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Free Bird

A Baby & A Plane

"You sure you're okay with us coming with you? I don't want her to keep you guys up at night." I ask the guys as we get to the airport
"Nevaeh we are rock and roll stars, we don't sleep," Jake informs, "besides maybe Ashley will lighten up now and stop worrying about you two every second."
"Doubtful. How is she feeling?" Ashley asks me
"She is fine sweetie, look," I say as I remove the blanket, "fast asleep."
Once he calms down and we get through security, we board our flight to London. We are just about to take off when she starts to fuss. I give her a pacifier, and she spits it out. I try a bottle, but she turns her head. I pray the plane takes off soon so I can see if she needs to be changed or if she just doesn't want to be restrained. Ashley gives me a worried look.
"Calm down. When the plane takes off we can unbuckle her."
Chantel starts to get louder, and the plane still isn't moving. I'm nervous that we're going to get yelled at or receive dirty looks, and we do. A flight attendant even asks if there is anything we need.
"Ya, for this plane to take off so my poor princess can be unbuckled and stop fussing." Ashley says
The lady scurries off and moments later the plane takes off. Once we're told we can unbuckle our seat belts, Ashley frees her from her seat. She quiets down a little but still fusses. He checks her diaper and nothing, so we try rocking her and she actually takes the pacifier this time. Once she calms down we give her her fuzzy bunny. She plays with it until she gets bored. She sees Juliet looking at her, and reaches out for her. Juliet gladly takes her and Andy smiles at her. She giggles at his huge smile and her pacifier falls out, causing me to smile. Apparently CC looked at her because next thing I knew she was reaching for him. She was passed around the plane (only to the guys), and eventually fell asleep in Ashley's arms. She slept the rest of the flight, except for one feeding.
The bus was a fun thing to figure out. They provided a back room, big enough for a pack and play we had packed, and there was two beds in there. Andy and Juliet ended up sharing with us since Juliet was used to helping me with Chantel. We set up her pack and play and set her down in it to finish her sleep. The guys had a show that night, and they would introduce London to Chantel Kriti Purdy.



Warped Tour was amazing, thank you.
Hope you enjoy the new chapters.

Andly4ever Andly4ever

@Andly4ever Ok well have fun at Warped Tour!!! I went and I had a blast!

Kayla_Ash Kayla_Ash

I will try. I have a busy week. Family is in town and Warped Tour is Saturday! :)

Andly4ever Andly4ever

This is such an awesome story! I started reading this today and I couldnt stop!! PLEASE update asap!!

Kayla_Ash Kayla_Ash


You crack me up with your comments, they seriously make my day!

Andly4ever Andly4ever