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My Fallen Angel

Chapter Eighty: I'll Owe You

I got ready for the show, wincing here and there as bruises announced themselves all over my body. I sighed, slipping on a new shirt, my phone plugged up as it had died sometime earlier.
Everyone was quiet tonight, CC looking kind of anxious where he sat in his chair, staring at Andy almost accusingly, it seemed.
What was up with those two?
I winced, abruptly stopping as I went to kneel.
Goddammit my back.
"Ash?" Jake demanded when I sort of went to my knees.
"I'm fine," I said weakly, feeling the pain slightly subside. "Don't worry about it."
"Dude, are you okay?" CC demanded, getting to his feet. "You're pale as hell!"
I huffed, and forced myself back to my feet, nodding quickly. "Yeah, I'm good, don’t worry about it."
I'd given Kenali what she'd needed, but I hadn't gotten anything in return, and despite my nap earlier, I was completely exhausted, my wounds disappearing and reappearing against my skin as they tried to heal; I needed to feed, and my body didn’t have the strength to keep them healed, it trying to accommodate for all the wounds she'd inflicted on me earlier.
Fuck, I don’t think I could play tonight.
My knuckles went white where I leaned against the table, abruptly dizzy.
I suddenly felt arms supporting my shoulders, Jake and Jinxx on either side of me as I started to go down.
I sat down heavily, curling up slightly, panting for breath.
I needed to feed.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Sweat beaded on my brow.
I felt weaker now after being with her then I had before.
Pleasing her had used a lot of my energy, and it hadn't been replenished whatsoever.
"Jesus, do you need a hospital? What's wrong?" Andy demanded, and I huffed, shaking my head.
Their voices were starting to roar in my head.
"I'm fine," I mumbled, trying to force them away from me, but even now I was weaker then a human.
"I'm calling an ambulance," I head CC mutter. "This isn't good."
"No!" I burst, my eyes flicking to his vague outline. "Don't. Really, I'll be okay, I --- Cronus!"
"Cronus? What about him?" Andy asked, looking at me worriedly, and I turned my gaze to the door expectantly.
I knew he'd heard me.
Cronus appeared after a minute, looking curious.
"Can everyone give me and Cronus a minute?" I ordered, everyone just staring at me.
"Ash ---."
"We just need a minute!" I snapped, aggravated. They needed to leave, stupid humans. I knew they cared about me, but it was only making it worse right now.
Slowly, my band stepped from the room, and Cronus walked inside, tilting his head slightly.
"What's going on?" He asked, leaning against the table in front of me. "Why do you look like you haven't fed in months? I thought you and Kenali ---."
I suppose it hadn't been hard to hear her, especially that sated scream she'd let out that had literally set fire to my blood.
Fuck, now was not the time to be thinking about her.
"I need your blood," I muttered, a little embarrased; I hated asking him, of all people, for help. "Kenali isn't here, and I need blood, and I don't have time to hunt for It. I'll owe you one."
Cronus raised his brows at me, arms crossed thoughtful. "You'll owe me one?"
"Yes," I wheezed, feeling the pain start up again.
For fucks sake, give me your blood, I thought, raising my eyes to his jugular. I could just take It, I suppose, but right now I didn’t have the strength.
Cronus seemed to think about it a moment, then nodded, offering me his wrist. "Fine, have some, I'm sure this favor of yours will come in handy one day. Just don't let it get this bad again, Ashlandil, I don't understand why you did in the first place."
I scowled at him, taking his wrist in my hand and biting down deeply immediately, hearing his hiss.
If you didn’t know Cronus, you would think he was a man of few words, but once he got to know you, he never shut the fuck up.
I guzzled as much blood as I could manage before he jerked away from me, growling low in his throat.
"Sorry," I muttered, wiping at my lips as I felt the blood fizzle.
He tasted like dirt.
Which was odd, considering angel blood was supposed to be so divine, especially to creatures like Kenali.
She probably would have drunk him dry on one of her off days.
I snorted at the thought, feeling my wounds finally start to heal fully, and I let my breath go in relief.
Kenali hadn't wanted to come to the show tonight, too upset over the knowledge Kennedi would be here, and I didn’t blame her.
I blamed Andy for thinking with his dick.
"Thanks," I muttered at Cronus, who shrugged, quickly running his tongue over his wounds to heal them.
"Just remember you owe me," he muttered. "Should I tell Kenali about this?"
"It doesn’t matter to me what you do, Cronus," I grunted, slowly getting to my feet. I had enough strength to make it through the night, but then I was going to have to do something, whether it consisted of seducing Kenali back into my arms or ripping the head off another mortal, I really didn’t care.
He shrugged, and started for the door, letting it swing open. The guys immediately all tumbled in around Cronus, who raised his brows at them.
They're faces flushed, but I knew they hadnt been able to hear us, and even if they had, what we'd been saying wouldn’t have meant anything to them; they were completely oblivious to what we both were.
What we all were.
My eyes flicked to Andy, then away as I turned toward the mirror to finish getting ready.
"Ash?" Jinxx asked hesitantly.
"I'm fine, just... low blood sugar," I muttered, wanting them to just drop it. i'd never been weak in front of them before and I know it had freaked them out. I was always the strong one, taking care of them, they didn’t know how to hande the situation.
"Why didn’t you say so?" CC squawked. "I have like ten pounds of candy in my bag, man!"
I rolled my eyes.
"We have a show to get ready for, remember? Let's hurry up." I mumbled, glancing at my phone as the screen lit up again.
I lifted it up, seeing Kenna flash across the screen.

Kenna: the red haired girl is here at the hotel looking for you
Me: what did she want?
Kenna: to see you of course
Me: what did you tell her
Kenna: nothing just that you were at the show
Me: wait did she come by the room?!
Kenna: yes

Fuck. Now she was going to think me and Kenali were back together --- which, I guess, was a plus, considering maybe that would get her off my trail.
I regretted leaving her like that in the rain, but in two days I was leaving, never to see her again, and she needed to let this go.
It amazed me her urge to see me considering I had murdered her before, but she didn’t seem like she hated me, she seemed... desperate to see me...
Which didnt make sense.
I had literally ripped her throat open, and that of her father, and I'd actually ripped out her fiances heart, if I remembered correctly.
But that had been a bad time for me.
Best not to think of it again, all the blood made me hungry
Me: where is she now?
Kenna: how am I supposed to know that
Me: go find her, keep an eye on her
Kenna: why would I do that

I huffed; she didn’t need to be difficult about this, she just needed to do it.

Me: just make sure nothing happens to her, okay? End of discussion
Kenna: do not boss me over an instant message thing Ashlander
Kenna: how do I make the words stop changing
Kenna: I don’t like this

I grinned.
She still didn’t have the hang of cell phones yet.


Sorry for the short update, I'm on my phone.
Also I have a sick family member, so my updates are going to be kind of scattered

Thanks for reading tho!


it was an honor and if i can get over my writers block things will be great. once again thank you for an amazing journey and ill keep an eye out for new stories from you. i cant wait and you rock

Skullz979 Skullz979

I hope your senior year is amazing! The journey to the end has been a long one and thanks so much for sticking with me so long! It's definitely had ups and downs!

Kellyrages Kellyrages

OH MY HADES!!!! Im totally not crying at the amazing end.... Ive been reading this since i was in tenth grade and now on my second day of my senior year its coming to a close. it was an amazing ride and i loved every second of it. thank you for such an amazing story and we love you. ^-^ keep writing and good luck

Skullz979 Skullz979

I have plans on finishing everything! Eventually lol

Kellyrages Kellyrages

I can honestly say that this was one of the best stories I've ever read in my entire life! I'm glad you finished it but I'm sad is over.... Maybe you will update Make Me Feel Alive now?

NikkiB NikkiB