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My Fallen Angel


Everyone, there is something we need to talk about.

A friend of mine recently opened my eyes to something on tumblr, and I feel like ALL OF US need to talk about it.

There is this girl on tumblr, Noloveforthesick, who writes imagines for Andy B. Most of the imagines are different and creative, not just the typical, "oh, we met on tour and fucked and now she's pregnant and oh my god what are we gonna do" type ones, but really out of the box and enjoyable. One is Andy is a mental patient and is in love with his nurse (really sweet, btw), another is Andy is a ghost watching out over a girl trying to keep her safe and happy (Super sad, one of my favorites), and it continues like that.

Now, she can get pretty dark and smutty, and that girl definitely knows how to write her stuff. But, she doesn't just have smut, she also has fluffy, cute fics that I really enjoy reading and make me smile, which is the point, because I enjoy them.

The POINT of fan fiction is to enjoy it, correct? That was what I always thought.

Now, you don't see a lot of negativity on this fan fic site, mostly because I think people can't go anonymous to vent their judgmental hatred.


On tumblr, you can be as anon as you want,

But just because you're anon, doesn't mean you can be a complete fucking disgusting asshole.

This girl, who writes imagines for people and expresses herself creatively through writing, is getting hate mail.

Hate mail.

Over fan fiction.


What kind of hate mail, you ask?


She has some sass, but she's not rude. She writes what she does, she takes requests, and she will not put up with anyone's shit when they try to put her or her writing down, or bitch at her or claim that she "abandons" her work like she doesn't have a real life outside of tumblr writing?

However, recently, some pretentious fuckers have decided to be... well, disgusting.

Some hate is fine, I'm sure everyone gets it because everyone feels the need to express their negative opinions, but this is something that you don't do.


You do NOT, under any CIRCUMSTANCES, send death/rape threats or messages to a person just because they don't adhere to your personal fucking schedule. That is the most shameful, disgusting thing anyone could ever do.

But why, you ask?

Because her, and a friend, were joking back and forth at each other on tumblr, just like friends do, calling out names, etc.

But, oh no!

She's interrupting the flow of me getting to read my smutty andy fan fictions oh my god my life is over LET ME BE A FUCKTARD AND SEND AWFUL ANON HATE TO HER.


How would any of you feel if, every time you posted a chapter, someone said something cruel and pointless to you?

Imagine, you've just finished writing a chapter for your fic, one you're so excited to post and have literally spent hours of your life working on, and you're literally clapping your hands with glee --- and you click, allowing it to post.
And, imagine, that you and you're friend are teasing each other and having fun in the comments, just as friends do.

Now, imagine, that not long after you post this fantastic chapter you're so proud of, someone starts sending you messages like this: "You're chapter sucks.", "Go kill yourself I'm so sick of seeing this bullshit", or "I hope someone comes into your house and... etc"

But not only to you, but to your friend as well, sending them ugly and nasty messages to a point where they can't even check their inbox anymore.

To a point to you, where you can't even check your inbox anymore because if you did, you'd have to waft through all the negativity to find the real messages, the people who want to talk to you, the people you want to support you but you can't see it for all the unwarranted bullshit.

Does that seem okay to anyone?

No, it doesn't.

I can go on, for quite a while actually, about how depraved and disgusting these people are.

Do they not understand the weight of their messages. Sending DEATH threats?

Sending threats of RAPE and ASSAULT?

No no no no.

NOT okay.

Sending messages like that, attempting to bully someone, all of that is completely against what BVB stands for. If that person was truly part of the "army" or even had ever just remotely listened to the lyrics in their music or watched their interviews, they'd know the guys were all for being yourself, not letting people put you down, standing up and not taking any bullshit.

Now, this might not make much of a difference, but this is me putting up with no bullshit whatsoever, because I am absolutely infuriated that this would happen to someone who honest to god does not deserve to be treated in such a manner

If only there were enough words to express how sickening this is, how degenerate, how --- UGH.

This is just not okay, and it's something that needs to be addressed.

There is so much, she's even considering deleting her blog just to get away from it.
Would any of you like to be bullied to such a point you couldn't even go on a site you had enjoyed before, and were forced to delete your account? Ever heard of cyber-bullying?


How many of you would like to have to delete your Facebook, or your Instagram, or your fucking Twitter because every time you logged on someone was bashing and being a complete egghead to you, making you feel like shit and then attacking your friends as well?

I would hope that would be none of you.

Now, this probably won't make a difference, I don't know how many of you who follow still read or even know who that writer is, but that's not the point.

As fans, we should be sticking together, not tearing each other down because we don't agree or like the others ideas.

United we stand, remember?

These people are what give everyone else a bad name.

And it is unacceptable.

Now, I'm pretty passionate about this (obviously), and I've never actually spoke to Noloveforthesick, I just read her fics whenever I get the chance.

No one asked me to do this, no one pushed me into writing up this incredibly long rant, and no one is asking me to put a pause on MFA, either.

But you know what?

That's what I'm going to do.

If that girl literally cannot write because there is so much hate mail in her life, then until it is resolved or some positivity starts flowing again, MFA is going on a hiatus.

Which sucks, because the chapters were getting really close to the big finale, too.

Like I said, this might not make a difference, but at least it's a start.

Something needs to be done, but no one deserves to be treated like that, and it shouldn't go on without some kind of consequence.

We're supposed to stand up for what we believe in, right?

This is me standing up.

Now, everyone else, are you going to stand up too?

I'm not asking you to stop writing, never believe I would do anything like that, I'm not even asking you to stop reading fics, I'm just saying --- think about what you send other people. If you're angry or upset at them, leave them alone, don't message them, cool off.

Don't be a pretentious fuckhead.

Don't send someone messages like that and think that it isn't going to have some effect on them.

You just don't.

At all.


Now, I hope to return soon, next time with a chapter loaded with cute Kashley goodies and deep, dramatic Kandy feels, and until then ----- positivity.

Be positive in your comments, when you're messaging someone; and when you see someone being bullied, just stand up.

Sometimes that's all it takes, even when you're not online.

Of course, don't resort to their method, wishing them harm or anything of the like, just don't take their bullshit.

Don't let that sickness spread.

Be a good person.

Some times that's really all it takes.

This has been a PSA from Kellyrages, hoping everyone the best and that I didn't rant your ear off!


Oh, and also, this is a post Noloveforthesick made in response to someone asking if she was going to shut down her blog, all of you need to read it.

"Interesting that you bring this up..
I’ll put it to you like this; I love my imagines dearly. I am very proud of myself for how well I’ve managed to keep it up and gain a little bit of a following. I am proud to say that people do enjoy what I write, and that they WANT to request things from me, which was the point of this blog.
However, I can see myself deleting as a whole by the end of the year at very least. This isn’t saying that I will, but it is probable. Why? Well, have you seen what’s been going on?
The amount of hate I receive almost daily is uncalled for. Simply because I tend to write “out of the box” (which were usually upon request) gets tiring. Being asked of something more or “better” than what you have provided is aggravating. People demanding and getting aggressive left and right because I didn’t update as soon as possible is irritating.
And the worst part? Seeing people propose malicious threats towards one of my closest friends is enough to make anyone want to leave, wouldn’t you think? I don’t know what I was thinking to even begin a blog such as this. This website is full of nothing but nasty trolls and other degenerates who want nothing more than to see those who are genuinely happy sink down to their level. Why? Because tumblr glamorizes negativity. It’s “cute” to be depressed, suicidal, or to be combatting any form of mental illness. If you are someone who isn’t mentally corrupt, or who CHOOSES to strive for a better outlook, you’re immediately torn down.
So, back to your question, Am I leaving? Only time will tell, I suppose."


it was an honor and if i can get over my writers block things will be great. once again thank you for an amazing journey and ill keep an eye out for new stories from you. i cant wait and you rock

Skullz979 Skullz979

I hope your senior year is amazing! The journey to the end has been a long one and thanks so much for sticking with me so long! It's definitely had ups and downs!

Kellyrages Kellyrages

OH MY HADES!!!! Im totally not crying at the amazing end.... Ive been reading this since i was in tenth grade and now on my second day of my senior year its coming to a close. it was an amazing ride and i loved every second of it. thank you for such an amazing story and we love you. ^-^ keep writing and good luck

Skullz979 Skullz979

I have plans on finishing everything! Eventually lol

Kellyrages Kellyrages

I can honestly say that this was one of the best stories I've ever read in my entire life! I'm glad you finished it but I'm sad is over.... Maybe you will update Make Me Feel Alive now?

NikkiB NikkiB