wear all these clothes," he grunted at me, hefting the bags into his arms. "Like ridiculous. Add this to your crazy shopping sprees, and she's set for life."
I grinned.
"She's gonna look so cute in all of them! I can't wait for her to get pictures in the Alice in Wonderland one, and then Danny's little military fatigues --- i want her to wear all of them at once!" I sighed.
"I think that might be a little hot," Vale chuckled at me, throwing the extra cups and plates away into the trash. "And she'll look like an oompa loompa."
"An adorable oompa loompa," I told her, yawning again. I scooted over to the middle of the couch, that cushion finally free, and started folding the clothes up before CC completely ruined them. I managed to get them all neat before he bagged them, carrying them off again to the baby room.
Andy plopped down beside me with a sigh, smelling like three different perfumes where everyone had hugged him goodbye.
"Tired?" I asked, turning toward him.
He nodded. "I haven't been so worn out in months."
"Tell me about it," I sighed, stretching my legs out in front of me. I'd worn shoes, but I hadn't gotten up once, and my butt was kind of numb from sitting so long. Andy leaned forward for me, nudging my vans off my feet, and I curled my legs under me, squirming around until I was laying on my side.
Andy chuckled, threading his fingers through my hair as I laid my head in his lap with a sigh.
Sometimes I missed just being close like this.
We didn't have to have sex, we didn't have to cuddle all the time, but I enjoyed more then I would ever admit just having him play with my hair, smelling his cologne mixed with smoke, hearing him laugh.
The little things meant more to me now then anything else.
Andy leaned his head back against the couch, and I closed my eyes, yawning again.
I was so freaking tired.
What was that snapping sound?
"Come on, Liliya, let's get you to bed," I heard Danny chuckle, shaking my shoulder lightly.
"You two can't sleep out here on the couch," he told me, and I sighed, opening my eyes blearily.
I wanted to sleep wherever I could.
I grimaced, then let him help me up, and Andy squeezed my hand.
"Come on, Lee, we'll let them handle all this stuff," he told me, guiding me to bed, helping me pull on pajamas and then tucking me in. I snuggled around my pillow, not even caring that it wasn't that late for once.
Andy flailed down beside me after a moment, burying his face in the pillow. He pressed a kiss against the back of my neck, sighing. "Sweet dreams, angel."
I wanted to tell him you too, but I was already so far gone I couldn't have spoke if I'd wanted too.
I was just so glad everything had gone well today.
For once, no disasters.


The babyshower went well, and Leahs trying to be a matchmaker in her spare time, huh?

Well, she needs something to do!

THanks for reading, leave a comment and let me know what you think ^^


Desperately hoping this gets updated!!

Shell-Belles Shell-Belles

Love this story...need the ending!

I know I need to finish this one ! And I will!

Kellyrages Kellyrages

Psssttt..I know you're busy with 'My Fallen Angel' but I need to know what happens!! Please update!!

FallenAngel26 FallenAngel26

Hahahahahahaha exactly!!!!

eclaire eclaire