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rebel yell

rebel love song

 chapter one  rebel  love song Ashley pov baby  I  sell my soul  to you  cuz I am gay my name is Ashley Purdy I work  on band called black veil  brides  the reason why  I   join the guy well  I need  the  money for me  cuz poor as suck .     then I met Andy for the first time  he pretty nice to me we share room together at our home  kind like room mate  we talk of thing ” Ashley I was thinking  about making  our new album” he said ” a new album ?” I asked “yea it about five group of rebel  fighting against called fear  could you help me   making  of album?” he ask ” sure I will help the new album ” I said” great Ashley   we will to it tomorrow ” he said .  andy went to his batman bed  and went to sleep i walk over to andy bed  and look at him  his face  look like an angel  when he asleep i bent down and kiss Andy `s forehead  saying goodnight   the  telling truth is  i have a crush on andy  since we met  and bi too. i went to my bed and fall asleep .  


space iur diolog longer chapters and also update and put more detail

TheAndyLady TheAndyLady
It's cool.But you might want to space out the dialog and check spelling. (:
Bvb_My_Love_ Bvb_My_Love_