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In the end (literally)

My imagination

I am walking through a woods, it's eerie. Alex is calling to me from the other end of what looks like a never ending tunnel of trees, the ground glows a greenish colour resembling the sickly colour of rotten flesh. I can only just hear her desperate cries and I wonder what she's on about. What is wrong with her? Where am I? Where are my shoes? Why am I covered in a layer of red coloured war paint? I evaluate the state of my body...I am wearing very little in terms of warmth; a few rags which once could have been my pierce the veil top and what looks like a pair of skinny jeans that have been unevenly ripped on both legs. I can only guess since I can barely see the fabric under the thick layer of crusty crimson...it looks so deep and discomforting. It's almost unsettling.
The fabric etches against my self inflicted scars causing an exaggerated pain to pulse throughout my body.
'Owwww' I cry out in pain, feeling helpless to Alex's piercing screams.
'Run!' she shrieks to me but I can't move, it's as if every limb in my weak body has become disabled from my brain. I can't move. I can't breathe, I can't even roll my eyes to look away or blink. All my focus is on Alex...i can't look away and I can't help her.
'Alex' I croak, nothing reaches her. Every little scrap of free will I had in my body has been cut from chest.
I then look down in the pathetic hope that I was imagining it but there it was: my body almost devoured in this sticky substance. Sniffing my top I feel the dreaded realisation hit me like 2000 volts. Blood. It was blood.
I look up to see Alex's final expression before a dark, ill looking creature takes hold of her. Despite being about fifty metres in distance from her, I can see the haunting look on her face. A look of pure horror but there's something else...a smug satisfaction, as if this is what she wanted. As if this is what was meant to happen.
I shudder and scream helplessly as the figure bites into her neck and rips at her skin and she falls back...smiling. Dead.


"Taylor...Taylor what's up? Wake up?!" A familiar voice calls to me and fear shoots through my veins. I don't know what has happened, where I am...all I know is I saw something and, although I can't quite remember what, it was unsettling.

"Andy? What happened? Where...am I?" I ask...bright lights stab the back of my eyelids. All that surrounds me is a blaring white hell.
"Dont freak out, breathe. I woke up and you were crying so I asked you what was wrong; you didn't reply. I knew something wasn't right. You seemed...vacant(?) I tried to talk to you but you weren't breathing and you kept muttering Alex's name and holding your arm. Taylor..." he paused and his eyes crept down to my arms. I open my mouth to speak but he intercepts
"Its really not good, you know. Please don't do this to yourself, you're beautiful and amazing and I would never want you any other way...i love you"
Dont cry. Don't cry. Damn it, Taylor. Tears roll down my cheeks and I sob into his chest.
"Im sorry...im so so sorry"
"Why are you sorry?"
Doesnt he know?
"Im sorry because I'm fucked up! I don't think right. I self harm. Im not any good for anything or anyone and I always end up hurting people" The words came flooding out, inevitably, like a dam breaking in my throat.
"Is that what you have lead yourself to believe? Don't be so hard on yourself, you're perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about you...even if it takes you a trip to hospitable for me to show you how much I care"
"I saw something...i can't remember but Alex was there, that's all I recall but there was this smell, metallic like blood...and it was almost real" this sets me off again and I start to cry more and more until I lapse into a state of unconsciousness...

Taylor...oh Taylor. If only she knew how beautiful she is, if only she could see herself how I see her. I don't think it's the right time to tell her what's actually been happening and that what she saw was more real than she imagines. She was awake, she ran, she spoke, she screamed, she had the same fear battling her eyes but she didn't absorb the ugly truth. I've known her longer than the said week...it's almost been two months since decaying corpses started to invade this Earth. Two months since Alex died, two ghastly months of hiding in a hospital building with the same clueless people who are just as confused and frightened as me.
"I won't let these demons drag me to the grave, ohhhh" I sing softly under my breath and stroke Taylor's head, careful not to wake her.
We've been hibernating in this hospital for, like I said, two long months.
When I say 'we' I mean the many people who tagged along with me, Alex, Greg, Jinxx, Jake, CC and Ashley. They are: this one random guy named Oli, thank fuck he's into good music; Bryan and Austin tagged along; Brendon- Mr Urie- our nutty form teacher and, last but not least, Patrick and his over exaggerated emo friend Pete. What a fun crowd to be stuck in a confined space with for a long space of time(!) We have been limited to 500 calories a day, which is never enough and many of us are starting to look sick, not to mention Taylor is never conscious enough to eat so she's wasting away. I can't lose her.
Left over from the 'Great escape', where we had to cross a concrete battlefield of the blood thirsty unread, we have everyone except from Alex. Taylor saw but her memory loss is becoming a mutual worry to us all...I really can't lose her.
Greg is in fits, I haven't heard a sane word flood from his mouth since Alex's death. He rocks back and forth as if trying to lull himself into a state of insanity. The few collections of abstract nouns that escape his mouth include: death, love, life, hatred. Weird.
Mr Urie seems a little shell-shocked. He doesn't really react to any thing in a way you'd hope he would. I tried to talk to him about this whole catastrophe and his direct response was:
"Hahaha. Haha. Ha. This is all very funny isn't it?"
I don't know how much more I can take...I want to end it but I need to stay and take care of Taylor. I need to protect her.
The guys seem to be doing as good as you can be in an apocalyptic world but CC, of all people, seems to be falling apart the most. It hurts me to see him like this.
Dear Lord...I am starting to lose faith. If anyone is there, please help. Send me a sign, send some hope.



Ok sorry for the sudden drama but it's gonna get exciting I promise. This is confusing but you will be able piece it together at some point. I will start to introduce more of the other characters and don't dwell on Alex's death too much *hint*

Thanks for reading
From meh :)


i love this story, its freaking amazballs, I cant wait for the next update......... AMAZBALLS

Babydontcut16 Babydontcut16

lol I might just have to eat you if you don't update! lol JK


@Sara Jane Anderson
How so?

Biersacks eyes Biersacks eyes

totally stole my story. way to go.